Everyone rocking the re orchestrated music? Or anyone using OG?
Can someone explain to me how the Trial Mode works? In order for me to continue my game with all acquired gil and treasures, does that mean I have to load the Trial Mode save when starting the story? Which means erasing all trial progress?
would the esper recommendations from the lore friendly guide still work for these?
Everyone rocking the re orchestrated music? Or anyone using OG?
Didn't have much time the last few days but I remember now why I loved this game and especially this first act.
Just effing around with my gambits is still a joy. Even the simple stuff is giving me my fix so I can't wait for later on.
New to the job system so I'm working some odd things. Ashe is a monk and Penelo is my Battle Mage. Now white mage until my second job so It's Cura and emergency potions for now. No Black Mage either, maybe just to see if I can do it.
Does anyone have a guide on how to break the game with the trial mode?
With 2 jobs it's certainly possible to recreate jobs like Paladin and Dark Knight.When I used to play the PS2 version I made my own jobs. Is it still possible to make jobs like Paladin, Berserker, and Dark Knight or is the job system too restrictive for this?
When I used to play the PS2 version I made my own jobs. Is it still possible to make jobs like Paladin, Berserker, and Dark Knight or is the job system too restrictive for this?
Forgot to ask Can you choose the same job with two characters?
Decided not to restart, any advice for a good second job for white mage penelo?
Van has red mage, so shikari will balance with him. All others jobs free atm
Decided not to restart, any advice for a good second job for white mage penelo?
Van has red mage, so shikari will balance with him. All others jobs free atm
Would like to know this as well. I don't care about the 'guide' part of most guides, but if the maps and artwork are good then I might consider them worth the money.I normally don't buy physical guides, but I'm very tempted to snag one from Best Buy.
Are the maps at least good? I know most print guides have issues, but if this one is decent I'll grab it.
Machinist, archer, time mage all work well
Decided not to restart, any advice for a good second job for white mage penelo?
Van has red mage, so shikari will balance with him. All others jobs free atm
Orchestrated. Havent used my code yet. No need.
It's beautiful.
So I'm running Balthier as Machinist/White Mage and Penelo as Archer/Black Mage. Both of them have access to light and mystic armor. Which type of armor is best suited to each character? Would it be effective to mix armor pieces (i.e. a light headpiece and a mystic body piece)?
Yeah, it really is. It's like a medieval Imperial March.The Arcadian Empire track is so fucking great. I need this soundtrack so bad.
This is so good, wow. I used to grind here just because of the atmosphere/music.
What gambits should a red mage have?
Up until around Deadlands section, yes lol.have i broken the game?
I love the Oil > Fira combo on Red Mages as well as the Lure on Vaan with Main Gauche/a good shield. That apart, I have a Karkata Basch with Berserk ring and I just walk around the scenes melting everything. Just make sure to have the Red Mage cast Cura when HP < 60%.
The point of light armor is to boost hp, so use mystic for mages unless you feel they're dying too much
So Amazon fucked up. That code is for Prima Guide's website.
It's for a shitty "starter guide".
I loved this game when I played it years ago, but honestly I loved it for the endgame,not the story.
This time however, the story is so smooth, and well paced and interesting. I don't know if it's time, the improved presentation or something else, but this story is incredible to me now!
Although I'm only a few hours in.
God Adrammelech had me SWEATING. Curse those other mobs it spawns. Penelo pulled through for me let me never sayanything bad about her again.