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FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 |OT| Change the Future


Well, to be positive, at least it's better than Nobuo Uematsu's disgustingly horrible boss theme in Blue Dragon, if only by a small margin...


Soundtrack listeners: are any of the vocals by Mina Sakai, who did some of them in the original? I'm a huge fan of hers.
I don't believe she sang for this game at all, however she is collaborating with Hamauzu for their group IMERUAT, so if you want more goodness that is her voice and Hamauzu's music collaborated, check out the single. They're working on a full album too, so there will be plenty of her voice to go around.

They released it on iTunes in early July worldwide, but until they did that, it was only available at their concerts in Europe.
You're asking me why I don't like this?
This, for me, is the like that one Kirby remix in Brawl, which is to say I think it's dumb, but it's so awesome because it's very well done for what it is.


From the existing list on the soundtrack site, there's ORIGA, Honda Michiyo, Joelle, Shootie HG, Frances Maya, and KOKIA.

It's possible one of the hidden tracks has Mina Sakai.

Well, Origa (why does she call herself that? It's オリガ in Japanese but plain old Olga in Russian...) is another of my favorites, so I'm looking forward to hearing her too!


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
You can just erase a couple of tracks from your mind yoshi. It won't affect the game too much. However, I can't say the same thing for the reviews side.
FUCK the reviews, it's probably going to get around 7s or something :(

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Where are you guys listening to the soundtrack? I want to hear the terrible Chocobo theme too! :(

Edit: LOL! What the hell is that? I'm dying...
Oh God, let's just get Jun Senoue and Crush 40 to arrange the Chocobo theme once... :lol

As usual , you prove by your post that you know a lot of things . Anyway See the part i've quoted ? It's EXACTLY why i think snow is useless ( at all ) in term of gameplay .. i'm not ashamed to say that he was never in my main party outside of experiments to see if he was usefull ..he is not .
Every role in the game is done better by someone else and even his attacks or summons aren't anything special .

Glad i found someone else who hasn't found a good use of Snow's Sovereign Fist
Why use Sovereign Fist? Highwind is better. Honestly I tried to figure out how I can use it. Honestly, I just used it if I didn't have Fang and I needed to end the Breaks.
Exactly. Snow's role in battle is to essentially be bait, be support or play the role of "punching" bag. He is there to be a tank. In that manner, he's quite useful. But when you're selecting someone for melee and physical attacking, choose Lightning or Fang instead. In fact, Fang is just a superior version of Snow. She packs more power, and in a system that's designed around placing speed as a priority as opposed to party actions, power and fast animation speeds are your best friends.

The only advantage Sovereign Fist has over Highwind is that it has a slightly shorter animation. Fang is a powerhouse, so Highwind is preferred over Sovereign Fist, unless you want to try your luck with a weapon that has Paper Tiger on it.

I think the only battles I found Snow useful for in postgame were...

-Mission 51 against Atticus, where the original strategy is to let him be a punching bag, but that isn't very exciting. My exciting strategy doesn't involve Snow at all, lol. (This fight is pretty fun with a Fang/Hope/Sazh party since you have to keep on your toes. Including Vanille would be too easy since she can double as a Jammer. Having one Jammer increases difficulty.)

-Mission 64 against Vercingetorix, where the original strategy is to cast Poison on the boss every around between his healing phase and then stay in a Tri-Defender Optima for most of the battle using Vanille/Snow/Fang. Again, this isn't very fun, and it's more satisfying with a Vanille/Light/Fang party. Or even a Hope/Sazh/Fang party.

-Any battle against a Shaolong Gui when teaching yourself how to take them down. He's good to tank it out while trying to figure out the speeds at which you should have him start casting Daze, and have the other attack. But after that, I just used Sazh to Daze the enemy because Sazh's casting speeds are really slow, and they sync up really well with Lightning and Fang's attack speeds and animations. The Long Guis, I like switching between Sazh, Vanille and Snow, but I mostly stuck with a Fang/Light/Vanille party for those ones.

-That one mission in Titan's Trials where you have to use Tri-Attacker to take down the enemies in, like, 5-10 seconds.

I don't have a problem with using Snow as a "safe" tank in battle in early postgame, but other characters proved that they were more useful than he. Snow isn't much of a hero after all, is he?

Thanks for the useful info -- stuff to keep it in mind if I go back to this game and platinum it before playing the sequel.

The long animations and characters posing for the camera as monsters hit them for damage was pretty off-putting in this game. I too found myself gravitating towards attacks that don't make you have to sit through that.

In my game Fang puts up ludicrous damage and was the first to break the 5-digit barrier, so she got a lot of playing time after an enemy is staggered. Sazh was good at building the stagger meter, so he'd be my go-to guy in the early innings, with Fang and Lightning coming in to close it out.
The animations in Final Fantasy XIII drove me nuts sometimes because some of them were too slow for my liking and didn't seem very efficient. That's why I became interested a little in FFXIII-2's battle system when the camera didn't take so long to pan over the leader character during a primary Optima Shift. It also appears that--at least with Noel--the animations to pose in order to signal an Optima Shift are shorter. I hope this is the case in normal battles.

Sitting through long attacks were another thing that bugged me in FFXIII's battle system. They clashed with one of the basic principles of the system to me. I like pretty spell effects sometimes, and I like going for style over substance sometimes (see: my enjoyment for Sonic Colours' Terminal Velocity level even though it doesn't have anything to do with platforming or showing off skill), but not if they're going to take forever or get in the way of a plan I've set into motion already. That's the type of style I dislike, and I sincerely hope that SE has learned from that and doesn't implement a ton of lengthy animations in FFXIII-2 since the goal is to be as efficient and speedy as possible.

The animations that really irritated me in FFXIII were those animations that Vanille and Hope have for when they get knocked down and then they have to stand up. They take so long to pick themselves up, turn around (for Hope), and then "animate" to show they're ok/they've recovered. No, just no. I understand it might be to show realism, but it wastes so much time. Get knocked down and get back up ASAP, I don't need these other animations taking up precious melee time. This is a videogame with a strong emphasis on speed, efficiency and precision, after all.

As much as I love using Fang during battle since she's so awesome with nearly every class, I just had to stop her from using her fifth or sixth attack because the finisher takes up too much time, and I can be using that for something else. I didn't start using Lightning much until I wanted to go through the Turtles as quickly as possible. Actually, I took her out of my party as soon as I could in Chapter 11, lol.

And another thing I really disliked was my support characters (healers, enhancers, jammers) staying very close to a Provoking Defender. That's just wonderful if the Defender is about to be hit by an AoE attack, isn't it? It seems like they've fixed this in FFXIII-2 since I see what looks like to be formation settings in the Optima selection screen, so I hope I won't have this problem again.

I'm a little wary about the QTEs and the monster abilities taking up time in FFXIII-2. Will that pause the battle clock, or will it be included in the overall time? If it's the latter, I might go with my original plan of just using Serah and Noel, and monsters if it's an emergency.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Hahaha Chocobo Metal rules....

I'm so happy I have a very diverse taste in music for this FF release.... if I was a traditional jRPG classical music nerd, I'd probably be tearing my hair out right now.


Tragic victim of fan death
It's okay, hating on a genre of music is a thing you'll move past.

I definitely dislike the genre. What I'm worried about is how this song will mesh with the game. I haven't played the game but I have a feeling this song will not go very well with it.



I bought the Battle Tracks CD from 2011 Distant Worlds Chicago, and it was totally worth all the money. The guitar in there is great as is the work on them. His old-rocker style is just nice, and I like that period of his life he's going through right now.

Mizuta on the other hand is an actual bass guitarist in a band though, if that means anything.
Hahaha Chocobo Metal rules....

I'm so happy I have a very diverse taste in music for this FF release.... if I was a traditional jRPG classical music nerd, I'd probably be tearing my hair out right now.

Now that I think about it, aside from XIII's, I've never been fond of the Chocobo theme. That melody is just so grating. >_>
I definitely dislike the genre. What I'm worried about is how this song will mesh with the game. I haven't played the game but I have a feeling this song will not go very well with it.

There's so many different kinds of music in this game I don't think it really matters at this point about 'meshing'.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Now that I think about it, aside from XIII's, I've never been fond of the Chocobo theme. That melody is just so grating. >_>

It's always been kind of a "joke song", hasn't it? Kinda like the UFO endings in Silent Hill games :p

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Hahaha Chocobo Metal rules....

I'm so happy I have a very diverse taste in music for this FF release.... if I was a traditional jRPG classical music nerd, I'd probably be tearing my hair out right now.
You know, the instrumentation wasn't bad. I was enjoying it... until the vocals kicked in.

Now I think it's hilarious. I think I'm warming up to it. Edit: Oh man, now I kind of like it.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I definitely dislike the genre. What I'm worried about is how this song will mesh with the game. I haven't played the game but I have a feeling this song will not go very well with it.

If you don't want Metal music in FF, that ship sailed a decade ago with FFX's Otherworld.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Where's the dubstep track?......... come on..........

It should be a remix of the FF main theme just for added trollololololol.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I have to run off, but let me say this...

Arrange this a little better, put it in a Sonic game using the OPN2/YM2612 and we have an awesome new Zone theme.

BocoDragon said:
Needs some Michael Jackson shreaks.
Yeah, that's also what I was thinking too, since Sonic 3 had Michael Jackson's "HEY", "COME ON" and "GO" all over the place. :lol


Yeah, Snow is really pretty good as a Sentinel but the other characters surpass him in ther COM and RAV department.
At least has good Syn and Sab moves.
The only problem with Fang as a Commando is that her final attack is very long so I tend to just stop her from attacking before she does it.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Snow is low tier or situation tier.
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