Do the fragments carry over to NG+?
There is no NG+.
Do the fragments carry over to NG+?
Do the fragments carry over to NG+?
Do the fragments carry over to NG+?
First, the explanation of essential plot details must be given priority in the main narrative, while secondary details can be left to optional or secondary scenes/ text. This is fundamental in storytelling. It is not cliché; unless you're trying to imply that poor writing is original. It has nothing to do with boring story exposition (which, btw, the original FFXIII is plagued with, and FFXIII-2 should be as well if the demo and the same writers are any indication to me).No. It's first explained pretty basically by Lebreau by speaking to her in a town. Then, if you want a more detailed explanation, there is one in the datalog.
Then, if you want an even more in-depth explanation, there is more details in a fragment.
That's what I call a well-designed game that makes good use of the possibilities video games offer as far as storytelling goes, instead of going through the boring/cliched story exposition mechanics most games, TV shows and movies use.
First, the explanation of essential plot details must be given priority in the main narrative, while secondary details can be left to optional or secondary scenes/ text. This is fundamental in storytelling. It is not cliché; unless you're trying to imply that poor writing is original. It has nothing to do with boring story exposition (which, btw, the original FFXIII is plagued with, and FFXIII-2 should be as well if the demo and the same writers are any indication to me).
I'm pretty deep in at the moment, at, mostly loving it, best FF since X for me, I was wondering though, isChapter 5, just going to leave Noel's dreamvoice actor the same?----Vanille's----
I'm pretty deep in at the moment, at, mostly loving it, best FF since X for me, I was wondering though, isChapter 5, just going to leave Noel's dreamvoice actor the same?----Vanille's----
Aren't all the voices the same as XIII? Save for the new characters. But why did they give Mog a voice?
I'm pretty deep in at the moment, at, mostly loving it, best FF since X for me, I was wondering though, isChapter 5, just going to leave Noel's dreamvoice actor the same?----Vanille's----
What's that time puzzle cheat website again? I can't find it and the puzzles are killing me.
The video titles themselves have spoilers and they show up if you are using the Neogaf Youtube Chrome extension. :/ Thanks a bunch.
Extensions aren't officially recognized by these forums, so you may want to stay out of threads like this if you don't want to be spoiled...
Who drops Trapezohedrons? Is it still Long Gui?
At this point, you should just put a link to it in the OP or something.
It's the number 1 most asked question in here.
Woo hoo!Added.
First, the explanation of essential plot details must be given priority in the main narrative, while secondary details can be left to optional or secondary scenes/ text. This is fundamental in storytelling.
It is not cliché; unless you're trying to imply that poor writing is original. It has nothing to do with boring story exposition (which, btw, the original FFXIII is plagued with, and FFXIII-2 should be as well if the demo and the same writers are any indication to me).
Second, the possibilities of video games are in the gameplay.
Not in quick, boring recaps in optional manuals.
But what if it's something that's not understood, so all the townspeople can say is "it just happened?"
and FFXIII-2 should be as well if the demo and the same writers are any indication to me
At this point, you should just put a link to it in the OP or something.
It's the number 1 most asked question in here.
I tried to do a couple of them without the site and it wasn't fun at all. The fact that they reset if you fail is quite stupid.
...!Yomi, the re-skinned Vercingetorix.
Er... Vercingetorix and Atticus were my favourite enemies in FFXIII, so...
Does Yomi use the same attack patterns as Vercingetorix? No, no, wait... is it as strong as Vercingetorix (without you using Tri-Defenders + poison because that's a boring strategy)? No, wait... is Yomi as quick as Vercingetorix, so that I have to Optima Shift often?
Er... Vercingetorix and Atticus were my favourite enemies in FFXIII, so...
It's even more satisfying when you're not using a Defender! He's so quick, and you've just gotta find a way to pile on him since he isn't easily staggered the first time you fight him (well, I fought him without my Crystarium being levelled too much, and it was really fun). :3Aw yeah, if I had to choose my favorite battle in 13, that would be it.
Nooooooooo...laika09 said:They're basically identical, but Yomi is scaled down to XIII-2 level stats. It's still a fun fight, the same basic strategy applies.
The new Atticus dies in like 20 seconds though.
Does Yomi use the same attack patterns as Vercingetorix? No, no, wait... is it as strong as Vercingetorix (without you using Tri-Defenders + poison because that's a boring strategy)? No, wait... is Yomi as quick as Vercingetorix, so that I have to Optima Shift often?
Er... Vercingetorix and Atticus were my favourite enemies in FFXIII, so...
The fight is much much easier. And there are some Attacus like monsters on the Archylte Steppe during the cloudy weather, but they're pretty tame too.
It's disappointing how all of FFXIII-2's super bosses aren't that much hard at all ):.
Even Attil--- Raspatil is easy. The only thing is s/he/it summons Cie'th but they can be taken out so quickly it's almost as if they weren't there.
is the lightning and co. DLC coming out today in Japan (2.7) ?
What's the name of the growl core boss music?