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FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 |OT| Change the Future

Just finished the game. What a great last boss battle, I wish the names were
Bahamut, Neo Bahamut and Bahamut Zero hehe

BTW, the ending is good, but like people said, the game will continue. The question is, DLC or Final Fantasy XIII-3?
Wow. I am surprised to see Rahxephon finally give in all the peer pressure and try to act cool to the FF13haters crowd (good job I guess). This game has and continues to be a FF13 lover's dream, fleshing out the storyline of 13 and giving us 700 freaking years of history to digest. The main storyline is fine. Far better than Skyrim's generica snorefest. It at least tries to be unique.

Hey Hey. I still really like XIII. But just because I like XIII, doesn't mean I have to like XIII-2. And doesn't mean I can't try and be objective with how I look at the games either. I like parts of XIII-2. I like soundtrack quite a bit, I like Noel, and even parts of the story are ok. But I have issues with the battle system, the way monsters are done, the levels, time travel, and no I don't like the story. And I'm allowed to. Just because I like XIII, does not mean I have to agree with everything about XIII-2. It doesn't even make sense when I liked the linearity and battles of XIII, things XIII-2 changes. Just because XIII-2 throws more at you doesn't mean it's good. I somewhat liked XIII, because it was focused on specific things. Maybe less is more?

I mean just because someone has conflicting views, doesn't mean they have to be put in 1 category. That's always bothered me, more so when I hate my tag. Because you can like a lot of things and not be a dudbro or a weaboo. I don't think anyone is simply, trying to act "cool"(Especially me, with my annoying rants about MGS4). I like CoD, I like FF. I mean if you looked at my game collection, it would be impossible to categorize me. I'm sure plenty of gamers are like that. So I cringe when ever I see attacks on quote on quote dudebros or posts like "people who play Cod blah blah".

As for Skyrim. My praise (if any) would'nt be for the story. It would be for how adventurous and well realized its world is. It's an incredibly presented world. You may say "generic". I don't think so, or rather maybe it is. But it's a world that is grounded in it's tone of semi-realism. It keeps that tone consistent and for that the world feels like a place. You can do that to with over the top fantasy worlds as well. I thought XIII did even if it wasn't presented as well. I thought XIII's world had its own logic, rules, and history that made sense in how the world was presented. So I liked XIII's world. XIII-2 seems to just throw that logic out of the window and exusues it with paradoxes. The game seems to constantly throw new made up things every minute. Maybe, the datalog and stuff explains this. I don't read it. I sure didn't have to read it to get XIII's world either. I got it through the characters and visuals. Skyrim does the same thing. I don't read stuff in Skyrim and if you were to quiz me on it's lore I wouldn't know shit. But I get a sense of the world from just playing and walking around. Same with XIII even. With XIII-2 the world just seems just whatever. And thats a negative for me.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Hey Hey. I still really like XIII. But just because I like XIII, doesn't mean I have to like XIII-2. And doesn't mean I can't try and be objective with how I look at the games either. I like parts of XIII-2. I like soundtrack quite a bit, I like Noel, and even parts of the story are ok. But I have issues with the battle system, the way monsters are done, the levels, time travel, and no I don't like the story. And I'm allowed to. Just because I like XIII, does not mean I have to agree with everything about XIII-2. It doesn't even make sense when I liked the linearity and battles of XIII, things XIII-2 changes. Just because XIII-2 throws more at you doesn't mean it's good. I somewhat liked XIII, because it was focused on specific things. Maybe less is more?

Are you sure you didn't just grow some teeth between XIII and XIII-2, in terms of willingness to criticize? I certainly wouldn't imply that's necessarily the case... but it's possible right?


I think they purposely made Noel's default costume shitty so people would buy the alt. I'm thinking about it D:
The alt looks far worse to me. I think they just lack talent.

Speaking of which, Kagari, did you find that thing about Nomura's role in XIII? I did some googling but didn't turn up anything.
Are you sure you didn't just grow some teeth between XIII and XIII-2, in terms of willingness to criticize? I certainly wouldn't imply that's necessarily the case... but it's possible right?

I don't think so. I mean go into a MGS thread and see I can and have always been able to criticize games I don't like. And it's not like I was never able to criticize XIII as well. I simply had less to, because well I like a lot about the game. I simply do not find XIII-2 to be that great. I never said it was bad, just not exactly great.


You know. Or maybe it's possible XIII-2 just isn't a great game. It's gotten some 8s, 7s, and some 6s. Those are pretty ok reviews. The game is pretty ok. It's not a indisputable great game. Some are really going to like it. Some are really not going to, and some are just going to be "eh whatever".
Yes, and? I never said this wasn't the case... people can have varying opinions. This is human nature. It's how people come to the conclusion in some cases that pisses me off. This is the core of my argument. No more, no less. You assume too much. You seem to be having a kneejerk reaction to people having disdain for the dudebro gaming demographic. Sorry if that rubs you the wrong way. Stu thought I was hung up on the OST or something.

Reviewers aren't idiots. Not all of them. This generalization of them is quite annoying. I get it. They suck when you don't agree with you. I haven't read every review of XIII-2, but I have read some. Like Jeremy Parish's review. Mr. Parish is not an idiot and he sure doesn't go on this "Japan sucks" rant. In fact, no review I've read has done that. I'm not sure where this bias is. Some examples would be nice.
It has nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing. XIII-2 has some problems that have indeed been properly identified. I'm speaking to, AGAIN, the method in which some reviewers (not just for FF, but damn near any review for something that isn't a dudebro FPS this gen) choose to criticize and how much sense it doesn't make. People are entitled to their opinions, but sometimes, you can tell they are extremely biased and dismissive, or haven't even played enough of the game/barely paid attention to it and have studied other reviews just enough to form an opinion.

Um no????? So they have a bias because they dislike the new OST and aren't talking about the reusing of XIII tracks...and the reuse is supposed to be good? No, I don't see a bias here. I think most reviewers just want to mention the new music because well...it's new? And well maybe they don't like it, but the fact that it has some tracks for XIII isn't going to change the fact that the OST for XIII-2 may or may not be good.
Again, taking my comment out of context. I'm not really talking about one OST versus another. I'm talking about how opinions are formed. That's it. They don't have to like the new OST. I certainly don't like it as much.

And a great many think the story of XIII wasn't presented well and just wasn't good. Many reviews pointed that out. So saying it's nowhere worse then XIII doesn't say much. Regardless, I do think it's much worse then XIII, but even if a reviewer was to say otherwise I sure wouldn't think is a weaboo or something. No, I would just think he has another opinion.
I think it's about the same. Frankly XIII didn't have a great story either so when I say I like XIII-2's more, it's not really saying a whole lot, other than time travel giving at least a different kind of perspective to keep you playing.

And I think the time travel aspect is incredibly shitty and makes for random plot lines that hardly make sense.
The entirety of XIII/2's plot doesn't really make a lot of sense if you really take a step back and try to digest it all.

As for XIII-2 being better every way? I don't agree. The battle system is hardly utilized as well as XIII. The story isn't as good as XIII. And I'd say the worldview isn't. Does this mean I'm an idiot with some sort of bias? No, it just means I think XIII is better.
A lot of the boss fights are like XIII's, but the regular battles seem to be much easier. Maybe we will get hard mode DLC someday.

How is this true? Plenty of games that aren't these types still get good reviews. Dark Souls, Bayonetta, Catherine, Mirror's Edge, Child of Eden. I mean Dark Souls was a heavy contender for GOTY at many places. No good games regardless of what they are still get heavily praised. Do you have a bias against "open world games or FPS". It seems if anything you seem upset that they get good reviews and not something Japanese like FFXIII-2. But those games are good and provide quality experiences for what they are going for. Skryim is an incredibly detailed and atmospheric world that sucks you in. XIII-2 isn't. Likewise, past FF games did have incredible well realized worlds, and they got good reviews. On the other side, Xenoblade, a jrpg also gets good reviews because it's world is unique and interesting. People want to experience it.
When COD wins best ending with Halo right behind it, that's pretty telling. I am not totally biased, nor do I hate all open world western games, but I think Skyrim is overrated. I don't think any previous single player FF's had a world as open as Skyrim's, not even FFXII, so I'm not sure how your are making a comparison there. I guess FFXI could count but it's an MMO first and foremost. But a game does NOT necessarily have to be huge and open to only then give you a complete sense of exploration.

I mean to go back to your list you have games like Catherine that is nothing like a FPS or open world game targeted at dudebros. It's a erotic thriller and puzzle game. It got good reviews, because it was a good game that provided a uniqueness that other games don't have. It stayed true to what it was and it's story and characters were well respected because they were relatable. They were well written and they tackled a subject that games don't. So in this quote on quote dudebro era, a Japense erotic thriller puzzle game got good reviews because it had good characters. XIII-2 doesn't have that. It's characters arent anything special, nor is the story.
You are getting caught up in nuanced instances of praise. I'm talking about reviews in general, and how the younger demographic have different opinions about what makes a game have anything ranging from a good story or ending to what makes it a good RPG or a "hardcore" title. I don't necessarily disagree with what you said; of course games that aren't just COD can still get a good review.

XIII-2 doesn't. All it's features pretty much represent someone apologizing for their last game. And for all their passion or imagination, they still can't tell you about their world as well as past FF games did or any other games.
I look at it as more than an apology. It's better in every way. You have to appreciate that. They did not handle XIII very well, and can't change the past. All they can do is listen to criticism and improve the experience, and that's exactly what they did. I can't fault them for that. I can fault them for many mistakes made in the past, but 13-2 is a step in the right direction. If it was in a completely different world where the story and characters could all be new I'm sure the story would also be much better as well. But they're kind of stuck with that.

Why do we need to generalize people who like CoD? And what does them liking CoD have to do with anything? It hasn't stopped games like Red Dead Redemption, The Witcher 2, Bioshock, Dark Souls, Mass Effect, Bayonetta or whatever from being made and finding an audience. People like those games and think they are good. Those games caught on and they sure aren't gruff military games. If FFXIII was great, people would have bought into just as well as they did previous games.
Because if you actually have a conversation with someone -- not just on a message board -- who really only plays COD, Halo, and MW, calling themselves "hardcore", there's more than enough justification to generalize. All of those other games have an audience, yes, but the COD/MW's are king. Which from my perspective is a bit worrying, because it's a lot of unimaginative one-dimensional dudebros out there contributing to keeping those brands so highly reputable and profitable. Do you think it's just a coincidence that S-E wanted FF13 to be as linear as it was so it could be in the vein of a FPS? They were clearly attempting to pander to emerging trends in the market, demonstrated by younger gamers (a key demographic that S-E has always needed for FF to stay relevant) that they felt compelled to respond to.

While I can't argue that there hasn't been a change in taste and views towards Japanese games, because well there has. But I can't blame everything on CoD or claim that anyone who plays it is one-dimensional. What does that do? Doesn't really reflect well on you. How about people just like those games, because they think they are fun? All this post did was make me think you have a bias.
We all have bias; the question is what fuels it. I don't mind FPS games even though I'm not heavily invested in them; what I do mind is how they are somehow able to make everything else seem less relevant, as though any other kind of game is not 'hardcore' enough, unless it is an open world WRPG like Skryim. It's the attitude of these kinds of gamers and reviewers alike that pisses me off. There's more to gaming than this. And while there are plenty of games that reflect that, they are no doubt overshadowed, even by the sales alone of games like COD. And it's pretty awful.

You are getting caught up in the little nuanced things that seems to make you love the games you play. You are entitled to your opinions; I'm primarily talking about the way in which games have been criticized over the past few years and how baffling it has become at times. And, yes, I am also talking about the dudebro demographic and the stranglehold it has over the market.


Wow. I am surprised to see Rahxephon finally give in all the peer pressure and try to act cool to the FF13haters crowd (good job I guess).

The bottom line is that XIII does a lot of stuff different, not inherently better. Things like the level design, yes, I would say its different and better than XIII's approach. Other things like the Mog Clock and the Monster Catching system is indeed different, but I couldn't say that its better than XIII's party approach (especially when we get into game difficulty). With that in mind, it's not hard to see that even people who loved XIII may not be completely onboard with XIII-2 since a lot of the things one might have liked in XIII is completely different in XIII-2.

Coming from someone who neither loved nor hated XIII, I feel like XIII-2 takes some important strides in some aspects and really drops the ball in others, mostly because they experimented or put in new things that either worked or didn't work.


Question about the spoiler thread: Is the
secret ending
discussion tagged in the spoiler thread, or is that also being freely discussed?

Wanted to go read through the thread but thought I would ask since I haven't seen it.


Question about the spoiler thread: Is the
secret ending
discussion tagged in the spoiler thread, or is that also being freely discussed?

Wanted to go read through the thread but thought I would ask since I haven't seen it.

Freely discussed.

Should I play this game if I haven't played FF13?
The game has a chapter by chapter voiced recap of the events transpired in XIII for people who haven't played it, so yes.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I don't think so. I mean go into a MGS thread and see I can and have always been able to criticize games I don't like. And it's not like I was never able to criticize XIII as well. I simply had less to, because well I like a lot about the game. I simply do not find XIII-2 to be that great. I never said it was bad, just not exactly great.

Well.. I generally agree.

While the story of both XIIIs added up to fluff (IMO), At least the first XIII had the pretense of being a serious, dramatic adventure.. Its easier to submit yourself into the drama and get invested in it. XIII-2 is kind of meaningless even on a surface level.

But I can't help but feel that less linearity = a better game. I feel compelled to say XIII-2 is ultimately better. But then again, the battle system seems to have been broken by freedom in character development :p Battles in XIII were consequently more fun.

Mixed bag.. No doubt. Neither of the games are home runs, to say the least.


I think for every aspect XIII-2 gets right, it fucks something up, probably more on the fuck up side really.

Worse OST
Worse battle system (the Pokemon thing is awful)
Worse character design
Worse technical performance
Worse difficulty balance
Worse character evolution system

Better towns
Better level design
Better flexibility in destination
Better side quests
Better antagonist
Better story

Such a bizarre game really, they over shot so much of what was wrong I think.


I would at least say that XIII-2 found a good balance between comedic and "serious" scenes. Some of the scenes are quite random (Serah and the flans...) but I still like it.


I really liked the little sidestory in Oerba 300/400. Mog is cool.

I love the fragment text about
Mog losing his duel with Lightning because she put down scissors three times in a row

I would at least say that XIII-2 found a good balance between comedic and "serious" scenes. Some of the scenes are quite random (Serah and the flans...) but I still like it.

Absolutely. The lighthearted tone of this game was much more in line with the series' legacy.


I think for every aspect XIII-2 gets right, it fucks something up, probably more on the fuck up side really.

Worse OST
Worse battle system (the Pokemon thing is awful)
Worse character design
Worse technical performance
Worse difficulty balance
Worse character evolution system

Better towns
Better level design
Better flexibility in destination
Better side quests
Better antagonist
Better story

Such a bizarre game really, they over shot so much of what was wrong I think.

I agree about the performance and balance. Disagree very strongly about the "Pokemon thing" (lol) being awful, since it's the main thing I love about the game. I think the new crystarium is better, too, and I like the way you level monsters as well.


I agree about the performance and balance. Disagree very strongly about the "Pokemon thing" (lol) being awful, since it's the main thing I love about the game. I think the new crystarium is better, too, and I like the way you level monsters as well.
To be fair, I'm not sure it's the pokemon specifically I don't like, more that otherwise there are only two playable characters, neither of which look cool, if the Pokemon system was in XIII I think I'd have liked it more.
Looking at the variety of opinions spread accross the last two pages I think there's once conclusion

FFXIII-2 is once again a polarizing FF game, just like FF8,12,13. But perhaps people who think its bad don't think its as bad as 13 was so the spectrum of polarity is more close together than of 13 which was all over the place in opinions.


I think for every aspect XIII-2 gets right, it fucks something up, probably more on the fuck up side really.

Worse OST
Worse battle system (the Pokemon thing is awful)
Worse character design
Worse technical performance
Worse difficulty balance
Worse character evolution system

Better towns
Better level design
Better flexibility in destination
Better side quests
Better antagonist
Better story

Such a bizarre game really, they over shot so much of what was wrong I think.
The OST is worse, but XIII's really raised the bar so didn't expect XIII-2 to follow suit. You can't just replicate that. Hamauzu is a genius. As soon as I learned XIII-2 would be a collaborative effort, I figured it would be lacking in comparison, but it still can hold its own (my main gripe is that there are too many vocal tracks and alternate versions).

I don't mind catching monsters, it's a fun addition to the game. As for the difficulty balance, I'm not so sure if it's as profound as people make it out to be, but general battles are no doubt easier than they were in XIII. Again, hard mode DLC could change all of that.

I agree about the performance and balance. Disagree very strongly about the "Pokemon thing" (lol) being awful, since it's the main thing I love about the game. I think the new crystarium is better, too, and I like the way you level monsters as well.
I'm not sure what I think about the new Cyrstarium. 13's could have been better if it was more open, but it wasn't, so that's invalid. FFXIII-2's is better in that it is not restricted in terms of growth, but you can max everything out by grinding which allows you to semi-abuse it.


Are you sure you didn't just grow some teeth between XIII and XIII-2, in terms of willingness to criticize? I certainly wouldn't imply that's necessarily the case... but it's possible right?

This is what I was referring to when I said Raphexon had changed. It seems when this game was released, suddenly everyone who liked FF13 and defended it to death and/or accepted its flaws have changed their tunes and are now criticizing the sequel for the same things FF13 was praised for. The reviewers this time around really disgusted me. If you make your bed, lie in it. I accepted and loved 13 despite its changes to the RPG formula. It was a 9 in my book and still is.


Worse OST

There are less high points, but XIII-2's OST is still very good.

Worse battle system (the Pokemon thing is awful)

I think the monsters bring a lot more options to experiment. I especially love that they didn't go the SMT route and let you keep as many monsters as you like.

Worse character design

I disagree. Noel is better than anyone in XIII, Serah is a lot more tolerable than Vanille. Even returning characters are better done in XIII-2.

Worse technical performance

That's true.

Worse difficulty balance

Yes, definitely. On the other hand XIII wasn't really done well, either. I don't think it's a sign of good balancing if you have to install random level caps throughout the game to keep the player where you want him.
Also, for people who don't like XIII and XIII-2's battle system, battles don't get in the way as much in XIII-2, just because it's so much easier.

Worse character evolution system

No limits make XIII-2 better.
I think for every aspect XIII-2 gets right, it fucks something up, probably more on the fuck up side really.

Worse OST
Worse battle system (the Pokemon thing is awful)
Worse character design
Worse technical performance
Worse difficulty balance
Worse character evolution system

Better towns
Better level design
Better flexibility in destination
Better side quests
Better antagonist
Better story

Such a bizarre game really, they over shot so much of what was wrong I think.

Most of your fuck ups aren't such a big issue imo

The OST...did you think it was terrible? For me XIII OST was amazing, so even if its worse the OSt can still be "good" and it is for the first 13 hours that I've played.

Worse technical performance...I dunno but I don't care if there is a slight framerate drop, I'm someone who barely notices it...its not a big fuck up at all for me its a minor annoyance..a very minor annoyance. You probably mean worse graphics in this too...again meh not something which bothers me too much as art direction is still good.

The other things I agree can be seen as fuck ups, especially the difficulty, its really the elephant in the room here.


Worse OST - Disagree Strongly
Worse battle system (the Pokemon thing is awful) - Disagree
Worse character design - Agree
Worse technical performance - Agree
Worse difficulty balance - Agree
Worse character evolution system - Disagree (FFVIII and XII)

Better towns - Agree but I do wish Academia had some NPC bonding quests like the ones in Xenoblade
Better level design - Agree
Better flexibility in destination - Agree
Better side quests - Agree
Better antagonist - Agree
Better story - Not really sure at the moment



I played around 12 hours... and I don't understand why people is so mad with the game.

They fixed nearly all the complains about the previous game... and is still below in MetaCritics and reviews are even harsher than with FF XIII. It seems that with all the FF XIII and FF XIV issues, having FF in the name, instead of giving you an undeserved +2 in the score, now give an undeserved -2.

Lack of sidequests: fixed
Maps too simple: fixed
Annoying characters: fixed
20 hours tutorial: fixed
Non-physical shops: fixed
Lack of towns: fixed

Its more that critics were still too soft to 13 and now they use more of the review scale for 13-2. And just like StuBurns pointed out, for most of the improvements they made, they also introduced new flaws.
If S-E is really listening to fan criticism like they said, maybe they'll address that. :D
All they need to do is patch with a hard mode like they patched XIII with an easy mode for free in Japan.

They need to hurry up with it though before people lose interest in replaying or something.

I do think a Hard mode DLC or something is on the way though, it only makes sense if theres a Easy & a Normal mode that there would be a HArd mode...it only makes sense...


What do you mean 8 and 12? That says worse, not worst if that's what you mean.
In the case of VIII the Junction System has to be by far the easiest to abuse. You can totally break it. XII's License Grid was kind of boring, at least in the non-ZJS ver which is all I ever played.

All they need to do is patch with a hard mode like they patched XIII with an easy mode for free in Japan.

They need to hurry up with it though before people lose interest in replaying or something.

I do think a Hard mode DLC or something is on the way though, it only makes sense if theres a Easy & a Normal mode that there would be a HArd mode...it only makes sense...
Well, it isn't selling that great to begin with afaik, so hard mode DLC would be too little too late. They could put it out there for us regardless, it would not be a very costly or tough thing to do on their behalf.


Worse technical performance...I dunno but I don't care if there is a slight framerate drop, I'm someone who barely notices it...its not a big fuck up at all for me its a minor annoyance..a very minor annoyance.

There's only a few places where the frame rate drops so much that it's annoying. Since you said you only played 13 hours, maybe you haven't reached them yet? It's in some later areas.


What do you mean 8 and 12? That says worse, not worst if that's what you mean.

Isn't the levelling system the same as it is in XIII? My minds a bit foggy on XIII's, but isn't the only difference the lack of a cap in XIII-2?

Listed VIII and XII since I prefer the Crystarium over their respective systems.


Yes, definitely. On the other hand XIII wasn't really done well, either. I don't think it's a sign of good balancing if you have to install random level caps throughout the game to keep the player where you want him.
Also, for people who don't like XIII and XIII-2's battle system, battles don't get in the way as much in XIII-2, just because it's so much easier..

If someone doesn't like the Paradigm Shift system, there is really no reason to play the game at this point (especially in the advent of youtube to still be able to watch the story). So saying that the battles don't "get in the way" doesn't really mean much in the grand scheme of things.

But as for XIII's level cap, I think it works when the developers actually design the game to sufficiently accommodate for it. For the most part, I felt that XIII did this adequately enough; you never felt underleveled or overleveled. XIII's level cap may be more apparent than say... Xenoblade's "cap" in areas (where enemies just stop giving EXP in certain areas, while the obscenely stronger enemies are almost un-fightable for most of the game because you won't actually be able to hit them at all until you're within that magic level/agility range) but I feel like it didn't handle it all that terribly. Its one of those moments where a developer actually does try to weave story and gameplay together in a consistent fashion, even if it really is harder to do in an RPG than otherwise.

At the very least, it made some boss battles pretty intense when the story wants them to. In contrast, look at Episode 5 of XIII-2;
the game was hyping up fighting Caius and even gave you a 'do you wish to go on because you won't be able to return for awhile' moment. And after all this hyping about Caius, he goes down in less than 30 seconds. But yet the game still tries to sell to me that Caius is a super badass and does the entire 'beat enemy, main character is still beaten after the battle' moment.


I don't think it's a sign of good balancing if you have to install random level caps throughout the game to keep the player where you want him.

What nonsense. Having level caps is not a sign of balancing one way or another... it IS balancing.

In normal games which don't follow broken JRPG logic they use "level caps" in the form of limiting which powers you have (for example a chaingun in Serious Sam 3, which don't get for many stages) and designing encounters around those powers.

Obviously level caps are not "random".


I played around 12 hours... and I don't understand why people is so mad with the game.

They fixed nearly all the complains about the previous game... and is still below in MetaCritics and reviews are even harsher than with FF XIII. It seems that with all the FF XIII and FF XIV issues, having FF in the name, instead of giving you an undeserved +2 in the score, now give an undeserved -2.

Lack of sidequests: fixed
Maps too simple: fixed
Annoying characters: fixed
20 hours tutorial: fixed
Non-physical shops: fixed
Lack of towns: fixed

But it's still as soulless and convoluted as its predecessor, potentially even more so.
Well, it isn't selling that great to begin with afaik, so hard mode DLC would be too little too late. They could put it out there for us regardless, it would not be a very costly or tough thing to do on their behalf.

Well I think the hard mode DLC should be more for people who have already bought it, I don't expect even them to think adding a hard mode could influence sales now.

There's only a few places where the frame rate drops so much that it's annoying. Since you said you only played 13 hours, maybe you haven't reached them yet? It's in some later areas.

Okay I'm probably not there but the framerate drop will have to be truly horrendous for me to get annoyed, I somehow managed to play laggy games with a poor PC from 2004-2010 so my ability the bear low framerate is pretty strong :D


But it's still as soulless and convoluted as its predecessor, potentially even more so.

What does that mean?
There are a lot of scenes that are quite emotional in both games, but especially in FF13-2, though admittedly, several are out of the path of the main story.
The worst part of the game for framerate drops is the intro Lightning and Caius battle. It was pretty bad there... I didn't notice it at any other point in the game


Isn't the levelling system the same as it is in XIII? My minds a bit foggy on XIII's, but isn't the only difference the lack of a cap in XIII-2?

Listed VIII and XII since I prefer the Crystarium over their respective systems.
Not really, I found XIIIs to feel more open. And the cap never bothered me, probably because the game felt fairly balanced.

The whole concept of being able to break an RPG is strange to me. Yes, you can keep Squall out of your team for long periods of time so you can massively rip thru the game, but you're only hurting your own experience. I don't see the advantage to exploiting a game which as a result fails to provide any challenge. Putting a hundred triples on Quistis' speed and keeping her at her limit break to defrag every enemy isn't clever, it's boring.

XIII compromised flexibility in character customization, removed post-battle injury, added retries etc, so they could balance the difficulty more accurately than ever before. It can be easier than past FFs, or harder, depending on how you played those games, but it was tuned fairly well. Another thing it did (which XIII-2 still does) is make the battles last almost no time at all once you've 'solved' what you have to do.

When XIII came out, I was unsure if I favoured it's system over X-2's (my previous favourite), but now I'm fairly sure I do prefer XIII's, the compromises it makes paid dividends elsewhere for me, and I think as a whole it was a positive trade off. In saying that, I'm not saying people who hated it are wrong, character growth hasn't been that important to me in RPGs, the less time spent in menus the better I think.


What does that mean?
There are a lot of scenes that are quite emotional in both games, but especially in FF13-2, though admittedly, several are out of the path of the main story.
Isn't that the point though? Different outcomes/paradoxes and whatnot. Of course it would be out of line with the main story (if that is what you were referring to)?

It's honestly not terrible. Certainly more interesting than XIII's IMO. They are doing the best they can given what they are stuck with. Maybe my expectations are different because I'm not expecting a JRPG to be as compelling as someone's favorite holy book, I dunno.


If someone doesn't like the Paradigm Shift system, there is really no reason to play the game at this point (especially in the advent of youtube to still be able to watch the story). So saying that the battles don't "get in the way" doesn't really mean much in the grand scheme of things.

I really don't like the battle system or let's say "the battles" (preparing for battles is still fun), but I'm enjoying XIII-2 a lot. There's more to the game than just the battles. Since battles are so fast, I don't mind them.

But as for XIII's level cap, I think it works when the developers actually design the game to sufficiently accommodate for it. For the most part, I felt that XIII did this adequately enough; you never felt underleveled or overleveled.

It also makes battles feel less rewarding (because you can't use your Exp.). At least (if I remember this right) XIII lets you spend your accumulated Exp. after you unlocked the next level of the Crystarium.

XIII's level cap may be more apparent than say... Xenoblade's "cap" in areas

Don't get me started on Xenoblade. :)

Its one of those moments where a developer actually does try to weave story and gameplay together in a consistent fashion, even if it really is harder to do in an RPG than otherwise. At the very least, it made some boss battles pretty intense when the story wants them to.

Hmm, while I can understand this, it's also a step towards more "scripted" RPGs.

In contrast, look at Episode 5 of XIII-2

Okay, I can't say anything about that (and deleted that spoiler part as fast as I could in the quote), since I'm still on Episode 4.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
They reviews are pretty much right on the money. It's a run of the mill game with a bunch of crap in it. A jack of all trades, but master of none. Sure it has towns, but they aren't that great. Sure it has better level design, but nothing really remarkable and they just feel like levels not an actual world, something FFX was able to feel like even though it was also linear. Sure it has no annoying characters(well it does have Mog), and Noel is great, but Serah is just bland and the story is well.....terrible.

It's at best an 8 and at worst a 5.
I don't usually give games 'scores', per se, but I ended up giving FFXIII a 3/5 when people asked.

I think I'll end up giving this one the same score if people ask, maybe notch it up to 3.25/5. It excels in areas where FFXIII was lacking in, but it's also lacking in areas that FFXIII excelled in. In that way, both games complement each other very well, but they aren't extraordinary or mindblowing to me.

I hated Moogles until FFXIII-2. It made me a believer. I wish there was a hug button for hugging Mog like in A Boy and His Blob. Mog also has like the cutest voice ever. Soooo cute. When Serah says, "That's my Mog!" and Mog just go"KUUPOOO!" and I just went awww...and I never go awwww.
Naw, naw, this is the cutest moogle in FF.

This one.

Right here.

Stiltzkin and FFVI Mog are pretty up there. FFVI Mog is a useful Geomancer. And Stiltzkin is just great on his own.

Yeah, I'm the exact opposite: I like Moogles in most every game and loathe him in this one.

I really hate the design, but on top of that I think of it as just a floating trollface in every single cutscene. Mog is just the most prominent reminder of how Toriyama shat up the XIII universe with inconsistent, atonal bullshit. Followed closely by the ever-feculent Chocolina.
Yes. His design really makes me want to punch him in the face several times. Not to mention his voice. I genuinely dislike his design. At least the Crystal Chronicles moogles were all puffy and cute. And the moogles in Ivalice are all smart and stuff. FFXIII-2 Mog is... ugh.

And don't get me started on Chocolina.


Yes. His design really makes me want to punch him in the face several times. Not to mention his voice. I genuinely dislike his design. At least the Crystal Chronicles moogles were all puffy and cute. And the moogles in Ivalice are all smart and stuff. FFXIII-2 Mog is... ugh.

And don't get me started on Chocolina.

Mog is better than Tipo! :shotsfired
I also like Chocolina. That's been my nick on IRC for days now. She was annoying at first, but I like the way she reacts to each timeline. She's grown on me a lot too.


Chocolina's VA is so awful. What they should've done is have a group of three or so time travelers (one of them could have been Chocolina) who are placed at three distinct points on the map. Chocolina just popping up everywhere is really stupid and annoying. Run up the steps... oh, there she is. Run back down... there she is again!
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