I've never played or seen the game yet, but I just want to smack Noel.
he's a cool character
I've never played or seen the game yet, but I just want to smack Noel.
I've never played or seen the game yet, but I just want to smack Noel.
That's a shame. No different weapon models in the game. I thought Kagari said there was. Maybe I read wrong. Surely the ultimate weapon is different.![]()
That's a shame. No different weapon models in the game. I thought Kagari said there was. Maybe I read wrong. Surely the ultimate weapon is different.![]()
From the media I've seen his personality doesn't really seem offensive.
That's a shame. No different weapon models in the game. I thought Kagari said there was. Maybe I read wrong. Surely the ultimate weapon is different.![]()
Wow, nice. Wasn't expecting such an in depth review. Good stuff.
although when growing them you have to be careful since some monsters can only be captured once.
There are no real ultimate weapons in the game, there is a stronger weapon, giving you no abilities, or a weaker weapon that gives you an extra atb bar. Best fact for last, both are pretty useless since the game is so easy that these weapons make no difference, aquiring them is not worth the effort either ...
Great review, thanks for that.
Does it tell you when it's a one time only monster? Or is it obvious in any way?
Flawed as it might be, this game is a definite improvement over Final Fantasy XIII. While it doesnt correct every flaw from its predecessor and brings a few new ones of its own, Final Fantasy XIII-2 takes several steps forwards to be that much closer to being the game that the original should have been all along.
Talking about DLC, what's the price for Omega Weapon?
It seems pretty obvious that there'll be DLC at some point that gives you a 'best' weapon that has the advantages of both.
Free in Japan, preorder exclusive in the US (of course it'll be made available for download but I'm pretty certain they haven't announced a price yet).
Omega's apparently not all that great as a summoned monster compared to Kichu, anyway.
He's actually a pretty decent character. Not really like Tidus at all.I've never played or seen the game yet, but I just want to smack Noel.
My dad always used to make a point to bash Tidus's pants and his whiny personality whenever my parents watched me play FFX when I was a teenager. Tidus did have stupid pants.Haven't really seen anything beyond screenshots. He just reminds me so much of Tidus in terms of design, especially those stupid baggy pants with different leg lengths.
At first I was afraid Serah would ruin the game for me, but honestly she's not all bad. I really liked the addition of Noel. He's a strong character, if a little cliché, but makes up for it with a positive attitude and being a much better protector than Snow. I would have liked to see the story revolve a little more around him as I was always looking to see where his... tale would lead next.
I agree on both counts, in particular, the animation bit. The animations in the demo were fantastic. Whoever decided to add in Noel's animations for his swordplay and blitz attacks is my hero.Welcome changes to the graphical components of the game really shine through in new animations. I felt that as a whole, both Noel and Serah's modeling were quite good compared to some of the gameplay models that were present in XIII. Both characters have a lot more subtle animations and reactions that give them much more realism. Pay attention to the way Serah's hair moves. It's a lot more fluid and realistic this time around. She'll also wipe her forehead once in a while having run for quite a distance. In battles, too, you'll see a lot more complex moves, namely with Noel completing some pretty impressive flips and sword play. It's little things like these that really add to the immersion of XIII-2's world.
Man, how I hate that pre-order exclusive thing. So, we'll be able to summon Omega? Awesome, but I really just want to fight it anyway =p
XIII-2 definitely has a lot of interesting ideas packed into its story; In fact, there were many moments I felt had the potential to be quite moving, standing up there with some classic Final Fantasy moments - but unfortunately nearly all of them fall flat, especially towards the end of the game. It's tough to explain this stuff without spoiling the game, but I can say that those looking for a resolution to the stories of the characters from XIII or XIII-2 will be sorely disappointed.
Glad you guys liked it![]()
It seems pretty obvious that there'll be DLC at some point that gives you a 'best' weapon that has the advantages of both.
Kagari, good review, I agree with pretty much most of what you said.
2 small points just to note, from my understanding Noel excels in Attacker, Healer, Enhancer, and Sera in Blaster, Defender, Jammer. I thought it was quite weird that way, but ability wise, Sera is supposed to be the better defender. Not that I ever used her in that role myself, that was was my silver chocobo was for.
Second, on the mog clock battle, if you hit the enemy any time while the clock is up, you'd get haste and preemptive strike. If they run into you the battle is normal, and if the clock runs out you can't restart. The green section was only to indicate that if you accidentally run into the enemy at that time it won't start a battle. Once it runs to yellow, then it would.
Great review, Kagari.
Informative in a way that I haven't been informed in a review since, I... honestly can't recall.
As far as the environments and whatnot, are they interesting to explore? Mechanically, the game seems rather sound with the improvements made. I'm wondering whether or not I'll enjoy running around just doing shit going off of the area in the demo. That place was just awful
Yeah great review, whats your final verdict on the games visuals. Technical downgrades aside, would you say that it still has a great artstyle, in fact does the game world feel inviting (as they did in FFX and FFXII with their levels of linearity and freedom)?
Will the game recognize a copied FF13 save file?
I tried it out with a Japanese and American version save on my PS3 and it worked.
Serah has ライズガード but Noel has リジェネガード.
IMO, リジェネガード is better than ライズガード just because of the added defense + regenerative properties. That kind of makes Noel more ideal to me. Plus he should have more HP than Serah, right?
Let's see... Both get seven abilities. Noel gets his abilities sooner than Serah as a whole.
Serah's Defender abilities are:
Ehhh... She seems like she has standard Defender abilities. I do think it's kind of funny she got Steelguard. LOL.
- Provoke
- Steelguard
- バオルガード (Bar-All Guard? Does this replace the Bar abilities that ENH would normally use? I guess they'd translate this as Elemental Guard in English)
- エリアバリア (Fringeward - When Defender is targeted by an attack, any party members who also get attacked in that same attack will receive 35% less damage)
- リベンジモード(Revenge Mode - Vendetta - each time DEF uses Vendetta in the bar increases final counter damage by 10%; the more damage they take during this time, the more damage they deal back)
- ピンチバリア (Pinch Barrier - Deathward)
- ラストリーヴ (Last Life - Reprieve)
Noel's Defender abilities are:
I dunno... Noel looks better to me, but that's because I place a higher importance on Mediguard and getting abilities earlier. Serah apparently doesn't get ラストリーヴ until Lv 50. Noel gets it at Lv 40. Prior to ラストリーヴ, Noel gets all of his abilities prior to Lv 20, while Serah takes time to get her abilities (2 prior to Lv 10, one at Lv 10, Lv 18, Lv 26, Lv 33, Lv 50).
- Provoke
- Mediguard
- Fringeward
- Pinch Barrier/Deathward
- リベンジチャージ (Revenge Charge - Entrench - each time DEF uses Entrench in the ATB bar increases the final counter damage by 30%; the longer DEF guards, the more damage they deal back)
- Bar-All Guard/Elemental Guard
- Reprieve
Well I finally got it folks-
Major thanks to Dark Schalla for the tips, I took down that big blue turtle easier than I thought lol.
Looking forward to FF13-2, and hopefull the difficulty is upped in the Eng. release.