Well, is it not a trade-off that the game is only 720p, unlike 1080p on the FF XIII(
Also it supposedly fits on a single XBOX 360 DVD ?![]()
Well, is it not a trade-off that the game is only 720p, unlike 1080p on the FF XIII, that was what i hated the most about the demo :/ Looks downright ugly on a good TV. Also it supposedly fits on a single XBOX 360 DVD ?![]()
Just few enemies are visible on the field now, the majority just ambush you. You can still evade most of the encounters though, even more easily than in the previous game that forced you into corridors without a way to pass through enemies unnoticed.
How? Just running outside of the Encounter "Circle"?
Another question if you don't mind: Is it possible to follow the story without any real XIII knowledge?
it almost looks interlaced/huge shit filter having
I get what you mean but I think there's some filter (or scaling res.) activated in the areas where is raining. Infact when you are battling the giant hand at start or you are inside the tunnels the game is much more clean visually than outside.
Also because they worked on it six years. Final Fantasy XIII outside of Nintendo's titles, it's probably the most polished game of this generation afterall.
Something is definitely improved with XIII-2 I think, that is animations.
Noel's battle and attack animations are utterly amazing.Something is definitely improved with XIII-2 I think, that is animations.
Noel's battle and attack animations are utterly amazing.
Oerba in FF13-2 made me recall Star Ocean 4.......
It looks dirty and over-colored while in 13-1 it's clean and crispy - completely different art styles to me
Square Enix North America sat down with Producer Yoshinori Kitase and Director Motomu Toriyama of Final Fantasy XIII-2 at this years CES event in Las Vegas. They dive into topics such as downloadable content, the reception that XIII-2 has received in Japan so far, how they feel about shortening the gap time between release for XIII-2 in all regions, and their personal history with Final Fantasy. Enjoy!
CES International Exclusive Interview, FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 with Producer Yoshinori Kitase and Director Motomu Toriyama: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRo0Sx3zYuE&feature=player_embedded
In it they confirmed again future DLCs adding new areas and stories.
In it they confirmed again future DLCs adding new areas and stories.
It wouldnt be so shitty if the game had an ending.
If it had an ending there'd be nothing to expand on!
(actually it's made pretty obvious in-game what they're going to expand on)
Uhm there are only 2 spaces for dlc locations right now, I am not exactly expecting a lot from the DLC. Nothing that could expand the game in a meaningful way.
Do you expect DLCs to proceed the story further after the ending or XIII-3 it's needed for doing so?
If it had an ending there'd be nothing to expand on!
(actually it's made pretty obvious in-game what they're going to expand on)
Uhm there are only 2 spaces for dlc locations right now, I am not exactly expecting a lot from the DLC. Nothing that could expand the game in a meaningful way.
Do you expect DLCs to proceed the story further after the ending or XIII-3 it's needed for doing so?
You meanright?Serendipity, Valhalla, and the Colliseum,
No, I expect it to fill in some gaps.
Sazh's hologram in Vile Peaks, where Snow went after defeating the Purin
What do you mean? Is it really blatant like Assassin Creed where two chapters weremissing"corrupted" and then became DLC?
What do you mean? Is it really blatant like Assassin Creed where two chapters weremissing"corrupted" and then became DLC?
apparently there is an update happened for the XBOX360 version in Japan.
it adds a new NPC to the Colosseum. there are also new items unlocked including Genji Shield (not sure if this is already in the game or not..).
nothing happened to PS3 version for now
What do you mean? Is it really blatant like Assassin Creed where two chapters weremissing"corrupted" and then became DLC?
Samples of the Piggyback Collector's Strategy Guide guide here:
Looks great and similar in style to 13's.
Should I finish XIII before playing this? In XIII I got to where they introduce those bounty mission things in this huge grassy area where all the mobs seemed too powerful for my party. Stopped playing the game at that point.
Thanks. I'm sort of interested in the story so far so I'll keep this pre-ordered. I'll put XIII back in and ask in the XIII OT for more guidance.The point of this game is basically to expand on the mythology which isn't really touched on too much until the end of the previous game. If you're playing for the story, you should finish the first.
As for the mobs being too powerful for your party at that point, you were supposed to start off with the missions.
Lightning is going to be playable dlc....
Shocking news.Lightning is going to be playable dlc.... there will be a Lightning dlc episode. Other FF monsters will become dlc as well...
Playable Dahj? Pretty lawl worthy if so.
Doubtful. It'd only be Sazh.
Erm, they want to put Sazh and co. into things like novel stories, not dlc.
The article says either/or...
So it does. SE would probably go the novel route for those though... easier for them haha.
So it does. SE would probably go the novel route for those though... easier for them haha.