Wow. That Destructoid review is full-bore Yahtzee on cocaine jugs full o' haterade. I'm surprised he gave it a 4!
Differences in taste aside, it's also pretty much just trying to be hateful instead of honest. Stuff like calling it the worst story of the series by far is laughable when there's games like FFVIII around. (Or much of FFX, or X-2 for many people - you get the drift.) Also saying the characters are shallow and have no personality is demonstrably not true. One of the high points of FFXIII's story is the fact that the characters have fleshed out backgrounds, are interconnected in ways much more natural and plausible than is typical for the series (again, FFVIII...), and so forth.
The Edge review made legit complaints, I think.
At any rate, on the game itself, having played it (and getting through it, nearer the endgame now), I will admit I now believe if they were going to have a super linear story-dominated game, that putting the giant open area where it is located was actually a good idea. The thing is, the "run around the world and clean up stuff" at the end of every previous FF is what is badly paced. There's no anticipation for it because you've already done most of everything, and you're just cleaning up the dregs / grinding / wasting time before walking into the endboss dungeon.
But in XIII, the fact that the big area is actually /new/, introduces a new quest system, and reveals the foreboding and mysterious place you've heard about for the entire game makes it feel like a reward instead of an afterthought.
Also, I do appreciate how the sidequest system is worked into the core storyline / backstory more than just "hey, look, a hunting guild, let us go spend a week taking random tickets from the help wanted board."