I'm really pissed that in Chap11, at the end, you have to fight
And if this wasn't enought, he have 3.3 fucking million HPs, every fucking possible curse to throw at my party, and last but not least LASERS. Holy shit he is fucking me hard right now.
And guess what? When he reaches 1.000.000 HPs, he casts Sentence at you, so you have to drain away (while he casts bio and all those shit) 1 fucking million HPs in the Sentence time!
HOLY FUCK, who designed this encounter is RETARDED (or I am retarded if I'm missing the key point to kill him, which is probably true).
(I have every 2 main jobs for Light/Fang/Hope mastered at lvl4 and I cant progress further, ligfht and fang have like 1000 attack power, hope have 1000 magic power, hps are in the 4000 range... what the fuck...)