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Final Fantasy XIII |OT|

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Question. Are all Roles capped at level 3? I assume they are since I can learn more than the original 3 per character now...


Cloudy said:
Question. Are all Roles capped at level 3? I assume they are since I can learn more than the original 3 per character now...

Aren`t they capped at 4 for the regular play and 5 post game? I have the 3 starter ones for Lightning(COM/RAV/MED maxed at 4 and levelling Synergist now on her...

Speaking of post game,is that the only way to beat Cactuaur? and the only way to upgrade my Helter Skelter now,that`s max at 61(I have the star besides it) is a Trapzedron(sp? lol) from the big turtle guys right? I can beat them but I have to use Odin,so it takes a while for me to fight another one and of course the one I beat didn`t drop any spoils,since i 0 starred him hehe...


Hmm so how come I've got to a dead end for some characters just past lv 3? I don't wanna blow CP on a role I don't want when I can develop the "mains" more..


Cloudy said:
Hmm so how come I've got to a dead end for some characters just past lv 3? I don't wanna blow CP on a role I don't want when I can develop the "mains" more..

Wait a bit,some unlock after you beat a chapter...also make sure to check what you are missing on the left just before going in the actual screen where you advance,it tells you which ones aren`t max,it helps with the backtracking to find them on the other screen,if you skipped some that is...so yeah,don`t level more then 3 at first.


OK so I got stuck in this game (yeah, yeah, I know, it should be impossible, what can I tell you, I suck at games) and I figured I'd ask here before resorting to GameFAQs. I can't win
Hope's Eidolon fight
. I get forced into a battle team of
Hope, Lightning and Fang
which is not a great combination for me. Do I really have to backtrack and grind several hundred thousand CP just so I can get Haste for one of the members in my forced party? Or is there some trick to it? The game has been fairly grind-free (other than
Sazh's Eidolon fight
, I had to grind to Haste for that as well) so I am really hoping to avoid that.


Danj said:
OK so I got stuck in this game (yeah, yeah, I know, it should be impossible, what can I tell you, I suck at games) and I figured I'd ask here before resorting to GameFAQs. I can't win
Hope's Eidolon fight
. I get forced into a battle team of
Hope, Lightning and Fang
which is not a great combination for me. Do I really have to backtrack and grind several hundred thousand CP just so I can get Haste for one of the members in my forced party? Or is there some trick to it? The game has been fairly grind-free (other than
Sazh's Eidolon fight
, I had to grind to Haste for that as well) so I am really hoping to avoid that.

You're not going to be able to get Haste with that party at that time.

Hope/Lightning/Fang is one of the most balanced teams in the game. Keep trying at it.
Danj said:
OK so I got stuck in this game (yeah, yeah, I know, it should be impossible, what can I tell you, I suck at games) and I figured I'd ask here before resorting to GameFAQs. I can't win
Hope's Eidolon fight
. I get forced into a battle team of
Hope, Lightning and Fang
which is not a great combination for me. Do I really have to backtrack and grind several hundred thousand CP just so I can get Haste for one of the members in my forced party? Or is there some trick to it? The game has been fairly grind-free (other than
Sazh's Eidolon fight
, I had to grind to Haste for that as well) so I am really hoping to avoid that.

Alexander's Gestalt gauge raises the fastest when you heal the wounded and strengthen your allies. Use the paradigm that has Light as medic, Fang as sentinal, and Hope as synergist. After a while switch to delta attack, then back to combat clinic when necessary and you should beat him without too much difficulty
BocoDragon said:
So what's everyone's XIII post-recovery game going to be?

I don't know whether to steer into the belly of the beast with the linear and anime FFX or X-2 (to compare them in light of XIII).. play a new game like RoF... or play FFXII.

In my heart I want to return to Ivalice and actually explore around!.... the linearity of XIII has killed my soul. It's worth a return to XIII's antithesis.... the International patched verson should do... I just need to get a modchip.... :p

No shit though... he was in there? :lol :lol :lol Of course he was.

I've been playing the English patched FFXII International. It's almost like playing FFXII for the first time again. Although I really hate how they changed the method to obtain basically every item/spell/ability in the game.


Zoe said:
You're not going to be able to get Haste with that party at that time.

This is not actually true.
Fang does have Haste on her Synergist crystarium
, it's just right at the top, so it'd take a loooooot of grinding to get to.

Zoe said:
Hope/Lightning/Fang is one of the most balanced teams in the game. Keep trying at it.

Maybe so, but Hope keeps getting taken out in one hit, it doesn't seem to matter what I do, whether I change his equipment or adopt more defensive paradigms, one of the attacks the enemy does takes him out and I have no idea how to stop that or block it or something.


Himuro said:
Anyone do the robot quest in Oerba? Where is the last part? I've searched high and low and nothing is popping up on my objects of interest node on my map.

Its one of two places. There is one on the second level that you dont see until you are up there and there is also one that is dropped by the Vampire near all the roots.
Near the end of chapter 9 I assume (big boss fight coming up). Light is my leader. I have the Gladius, Blazefire Saber, Edged Carbine and the Lifesaber. Should I bother upgrading at this point and if so which one? I'm currently using the Gladius for it's power.


Ricker said:
And that seemed so out of place...it`s litteraly the only side quest in the entire game(not counting the missions) :lol

I like the linearity but I do want sidequests. I remember FFX having heaps of sidequests.


Dark Octave said:
Near the end of chapter 9 I assume (big boss fight coming up). Light is my leader. I have the Gladius, Blazefire Saber, Edged Carbine and the Lifesaber. Should I bother upgrading at this point and if so which one? I'm currently using the Gladius for it's power.

What team are you using? While weapons give you an advantage in damage dealing, an "Army of One" is not going to win you the upcoming boss fight. If you're using Lightning as Commando, then you can go with the Gladius and upgrade it.


Himuro said:
Yeah, it was the Vampire.

Got my stuff from the robot, upgrade Axis Blade to Enkindler or whatever, upgraded that to level 39 or so and I've still got 300k in change.


I've teleported back to the final dungeon. How long is this dungeon?
It's really short. The long battles are what makes it long. The enemies have tons of HP.


Registered User
In Chapter 11 still, can someone let me know if I'm on the right path?

I beat missions 1-17 and followed the objectives into a cave area. How far into this do I go before I can turn back and do more missions?


Himuro said:
I have 10 deceptols from the robot.

Skipping everything so I can beat this game already. Then I can be FREEEE.
There are some unavoidable mini bosses

Based on your post history, I'm surprised you got this far. :lol
dramatis said:
What team are you using? While weapons give you an advantage in damage dealing, an "Army of One" is not going to win you the upcoming boss fight. If you're using Lightning as Commando, then you can go with the Gladius and upgrade it.
My team is Sazh and Vanille, though I wish one of them had Shell or Protect because the enemies here are pretty tough. Thanks for confirming the Gladius.

Also, I wonder if there is a way to have my teamates target the same enemy as my main character is. They seem to be doing their own thing and I prefer a more concentrated attack for most battles.


Dark Octave said:
Also, I wonder if there is a way to have my teamates target the same enemy as my main character is. They seem to be doing their own thing and I prefer a more concentrated attack for most battles.

If there's only one COM, they'll go after the leader's target. If there's more than one, they'll spread out their attacks.


Just finished the game, wooo. Now what the hell happened, kinda hate it you don't get a datalog of the final events. I liked the game overall, but the last chapters the fights became more annoying then fun. Way too many encounters (long ones with very little reward), and not a lot of story progression until the very end. Hope the post game can entertain me for a few more hours.
Mihku said:
Just finished the game, wooo. Now what the hell happened, kinda hate it you don't get a datalog of the final events. I liked the game overall, but the last chapters the fights became more annoying then fun. Way too many encounters (long ones with very little reward), and not a lot of story progression until the very end. Hope the post game can entertain me for a few more hours.

Orphans defeat caused the Cocoon to lose its power and such and fall to Gran Pulse, bringing about the events that Barthandulus said. In order to save lives, Fang and Vanille both bonded together to bring about Ragnarok, using the power, they crystallized everything to keep the Cocoon from crashing to pulse killing millions. Although the L'cie crystallized as a result of completing their focus, the original people who were required to complete the focus of defeating Cocoon (vanille and fang) seemed to serve to pardon the others and allow them to be rejuvenated from infinite crystal stasis. Thats what I gathered from finishing the game and reading subsequent posts on here.

An end game data log would have been nice.
Pimpbaa said:
I hate japanese rpgs and I usually hate Nomura designs. But I love this game. I am so confused.

Holy shit, is Square's philosophy true?

Or is this proof that JRPG haters have bad taste in JRPGs?

Seriously, that's the second JRPG hater I've heard make this claim. I thought he was just lying though. Don't get me wrong, the game isn't THAT terrible, but fuck.


H_Prestige said:
I've been playing the English patched FFXII International. It's almost like playing FFXII for the first time again. Although I really hate how they changed the method to obtain basically every item/spell/ability in the game.

Also playing XII-I -- loving it!


Can anyone please list the most important accessories that all 3 characters should use toward the end? Also, how do you go about obtaining/upgrading them from the original object?


Himuro said:
Jesus Christ at this mid boss fight in the final dungeon.

If he is the one I think it is, he'll reappear in a normal team battle shortly :lol Use a deceptisol and don't think twice.
Replicant said:
Can anyone please list the most important accessories that all 3 characters should use toward the end? Also, how do you go about obtaining/upgrading them from the original object?

Theres a weapon the decreases the chance of dying from Death, this should be equipped onto your leader when you get to the final boss. Otherwise, I took the strategy of giving Fang weapons that increased her strength (+100 ones), Hope had ones that increased his magic, one that increased his HP (by like 250 i think), and one that cast faith at the start of the fight, and Lightning had the three things to decrease the chance of Death.


Oli said:
In Chapter 11 still, can someone let me know if I'm on the right path?

I beat missions 1-17 and followed the objectives into a cave area. How far into this do I go before I can turn back and do more missions?

You can go all the way to the start of chapter 13 in fact,you have a teleporter right at the start of that chapter that can warp you back to Pulse.


I never favored the SOS Buff accessories (casts something once when you're critically low on HP) nor the Auto-Buff ones (found the buffs fell off early in boss fights, so I was left with a useless accessory). Flat increases to stats are good ideas, imo, and I tended to give Light (always my leader) the Speed/ATB increases, so that I could act and do shit more often.

I never encountered the cooler accessories like Auto-Haste shit or Double XP since I didn't do the missions.


Himuro said:
I have 9 deceptisols and it's not helping.

I feel as I have to grind now for more hp.

Have you got all the 3 main roles maxed out? Maybe you can go all out giving the weapons EXP in a save point... Also, don't worry about the deceptisols then, just make sure you have one for the boss and a normal enemy later.


I've played more than 23 hours (just finished chapter 9), but i've never upgraded even one weapon. I'm afraid that I will use an component/item that I will need later. Do I need to worry about that or just use whatever I have and fill up those EXP to upgrade the weapons?
Are there any "rare" components that I should save up for later for a specific weapon?


Zzoram said:
I just got to Gran Pulse after 32 hours.

What are some of the first things I should do?

Try and do some missions up to the Chocobo`s one,see if you like the way it`s set-up and then follow that exclamation point,you will get some nice CP along the way,hitting some other missions on the way....and you know those big turtles you see? don`t fight them yet ;) ;P


Ricker said:
Try and do some missions up to the Chocobo`s one,see if you like the way it`s set-up and then follow that exclamation point,you will get some nice CP along the way,hitting some other missions on the way....and you know those big turtles you see? don`t fight them yet ;) ;P

What do I need to beat the giant turtles? I hear they are the best to farm.


gogogow said:
I've played more than 23 hours (just finished chapter 9), but i've never upgraded even one weapon. I'm afraid that I will use an component/item that I will need later. Do I need to worry about that or just use whatever I have and fill up those EXP to upgrade the weapons?
Are there any "rare" components that I should save up for later for a specific weapon?

I only upgraded Lightning's weapon. None of the components seem that rare, you can buy all of them at shops eventually. Only the transformation stones seem to be rare and insanely expensive at the shops.

The only thing you should do is keep 1 of every accessory/weapon, since there is a trophy for that (that includes having the upgraded forms of all of them too)


Zzoram said:
What do I need to beat the giant turtles? I hear they are the best to farm.

You need to pretty much finish Chapter 11 so Vanille gets to unlock Death.

EDIT: Get ready, Himu. Get ready :lol


Zzoram said:
I only upgraded Lightning's weapon. None of the components seem that rare, you can buy all of them at shops eventually. Only the transformation stones seem to be rare and insanely expensive at the shops.

The only thing you should do is keep 1 of every accessory/weapon, since there is a trophy for that (that includes having the upgraded forms of all of them too)
Thanks. But can't a weapon turn in a lot of different ones? So how do you keep all of them?


RaGe_pt said:
Just started chapter 5. Enjoying it a lot! I'm such a final fantasy sucker.

Any tips on upgrading weapons at this point?

Don't bother upgrading.

When you do, use animal parts first to get your bonus multiplier to x3, then use mechanical parts (worth more XP but reduce multiplier back to 1).
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