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Final Fantasy XIII |OT|

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Relix said:
Just realized I've gone through 9 Chapter without ever upgrading weapons :lol :lol I did now.... but even with that the Pulsework Knight are kicking my ass. wut:lol

You can finish the main story without upgrading weapons, I'm pretty sure of that.
I kept almost the same weapons for most of the game.


Dries said:
Got some Chapter 7 story confusion going on here. Anyone care to shed some light?

l'Cie are crystallized so that the Fal'Cie may use them again if the need arises.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Maybe it's gonna get a Greatest Hits box soon.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Fimbulvetr said:
Well that was random.

Were trying to hit the 20k mark for this thread!


Rahxephon91 said:
Not really. Seems like most games this gen drop in price or have sales right after they come out.
True, but I had expected a game bearing the FF logo and being part of the main series to fare a bit longer at full price. That said, the market is changing definitely changing in regards to how long games stay at full price.

I'm not trying to make filler posts to get the thread to 20k (I didn't even know it was that far along), just felt like discussing FF13.


i really wish they can release an international edition to fix that weapon upgrade bullshit system.
i do not know what were they thinking when they came up with such shit in the game.


uncleslappy said:
This was the first game I beat in my journey to beat every game I own. I reviewed it here.

That's a cool idea dude. Good luck.

I've been making my way through FFXII... I really don't understand how anyone could thing a completely linear jrpg was a good idea. Hopefully it isnt too long.. I think im on chapter 7 now.


I'm extremely bored, so I've started an attempt to play this FFIV/IX style (everyone has one set class). Excluding the Eidolon fights because they're nearly impossible without sticking to the strategy the game wants you to use, I'm going to see how long I can last without getting stuck or tired of the tedium.

The bright side is that I feel like I finally have a reason to think about how I use my accessories, weapons, and items, the downside is getting less than five stars when I know I could've done better. :lol

i really wish they can release an international edition to fix that weapon upgrade bullshit system.
i do not know what were they thinking when they came up with such shit in the game.

I don't know if they'll do it, but I wouldn't be surprised if they tweaked the loot/gil system a bit for the 360 release in Japan.

If the loot/gil system weren't broken the upgrade system might actually be bearable.


I got back into this a bit this weekend.
Completed the Tower, Oerba and finally got to chapter 12.

WTF is going on with this plot? It seems nonsensical if you put any kind of thought into the characters' motivations. The whole Gran Pulse journey seems like a freakin' waste of time now. That said, the game is pretty enjoyable so I'll keep at it :lol

PS: Also, what was up with the race scene at the start of chapter 12? Seemed like Square needed an excuse for a sweet-looking cutscene and just jammed it in. I made a new save there so I can watch it again though :p

If the loot/gil system weren't broken the upgrade system might actually be bearable.

I was always broke till I fixed Vanille's robot in Oerba. It drops stuff you can sell for 500,000 gil :D


Stick this combat system in a Chrono-universe game (with none of the linearity of FFXIII) and give me a call SE, then we'll talk.

Linearity isn't the issue with this game. FFX was just as linear but it was much more immersive. You really cared about Tidus and Yuna and you could at least identify with the motivations of the others.

FF13 fails in that regard. Maybe it'd have been better if they made Snow the lead. The other characters' issues aren't really expounded upon and after a while you forget about what's driving them...

It's not a bad game and it's kept me intrigued enough to finish it even after a 2 month break (which is more than I can say for FF12 :p)
Finding the combat boring to be honest, I'm on chapter 6 now and all I'm basically doing *still* is mashing X. Auto attack was a pretty lame decision, and the frantic pace of the battles and it's placement at the top makes it really hard not to use it. There is no middle ground.
And people weren't joking about the nonstop corridors, I really thought that was something that people blew out of proportion.
The voice acting is pretty good so far, bar Vanille but that's just such a shitty character anyway that it can't be helped. I'd probably be more invested in her if she wasn't so skinny too, all that skin and nothing to look at.
Cloudy said:
PS: Also, what was up with the race scene at the start of chapter 12? Seemed like Square needed an excuse for a sweet-looking cutscene and just jammed it in. I made a new save there so I can watch it again though :p

Reminded me of the new Star Wars trilogy- all flash and no substance :/. Worse still, everything moved so fast, you couldn't appreciate the eyecandy.

I've left the game at the last boss for a few weeks now - no motivation whatsoever to see the ending, haha.


nethack is my favorite dark souls clone
The battle system is really what carries this game. It's probably one of maybe three RPGs where I looked forward to - and actually sought out - battles. The others are Chrono Trigger and Kingdom Hearts.


uncleslappy said:
The battle system is really what carries this game. It's probably one of maybe three RPGs where I looked forward to - and actually sought out - battles. The others are Chrono Trigger and Kingdom Hearts.
Have you tried the Grandia games?


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Cornbread78 said:
Speaking of Grandia, did SE kill that IP after III?

Depends on GameArts. Lunar and Grandia are their flagship titles (more of Grandia actually).


Cloudy said:
PS: Also, what was up with the race scene at the start of chapter 12? Seemed like Square needed an excuse for a sweet-looking cutscene and just jammed it in. I made a new save there so I can watch it again though :p
It was an over-stylized, poorly orchestrated piece of bullshit. Had nothing to do with anything and tried too hard to 'ooze' cool that you couldn't even tell what was happening onscreen half the time. I got the same sensation watching it that I do when sitting too close to the theatre screen at an action movie, except I was 10 feet away. :lol

I'd still be very surprised if no deluxe/international edition showed up for this game; any new word or rumblings? I mean, a psp KH and Dissidoa are getting that treatment; XIII simply has to as well, right?


ULTROS! said:
Depends on GameArts. Lunar and Grandia are their flagship titles (more of Grandia actually).

Yet, we have seen nothign from either IP at this point in regards to a next gen title....C'Mon gents, I know RPGs are way down in overall popularity, but we need more sweet console RPGs!
Cloudy said:
I got back into this a bit this weekend.
Completed the Tower, Oerba and finally got to chapter 12.

WTF is going on with this plot? It seems nonsensical if you put any kind of thought into the characters' motivations. The whole Gran Pulse journey seems like a freakin' waste of time now. That said, the game is pretty enjoyable so I'll keep at it :lol

PS: Also, what was up with the race scene at the start of chapter 12? Seemed like Square needed an excuse for a sweet-looking cutscene and just jammed it in. I made a new save there so I can watch it again though :p

I was always broke till I fixed Vanille's robot in Oerba. It drops stuff you can sell for 500,000 gil :D

The plot was really annoying and I wanted to strangle several characters through the whole thing.


Cloudy said:
Linearity isn't the issue with this game. FFX was just as linear but it was much more immersive. You really cared about Tidus and Yuna and you could at least identify with the motivations of the others.

FF13 fails in that regard. Maybe it'd have been better if they made Snow the lead. The other characters' issues aren't really expounded upon and after a while you forget about what's driving them...

It's not a bad game and it's kept me intrigued enough to finish it even after a 2 month break (which is more than I can say for FF12 :p)

I think it would have been a lot better if the party weren't split up for like half of the game, and spent more time with each other. You spend a large chunk of the game jumping from character to character, and each person only interacts with one or two people. Then once the party regroups, the character interaction suddenly dies down significantly, and they're just quietly moving forward until the game is over.

I actually don't even remember Snow and Sazh ever saying a single word to each other throughout the entire game. :lol

Magnus said:
I'd still be very surprised if no deluxe/international edition showed up for this game; any new word or rumblings? I mean, a psp KH and Dissidoa are getting that treatment; XIII simply has to as well, right?

They are doing one sort of, it's the release of the 360 version in Japan this December. The only addition within the game is Easy Mode (it'd be cool if they unlocked things that are locked for no particular reason until later in the game, like the ability to rearrange your party), but it comes with some other stuff.

I assume they're too busy with something
(Final Fantasy XIII-2)
to do a more substantial International version.


I think it would have been a lot better if the party weren't split up for like half of the game, and spent more time with each other. You spend a large chunk of the game jumping from character to character, and each person only interacts with one or two people. Then once the party regroups, the character interaction suddenly dies down significantly, and they're just quietly moving forward until the game is over.

I agree. The splitting up not only hurts the character dev, it also keeps the best features of the battle system away from the player for like half the game!

There's no rule that rpgs need all these characters so I'd prefer them to have less or go the FF7 route and make them optional


Just started playing this now (thanks Amazon), going in with low expectations. Not too bad so far, very linear but the combat is pretty fun. I haven't played an FF since 8 though.

The graphics are really impressing me. Actually more than the usual favorite U2 , mostly because the IQ is very clean and of the art style. The lighting and faked AO does it huge service to the overall presentation IMO.

Can't say much about the story so far but what's up with all the details being hidden in the datalog? The whole bit with Hope being
pissed at Snow for his mom dying and him going about it like a grumpy child with his candy stolen from him
feels so weirdly setup and Sat morning cartoon style. Cringe worthy dialogue too. I hope they "westernize" the plots up more in future installments.. it's just too much cheese. Still, a decent game up to this point.


Fimbulvetr said:
Lack of being "westernized" has nothing to do with it, it's just badly written.

What I meant was I think it would be refreshing to see them step away a bit from the fantastical anime stuff and make it more serious and not as lighthearted.. as most western stuff is usually geared towards. Something more like a FFT-like plot would be good in my book.
vpance said:
What I meant was I think it would be refreshing to see them step away a bit from the fantastical anime stuff and make it more serious and not as lighthearted.. as most western stuff is usually geared towards. Something more like a FFT-like plot would be good in my book.

I'm just saying that no amount of style changing can get rid of bad writing. It could hide it, at best.
Was it entirely clear from that earlier interview precisely why they had to cancel the FFXIII DLC? I can't even begin to describe how disappointed I am in that, because the game's deeply in need of some very simple fixes. The story's basically busted, but as it stands there's basically zero replay value because the game takes about 15 hours to finally get out of tutorial mode. Some sort of hard mode or new game+ would have been so nice :( or even just getting a patch with the AI tweaks that are apparently coming to the Japanese 360 release.


vpance said:
What I meant was I think it would be refreshing to see them step away a bit from the fantastical anime stuff and make it more serious and not as lighthearted.. as most western stuff is usually geared towards. Something more like a FFT-like plot would be good in my book.

You mean less serious and more lighthearted. Right? We want the story to be better, right? The soap opera feel is one of the major problems.


Crystal Bearer
badcrumble said:
Was it entirely clear from that earlier interview precisely why they had to cancel the FFXIII DLC? I can't even begin to describe how disappointed I am in that, because the game's deeply in need of some very simple fixes. The story's basically busted, but as it stands there's basically zero replay value because the game takes about 15 hours to finally get out of tutorial mode. Some sort of hard mode or new game+ would have been so nice :( or even just getting a patch with the AI tweaks that are apparently coming to the Japanese 360 release.

Not up to quality they wanted, and apparently the differences between to two online distribution platforms caused some issues or something.
badcrumble said:
Was it entirely clear from that earlier interview precisely why they had to cancel the FFXIII DLC?

According to duckroll's OP from the DLC thread: "After being moved to a DLC package, the team ran into more problems both in terms of quality content and in terms of technical aspects."

Apparently the content was just terrible.
Kagari said:
Not up to quality they wanted, and apparently the differences between to two online distribution platforms caused some issues or something.
If the main game is an example of where the bar is set, I shudder to think of what was "not up to the quality they wanted." Ah well.

Maybe there'll be a full International rerelease at some point, although that seems doubtful. There was about half a year of lag time between FFX and FFX:I; about an year of lag between FFX-2 and FFX-2:I; and nearly a year and a half between FFXII and FFXII:I. Who knows, I mean maybe we'll hear something about something like that this January. But the fact that Square-Enix staff were openly talking about cancelled projects makes me think that FFXIII has been put to bed; whether we'll get a sequel or not is another matter, but I think that an International-style rerelease (apart from the slight additions made to the 360 version) is extremely unlikely.


Crystal Bearer
badcrumble said:
If the main game is an example of where the bar is set, I shudder to think of what was "not up to the quality they wanted." Ah well.

Maybe there'll be a full International rerelease at some point, although that seems doubtful. There was about half a year of lag time between FFX and FFX:I; about an year of lag between FFX-2 and FFX-2:I; and nearly a year and a half between FFXII and FFXII:I. Who knows, I mean maybe we'll hear something about something like that this January. But the fact that Square-Enix staff were openly talking about cancelled projects makes me think that FFXIII has been put to bed; whether we'll get a sequel or not is another matter, but I think that an International-style rerelease (apart from the slight additions made to the 360 version) is extremely unlikely.

At this point it seems unlikely. The team has definitely moved on at this point, and personally, I'd rather see other new games instead.

The Ultimate Hits International for Japan is really barebones and seems more of a cheap cash-in than anything.
Kagari said:
At this point it seems unlikely. The team has definitely moved on at this point, and personally, I'd rather see other new games instead.
Yeah. I don't think FFXIII did enough successful world-building (compared to, say, Spira or Ivalice) to get a sequel, but then again neither did FFVII and it got a whole Compilation of sequels/prequels, so who knows. There might be an FFXIII-2 in our future, there might not be. I'll be curious to see when Square-Enix next announces a new Final Fantasy game; it's been a hell of a while, and it's making me think their pipeline is badly broken.
badcrumble said:
Yeah. I don't think FFXIII did enough successful world-building (compared to, say, Spira or Ivalice) to get a sequel, but then again neither did FFVII and it got a whole Compilation of sequels/prequels, so who knows. There might be an FFXIII-2 in our future, there might not be. I'll be curious to see when Square-Enix next announces a new Final Fantasy game; it's been a hell of a while, and it's making me think their pipeline is badly broken.

I feel the opposite. I think they created an extremely rich world, and I really want to see more of the world of XIII. That's one of the reasons I want to see a XIII-2 (also, I flat out loved the game and the combat system).


Decided to finally pick this up after not being interested. I guess I've put it off for long enough but my curiosity keeps getting the best of me. That means putting off Fallout New Vegas which is a good thing in the end. I really need to wait for some technical reviews before that comes out. I like the new developer but I've had some issues with some of their games when they are first released so. Maybe I'm asking for more punishment after FFXIV but then again perhaps this will redeem SE in my eyes in terms of Final Fantasy.

Linearity while seeming an issue might not be to much of a problem in the end when I rethink it. I'm still playing through Tales of Vesperia (slowly when I have time) so not really up for to much exploring at the moment. Even then Fable 3 is coming which could possibly fulfill that desire. I know ToV certainly. What worries me most is the cut scenes.

Has anyone figured out how much time cut scenes take up in the game?
Are they used to simply help tell the story or is the game more of an interactive movie the way Xenosaga 1 came off? Where you spent more time watching the game then playing it.

Any DLC or patches that were added or needed?



badcrumble said:
Yeah. I don't think FFXIII did enough successful world-building (compared to, say, Spira or Ivalice) to get a sequel, but then again neither did FFVII and it got a whole Compilation of sequels/prequels, so who knows. There might be an FFXIII-2 in our future, there might not be. I'll be curious to see when Square-Enix next announces a new Final Fantasy game; it's been a hell of a while, and it's making me think their pipeline is badly broken.

Yeah, I already with they would produce a FFXIII-2 to actually fully explore the world of Pulse, I'd love to see how it looks after it re-civilized. Hey, maybe we could get some HD towns out of it!


Effect said:
Decided to finally pick this up after not being interested. I guess I've put it off for long enough but my curiosity keeps getting the best of me. That means putting off Fallout New Vegas which is a good thing in the end. I really need to wait for some technical reviews before that comes out. I like the new developer but I've had some issues with some of their games when they are first released so. Maybe I'm asking for more punishment after FFXIV but then again perhaps this will redeem SE in my eyes in terms of Final Fantasy.

Linearity while seeming an issue might not be to much of a problem in the end when I rethink it. I'm still playing through Tales of Vesperia (slowly when I have time) so not really up for to much exploring at the moment. Even then Fable 3 is coming which could possibly fulfill that desire. I know ToV certainly. What worries me most is the cut scenes.

Has anyone figured out how much time cut scenes take up in the game?
Are they used to simply help tell the story or is the game more of an interactive movie the way Xenosaga 1 came off? Where you spent more time watching the game then playing it.

Any DLC or patches that were added or needed?


- There is no patches or DLC, like we all hoped there would be.
- The cut scenes are actually very well timed IMO. Not over drawn out and make sense in context of the story.


Towns, do they at least exist in FFXIII even though you can't access them? Can they be seen perhaps in the background when you are in some locations? Or is it that there is a complete lack of acknowledgment of their existence?

Cornbread78 said:
- There is no patches or DLC, like we all hoped there would be.
- The cut scenes are actually very well timed IMO. Not over drawn out and make sense in context of the story.

Great. Nice to know they didn't go over board. Not sure if I'm disappointed by no DLC or not. Less money to spend but more content is always good. Thanks.


Effect said:
Towns, do they at least exist in FFXIII even though you can't access them? Can they be seen perhaps in the background when you are in some locations? Or is it that there is a complete lack of acknowledgment of their existence?

They definitely exist, and you run through a couple. It doesn't fit the story to linger in them though.


Effect said:
Towns, do they at least exist in FFXIII even though you can't access them? Can they be seen perhaps in the background when you are in some locations? Or is it that there is a complete lack of acknowledgment of their existence?
Great. Thanks.

LOL.....Oerba, LOL.....


I decided to crack this one out again - I'm on Chapter 11 and am doing
Vanille's Eidolon fight.

Firstly - I NEVER use the character, which makes the fight itself pretty annoying considering their weapons/accessories aren't upgraded and SUCK. My main problem though is how the fight is presented - I get to the designated zone with Fang, Lightning and Hope in my party - ALL OF A SUDDEN - two of them disappear and can't help in the battle. I know it happens for every single Eidolon fight but this time it really irked me.

I get the feeling I'm not quite a high enough "level" either - but being made to grind is NOT what I consider fun :(


This is one of the most engaging, fun and interesting games I've ever played. I really like the world, the combat, and the characters.

Hope is Vaan where Vaan should have been.


Beat the game yesterday. Loved it overall. Can't say I was a fan of the ending, though the overall experience of the game was enjoyable. It is a step down from FFXII, but so are many games this generation.

I'll likely be building my characters and fighting hunts on and off for the next month (don't want to start a new game with exams coming up) but after fighting a hunt which took away 9,999 not too long before I beat the game, it's going to be harder then I thought :lol

Still, looking forward to the challenge!


Been playing the game for about an hour now. Up to the the Snow section in Chapter 1, after the part with Sazh and Lightening at the beginning. Not to bad. Things are moving pretty fast, perhaps to fast in battles. Might have to mess with the battle speed. What I can see being a problem in the future is battles are so busy. Now I understand why they decided to go with you only controlling one character. I thought that might be a problem but in actual practice it works and makes.

Speaking of which at the moment I like Sazh and Snow, even Snow's group. Lightening I'm torn. I was okay with her for the most part until that flying scening and that rubbed me the wrong way. Though I guess I'll hold off judging her to harshly until I see more of her.

I do like the datalog. Similar to the system in Mass Effect but without the voice overs. The one in FFXIII is easier on the eyes though. I am appreciating the numerous save points so far.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Finally at the last chapter in this game. The game knows nothing of pacing. It would have made a great game back on the SNES because that's where the core gameplay is at technically. It just feels so drawn out.

Also, I checked an FAQ to see how long the last "dungeon" was and discovered that I've been using completly different classes than the FAQ listed. I've been using a COM-RAV-SYN as a starter switching to a COM-RAV-RAV to build up the stagger bar once everyone has their buffs and switching to COM-RAV-MED whenever enough damage was being dealt to the party. I've managed to finish everything so far with little-to-no effort and haven't used SEN once except the fights that force you to use it. SAB only used whenever I've needed to burn down an enemy fast. Am I doing it wrong?
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