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Final Fantasy XIII |OT|

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Firestorm said:
The problem I'm finding with the Datalog is the game expects you to read it, but seems to repeat very similar points in most of the entries. I'm reading all but "Events" which seem to be chapter summaries, the Primers, and Enemy Intel.

Sazh's VA is great. Vanille... is it just me or does her accent come off as super fake and sometimes not even there?

The actress is Australian, so...


Feep said:
However, under certain circumstances, the rate of decrease drastically lowers, allowing me to stagger. At first I thought this was a side benefit of Deshell or Deprotect, as it seemed to occur when Vanille was acting as Saboteur. But some further testing disproved that. I can't narrow it down; exactly what effect is causing this?

Melee will slow it down.


Neo Member
sounds like shes from a bogan, roughness suburb in sydney. i hate her accent. being from Australia, "normal" accents dont sound so cheap
Firestorm said:
The problem I'm finding with the Datalog is the game expects you to read it, but seems to repeat very similar points in most of the entries. I'm reading all but "Events" which seem to be chapter summaries, the Primers, and Enemy Intel.
Those are pretty much just there to show up on the loading screen when you first boot it up. So if you haven't played in a few weeks it'll remind you what's going on.


Lazy vs Crazy said:
Those are pretty much just there to show up on the loading screen when you first boot it up. So if you haven't played in a few weeks it'll remind you what's going on.
Yeah, that's what I figured.

Cep said:
The actress is Australian, so...
Interesting. I haven't heard much from her yet. Hopefully I get used to it. She definitely doesn't seem to be in her element yet but I think part of it might be her attempting a voice that could be higher than she's used to?


around 7 hours in now. Just beat

took me by surprise how quickly the fight started and how vicious it was. ended up beating it on my third try. 1 minute 48 seconds. I’m ok with that. some phoenix downs and dual casting did the trick.

I liked those multi party fights a little earlier. you definitely need to switch up paradigms very quickly. battle system is coming into its own. I definitely like it.


Been playing PS3 version for a few hours and made it to chapter 3.
My first impressions is the game is stunning one of the best looking titles I have played...
The voice acting is not that bad and the overall dialog is pretty good.

I'm really enjoying the game and the combat engine.

The mixture of ingame cinema and CG is really well done and starts to actually blur the line... Square needs some credit instead of all the criticism for getting this level of production values out of their first next-gen engine. I can only imagine what can be accomplished with more experience and new development techniques.

Since versus was being simultaneously developed I wonder does it really qualifies as a next iteration game using the development tools?


Oli said:
Just quit after reaching Chapter 3. Wow this game is amazing. I realize I have nothing to go by, as this is my entry point into the main series, but good grief. If this is the worst in the series as some claim, I'd love to see the best.

Welcome to the Final Fantasy fandom.

The first thing you need to understand about being a Final Fantasy fan is that you suck because you weren't a fan in the 90s when FF6/FF7 came out. Therefore, you will never be a TRUE FAN.

The second thing you need to understand that is that every game after FF6/FF7 sucks. Why? If you have to ask that question, it's because you are not a TRUE FAN.

The third thing you need to understand is that you are expected to buy every single game in the franchise after pouring over its development process for years on end and nitpicking every element. You will then play the game numerous times. You have to do this because you cannot possibly contemplate how much this post FF6/FF7 game sucks until you've spent most of your free time with it.

Finally, as a Final Fantasy fan, you must bash the series relentlessly and talk about how much it sucks compared to something else. Here's a few phrases to get you started!

1. Girly men.
2. Belts and zippers.
3. Nomura's work in this game ruins the franchise (bonus points if you say this in reference to games that Nomura didn't work on!)
4. This is further proof that WRPGs will always be superior.

There, that should get you well on your way to being a proper Final Fantasy fan. Though of course, you'll never be a TRUE FAN because you weren't around in the 90s when FF6/FF7 came out.


I don't really have much to add that's different to a lot of the impressions already listed. I'm towards the end of Chapter 3 I think, with around 4-5 hours on the clock.

The battle system is the most fun I've had in a FF title for a long time (And here I thought Paradigms wouldn't make much of a difference, but my pretty swift Game Over in one fight taught me otherwise). The first area was pretty linear, but the past few areas I have encountered were pretty much similar to FFX's areas. So I haven't really gotten the impression that it's just a tube-dungeon crawler just yet.

The voice acting and dialogue is really, really sketchy for a lot of the characters so far, which is quite disappointing when considering how superb FFXII's voice acting and script was. Surprisingly, I like Sazh and Lightning just fine, with Sazh being the most convincing character out of the pair acting wise. Hope is meh, Vanille's accent seems to drop at some points or becomes overexaggerated at other points (personality-wise, she seems like a slightly more batshit Selphie), and I utterly despise Snow so far. The less I have to use that guy, the better in my eyes.


Himuro said:
Upgrade system doesn't seem too hot.

I agree. well, maybe I was expecting more detail but I’m not sure if I yet understand what all the parts are for and if it’s dangerous to break own old weapons.

I think the natural materials help out the XP multiplier and the tech materials upgrade the XP. but maybe that was just coincidence when I started upgrading shit.

I broke down some low level weapons. I hope I don’t regret it at the end. :lol


NameIess said:
Since versus was being simultaneously developed I wonder does it really qualifies as a next iteration game using the development tools?

I'm not really sure it's fair to look at it as simultaneously considering the team was reduced to a skeleton crew to finish up XIII.

LCfiner said:
I think the natural materials help out the XP multiplier and the tech materials upgrade the XP. but maybe that was just coincidence when I started upgrading shit.

That's exactly it.
Okay, so I'm on the
crystalized lake, right after you've been turned into l'Cie.
At this point, it doesn't appear that I can customize my party (correct me if I'm wrong). I'm assuming that at some point, I'll be able to switch members in and out of my battle team. Is this a correct assumption, I hope?

Also, do players who don't participate in battles receive CP? It appears that they do. Kinda cheap, but since it saves me the hassle of making sure everyone gets equal fighting time, I won't complain too much.


Himuro said:
Upgrade system doesn't seem too hot.
I love how they don't explain shit about it. is it basically just spam heaps of components to upgrade shit

the two australian voices in this sound so off :lol


BertramCooper said:
Okay, so I'm on the
crystalized lake, right after you've been turned into l'Cie.
At this point, it doesn't appear that I can customize my party (correct me if I'm wrong). I'm assuming that at some point, I'll be able to switch members in and out of my battle team. Is this a correct assumption, I hope?

Also, do players who don't participate in battles receive CP? It appears that they do. Kinda cheap, but since it saves me the hassle of making sure everyone gets equal fighting time, I won't complain too much.

You will be able to make your own parties, but not yet. And yes everyone gets CP, even characters that are completely removed from your group.


On chapter 3 now...
Wow, the battle system is getting deep, the character customization reminds me of FFX, and the visuals are beautiful.

I miss the old victory fanfare and traditional FF theme, but those are just nip picks.

I wonder if the game is more open world and less linear later on? That was my major gripe with FFX

Fun Factor

Formerly FTWer
Rebochan said:
Welcome to the Final Fantasy fandom.

The first thing you need to understand about being a Final Fantasy fan is that you suck because you weren't a fan in the 90s when FF6/FF7 came out. Therefore, you will never be a TRUE FAN.

The second thing you need to understand that is that every game after FF6/FF7 sucks. Why? If you have to ask that question, it's because you are not a TRUE FAN.

Meh, I played FF4-6 after FF7 & loved them, but still like the Playstation games better.


hateradio said:
Agreed, and just b/c Uematsu isn't here, doesn't mean that they should have taken it out.

Its not there because the director was saying something about the battles being to fast paced to make time for fanfare+posing. Of course they still worked it into every game up unto XII (after boss battles)...so dunno why they couldnt do the same here.


im about 3 hours in so far and I really like it. i think the voice acting is pretty good so far (with some exceptions of course).
Lightning an Sazh are so awesome. They are my favorite characters so far.

I forgot to mention, This game is fucking BEAUTIFUL.


Churned several hours into this now, and I feel like sharing my thoughts for no particular reason.

-Looks very pretty.

-The story's kinda "eh". The focus is constantly changing from person to person, which makes things sorta interesting, but it does kinda cut things off at weird moments sometimes. Treats you a bit too much like you're a part of the world, the characters are just chatting away about stuff and it's like "...huh?", and it's not explained until they've built up a couple other new terms. By time PSICOM got explained within the story I was already thinking out other stuff. :lol

-The music is okay. There's a few awesome tracks, a bunch of atmospheric stuff that I can tune out and suddenly pick up when traveling gets dull, and nothing particularly offensive so far.

-The camera is annoying. It's a controllable camera in a game that has a habit of taken camera control away for "sweeping shots" and stuff. This has created several trippy moments that made me a tad dizzy.

-The battlesystem is fun, but too much is thrown at you with no explanation until later. It also has a habit of putting the explanations on the tougher fights for some reason, making it a bit harder to fool around. It's nice to go back to a slightly more classic ATB system but in a more flashy and faster style, and the auto-battle thing is useful on a few occasions. I still prefer to choose my commands though unless things are getting repetitive.

-Paradigm Shift is fun. I like having to watch several aspects of the battle, it's a trait of FFXII that I really enjoyed and glad to see back.

-The Crystarium is boring right now. I don't really mind the limits placed on you, it's just that there's not much to it. So far I feel like I've gotten more customization out of my group by playing around with the Paradigms than the Crystarium.

-The dialogue and little mannerisms of the characters can get pretty bad at times, Team NORA (including Snow) is particularly bad about it. They seem to keep going with the exaggerated and floaty running animations of X and X-2 as well, which isn't hampering the experience or anything, but it looks just as awkward as it did in those two.

-From what I've seen of the characters so far, Lightning's not that interesting, Snow is annoying, Vanille is annoying, Hope is annoying, Sazh is fairly enjoyable so far, and I have no thoughts on Fang yet.

-The Voice Acting is pretty decent, besides Vanille's being really...weird at time. Overall it doesn't seem any better or worse than Tales of Vesperia's, which is hardly a bad thing to me. :p

-The straight run from enemy->enemy->cutscene->enemy->treasure->enemy->enemy->cutscene with little downtime starts to get exhausting after a while. I can bear it here, but yeah...still feel that it's not something I want on a constant basis.


Bloodborne is shit

BUT......... I have to admit its nice just to have FF around again.
Honestly, I haven't felt embarassed by anything so far and I'm a bit past
getting Shiva

I may see some cheese later? I don't know, I haven't encountered anything cringeworthy.


Neo Member
eidolon/summon tiny spoiler but
shiva is a fucking motorcycle. seriously square. what the fuck are you on most of the time?


omg Vanille's run :lol :lol :lol

So far the game hasn't been too bad with the usual moans and grunts that Japanese games seem to use far too frequently with female and children characters, resulting in embarassment when anyone who isn't a "gamer" hears the game. However, there are still some. Why can't they just drop those in the English localization? It's probably the worst part about Japanese games.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Zzoram said:
omg Vanille's run :lol :lol :lol

So far the game hasn't been too bad with the usual moans and grunts that Japanese games seem to use far too frequently with female and children characters, resulting in embarassment when anyone who isn't a "gamer" hears the game. However, there are still some. Why can't they just drop those in the English localization? It's probably the worst part about Japanese games.
It would be funny if people localized Japanese porn into English like that. :lol

*squeal whine squeal* would become "Oh yes, keep going big stud. Yes. Yes."


Projectjustice said:
Are components ment to be sold or saved for later to create items or something?
I'm assuming it's like FFXII in which most can just be sold. Can anyone verify if that's a wrong assumption?

omg rite said:
Edit: :lol @ Vanille's running animation.
Yes, it's pretty bad and funny. But because it's funny and not just bad, I'll put up with it for now. We'll see if it wears as the game goes on.

Lotan said:
Woah, is this game gorgeous or what?
Just having playing Uncharted 2, I was more struck by the visuals of that game than FFXIII so far (I spent a lot of time just staring at some of the Uncharted 2 vistas), but just four hours in or so (playing slowly), so we'll see how it opens up. But your absolutely right, it is still beautiful. Am looking forward to what else they have to show as the game progresses.

Overall, really enjoying the game so far and glad to have Friday off to have the long weekend to marathon this thing out.
I'm really this close to picking this up tomorrow.

I was going to wait until I get a PS3 but maybe I should just get it for the 360.

More JRPGs for my 360 is always a welcome, than again Resonance of Fate is coming out next week.


TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:
I'm really this close to picking this up tomorrow.

I was going to wait until I get a PS3 but maybe I should just get it for the 360.

More JRPGs for my 360 is always a welcome, than again Resonance of Fate is coming out next week.

PS3 cutscenes are better, but if you have to wait a year or something before getting a PS3, just get the 360 version now since you'll never end up playing it if you wait and it just gets lumped into a backlog.
Himuro said:
The whole "straight path" shtick would be a lot more tolerable had they opted to make the level design more than simply paths with random monsters and straight paths with a few forks for dinky treasure chests.

It's a really really fucking fun game, but godammit. They couldn't have really thought that going through one dungeon with no gimmick or puzzles or enemy variety to speak of for HOURS would be good.

It came up before, it helps to turn the map off. Then it's not so obvious that you need to go straight and that there's one fork for an item, it requires a more exploratory state of mind...I did it in the ice level and it made it more fun.
Can anyone give any hints for
? Just what Paradigm setups or who to actually use would be awesome. I'm currently using Light/Fang/Sazh but I'm struggling.


I need to work on my strategy in this game.... everytime Lightning is not in my party I have a really hard time, die a lot, and the battles take a lot longer....

My main gripe is the game is repetitive. It's lessened by the fact that the battle system is amazing but still hurts the over all game imo.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
runlikehell said:
Can anyone give any hints for
? Just what Paradigm setups or who to actually use would be awesome. I'm currently using Light/Fang/Sazh but I'm struggling.

You should be using Defender (I think it's called Sentinel in the US) for every battle that you have it available.

ALWAYS have the option of having two healers and a defender if things are getting bad. Switch out Sazh for Hope. He doesn't have haste, but he can still buff, and you can have a HLR/DEF/HLR combo when things get bad.

Never never never run around without a HLR/DEF/HLR combo when one is available to you.

You should also run with a DEF/BLA/HLR if you can help it, and switch into ATK/BLA/HLR to increase break.

Always remember that blasters increase break really fast, but ATK maintains it. ATK cannot raise break quickly, but it will maintain it while your BLA waits for their next turn. Have the HLR in your hip pocket for when you face nasty retaliation. Have a DEF/ATK/HLR combo ready to maintain break when you need to heal, but are REALLY REALLY close to breaking the boss.

Sorry, I don't know what the classes are called in the US version. :S


I think.
everything about vanille is fucking horrible. and damn they did a terrible flatout terrible job on the script. so many awkward lines and every time the actors are suppose to act shocked they come off terribly.

still even with a weak script to work with i think the VA (except for vanille) is overall pretty good so far. my man troy baker is great as snow, but that is to be expected since he is great in every game he's in. companies need to ditch NN and hitch a ride on the baker bandwagon.

i'm not ready to throw the game under the bus just yet since i'm not that far in and seeing as how i've spent $200 on this installment of the series i'll be giving the game the fairest shake i can possible give.

one positive thing i can say at this point is that the music is AMAZING. i've welled up with happy/sad tears on two occasions so far. part of that though is the "OH MY GOD I CANT BELIEVE IM PLAYING IT" effect.

after an hour of fighting with squares member site i FINALLY got the codes to download my avatar gear...and, well...


:lol :lol :lol it didn't even come with a helmet. what a joke!


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
haitu said:
question before buying.

-can i skip all the cut scenes? i hate japanese melodrama.

What about American melodrama? Is that kosher? Korean melodrama? What about german melodrama?

You can pause and skip all cutscenes.


thetrin said:
You should be using Defender (I think it's called Sentinel in the US) for every battle that you have it available.

ALWAYS have the option of having two healers and a defender if things are getting bad. Switch out Sazh for Hope. He doesn't have haste, but he can still buff, and you can have a HLR/DEF/HLR combo when things get bad.

Never never never run around without a HLR/DEF/HLR combo when one is available to you.

You should also run with a DEF/BLA/HLR if you can help it, and switch into ATK/BLA/HLR to increase break.

Always remember that blasters increase break really fast, but ATK maintains it. ATK cannot raise break quickly, but it will maintain it while your BLA waits for their next turn. Have the HLR in your hip pocket for when you face nasty retaliation. Have a DEF/ATK/HLR combo ready to maintain break when you need to heal, but are REALLY REALLY close to breaking the boss.

I would be careful about spending too much time on healing/defending (is that what turtling is?). That's an easy way to get the death timer cast on you.
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