Neo Member
This end-game grinding is crazy. I don't feel like playing anything else at the moment, so I'm still at it, but I don't know if stick with it long enough to actually have a chance at some of the harder bosses.
This end-game grinding is crazy. I don't feel like playing anything else at the moment, so I'm still at it, but I don't know if stick with it long enough to actually have a chance at some of the harder bosses.
This end-game grinding is crazy. I don't feel like playing anything else at the moment, so I'm still at it, but I don't know if stick with it long enough to actually have a chance at some of the harder bosses.
I think I will cheat engine the shit out of the ending game.
It really is. That's one of the reasons I think that when the games "opens up" is not really when the game starts, like some people say, is when the grind starts, which is not FUN at all.
I mean, yeah, what you had 20 hours before, was linear and locked you up on a limited version of the battle system. But what the game gives you is just the same shit (and by shit, I mean the same turtle battle) over and over for 20 hours, it which at one point you say:"Fuck this, I'd just rather finish the game that keep going with this".
How the hell does staggering work? I'm on Chapter 4 and the stupid Pulsework Soldiers are incredibly strong unless you stagger them, but their meter plummets insanely fast sometimes and others the meter is slow to decrease, seemingly at random. Stacking attacks from other party members doesn't seem to work (since, again, meter plummets too fast for me or the party members to begin attacking again), different Paradigms don't work, and magic/physical attacks don't seem to make a difference.
So...what's the deal? I'm missing something vital but the game doesn't make it clear. It's kinda weird since they really beat you over the head with nearly everything else, mechanics and story wise.
How the hell does staggering work? I'm on Chapter 4 and the stupid Pulsework Soldiers are incredibly strong unless you stagger them, but their meter plummets insanely fast sometimes and others the meter is slow to decrease, seemingly at random. Stacking attacks from other party members doesn't seem to work (since, again, meter plummets too fast for me or the party members to begin attacking again), different Paradigms don't work, and magic/physical attacks don't seem to make a difference.
So...what's the deal? I'm missing something vital but the game doesn't make it clear. It's kinda weird since they really beat you over the head with nearly everything else, mechanics and story wise.
How the hell does staggering work? I'm on Chapter 4 and the stupid Pulsework Soldiers are incredibly strong unless you stagger them, but their meter plummets insanely fast sometimes and others the meter is slow to decrease, seemingly at random. Stacking attacks from other party members doesn't seem to work (since, again, meter plummets too fast for me or the party members to begin attacking again), different Paradigms don't work, and magic/physical attacks don't seem to make a difference.
So...what's the deal? I'm missing something vital but the game doesn't make it clear. It's kinda weird since they really beat you over the head with nearly everything else, mechanics and story wise.
Is it more effective to have a COM and a RAV attacking at the same time or if I do RAV>Paradigm Shift>COM>Attack (or vice-versa) also works?
Is it more effective to have a COM and a RAV attacking at the same time or if I do RAV>Paradigm Shift>COM>Attack (or vice-versa) also works?
How the hell does staggering work? I'm on Chapter 4 and the stupid Pulsework Soldiers are incredibly strong unless you stagger them, but their meter plummets insanely fast sometimes and others the meter is slow to decrease, seemingly at random. Stacking attacks from other party members doesn't seem to work (since, again, meter plummets too fast for me or the party members to begin attacking again), different Paradigms don't work, and magic/physical attacks don't seem to make a difference.
So...what's the deal? I'm missing something vital but the game doesn't make it clear. It's kinda weird since they really beat you over the head with nearly everything else, mechanics and story wise.
Yeah, I thought so, not even the ATB Refresh goes fast enough to save it.Better for Rav and Com unless it's 3 Ravs to drive the stagger gauge up quickly. By the time the shift occurs with all ravs to coms, you might lose the bar.
Edit: However, as long as a Com is able to get an entire ATB bar off, it should slow the bar down long enough to switch to Rav/Rav to stagger.
Depends. For filling the stagger gauge you'll generally want two RAVs and one COM (you'll probabt lose the chain during the paradigm shift tbh) For pure DPS having more COMs will increase damage output. It's also worth noting that SABs will have the same effect on the enemy's stagger gauge as COMs do (stabilizes the drop when chaining), so if you want to cast debuffs while increasing stagger, SAB RAV RAV can be a decent tactic as well.
Debuffs increase stagger? Didn't know about that one, will definitely try it out, thanks (and yes, I was referring to stagger, not raw DPS, but good to know that COM is better at that).
Yup, unlike past FFs, debuffs also INFLICT damage, although it is a VERY small amount.
Non the less they keep that stagger gauge going decently, and debuffs are gonna be really useful in future fights.
Good question, I think its both? Element-strike abilities slow the reduction of the stagger gauge IIRC.Cool, I'm using them more than most JRPGs to be honest. Also, about buffs, stuff like Firestrike is treated as physical or magical?
Bravery and Faith are really good buffs as they increase your damage. The one that reduces the chances of your attacks getting interrupted should be cast lastShould I use Bravery of Faith to increase the damage?
And that one that makes it harder for enemies to cancel my actions (forgot the name =P), should I even use it that much?
When I played as Sazh I found buffs/debuffs to be pretty necessary.
Good question, I think its both? Element-strike abilities slow the reduction of the stagger gauge IIRC.
Bravery and Faith are really good buffs as they increase your damage. The one that reduces the chances of your attacks getting interrupted should be cast last
Yeah Sazh is a really good SYN and learns Haste real early, Haste makes battles end faster.
I think I will cheat engine the shit out of the ending game.
It really is. That's one of the reasons I think that when the games "opens up" is not really when the game starts, like some people say, is when the grind starts, which is not FUN at all.
I mean, yeah, what you had 20 hours before, was linear and locked you up on a limited version of the battle system. But what the game gives you is just the same shit (and by shit, I mean the same turtle battle) over and over for 20 hours, it which at one point you say:"Fuck this, I'd just rather finish the game that keep going with this".
I literally don't understand your complaint here. There's no need to grind whatsoever until after you beat the game.
I literally don't understand your complaint here. There's no need to grind whatsoever until after you beat the game.
I mean, once you reachand start the first sidequests the grind starts or you find a wall quite soon.You have that whole new area to "explore" but after a while you want to get the fuck out of there, because is even more boring than the rest of the game.grand pulse
Yeah, you can finish the game first, but after that it makes even less sense to go back to the least for me.
You need to grind during chapter 11. I tried to go directly to the objective and the summon there just destroyed me.
Has Square ever even acknowledged IX's existence since release?
they typically tend to hold up VII, VIII, and X the most. Simply by virtue that they're the series' best-selling titles (I believe XIII is actually the fourth-best selling game in the franchise, followed by XII and IX).
In relation to the Grand Pulse "grinding" debacle, once the missions start being too hard you should play the game until the final dungeon where portals to grand pulse will open, that's when you are supposed to explore it completely and it's optional areas, once you reach Grand Pulse for the very first time, you can do a couple of sidequests and that's it because you still don't have nearly enough "power".
Which brings us to IX's problem. It didn't get a PC port or any other form of release that would make a PC release simple. A PC release would probably have to be built from the ground up. Squeenix likely isn't going to do that (nor do they probably even have all the wonderful high-res assets anymore).
You can do a whole lot of the missions without grinding. It's always seemed to me that the game was deliberately designed for it, actually. There are a couple little story moments mixed in there, and after a certain point the mission progression takes you on the exact same path as the story does.
The covers I made turned out pretty good I think
You can probably do about 10-15 missions before it starts being too hard I think.
That Odin probably gave me my fastest Game Over screen yet (That's Dark Souls level of difficulty >.>)
Loved that battle. But why does the game expect me to last like, 25mins fighting Odin? Can the battle even last that long (wouldn't doom end it faster)?
I Esc raged at Raines.
It's meant to end fairly quickly, if you're doing it right. Eidolon battles are all about building chains, not doing damage. Buff up with Hope, then go RAV/RAV as much as possible, and RAV/MED to heal. Use MED/MED to heal more quickly, if needed. Shouldn't take too long with that strategy.
Oh no, I beat him. But the result screen after has Target Time for like, 25 mins. Is that even possible? Why is the number so big?
Oh, alright. Yeah, all the Eidolons have long target times like that. It doesn't really matter, since they don't drop any random loot.
Weird =P
Anyway, I'm loving the Eidolon battles, that's one of the best ways I've seen to force the player to use every mechanic.
Can definitely understand that, although still fun getting something slightly challenging at that point.I Esc raged at Raines.