Because I'm an idiot.
Bah. My Halatai run is going to be tricky, then, since like 1/3 of my skills will be locked out lol. Thanks for the quick answer!Yeah. If the dungeon is lvl capped, you only have access to whatever skills fit under that cap. (ex: lvl 25 capped dungeon locks you out of your lvl 26+ skills)
Soooo. how much different to 1.0 is it? Was 1.0 really that bad?
Ya, I was being facetious. You definitely hit the nail on the head here.Also you may not want to play with other players but just seeing other people and knowing there's a real person behind them is often enough to give someone a sense that the world is alive. Similar to seeing the ghosts of other players fading in and out in the Souls games.
is it just me or is it a bit hard to keep up with damage numbers while in combat? something with how numbers pop out, and the small font... it doesn't 'flow' out of you and enemies logically in a way that my brain clicks on whats happening.
its like the opposite of most rpgs where its all about damage number porn. This game, they try to keep it down low.
something about the format of the skill name + damage, is just weird. weird i say!
wonder if I can customize this stuff in the options... at least color code my attacks vs enemy attacks.
Any more word on the possibilities of one-time server transfers?
My friend and I ended up starting on a server where we know no one and I didn't think to research where GAF would be (which I did for SWTOR, d'oh!) so we'll end up wanting to transfer to Ultros.
the lack of really much of any voiced stuff kinda sucks :X. SWTOR spoiled me.
The only thing that really bugs me on the PS3 is the choppy animation on monsters. Everything else is great.
It's for the best, IMO. Fully voiced MMOs run into traps when expanding content. Either keep doing it and it takes longer and costs more, or stop it and have a weird disconnect in future content. Or games like Age of Conan where the starter island is fully voiced and then it goes to almost nothing afterwards.
Better to have it only when it's necessary.
Where do i go to get the Marauder class or whatever? I noticed i somehow got it but have no idea where or how to get back. I noticed i need to get it level 15 if i want to become a goon and since i am coming on level 30 on my lancer i wanna grind up to 15 real quick (been saving up my leve stuff)
RAM limitations. Won't be an issue on the PS4 version.
Plus it keeps the file size down! I'm scared to update my PS3 HDD so I like small downloads and installs! (Still hasn't played MGS4 because theres no room on my drive).
Alot of EU GAF rolled on an NA server. GAF servers should've been split in two
this may sound like a stupid question, but how the hell do you put stuff in the armorer? (in your Inn) I tried countless methods but it never accepts what I'm trying to put inside!
Where do i go to get the Marauder class or whatever? I noticed i somehow got it but have no idea where or how to get back. I noticed i need to get it level 15 if i want to become a goon and since i am coming on level 30 on my lancer i wanna grind up to 15 real quick (been saving up my leve stuff)
Gee, I really wish I could create a character and join a world.
I have a 5 day weekend and I wanted to jump into this big time.![]()
world is full try again later![]()
i got bored of wow because i couldn't find a guild to join lol. Why even play mmos if you are antisocial ;P
Go play games with gameplay instead of silly mmos!
Did you equip the weathered slops (leg slot)?Dressed to Deceive is bugged? I equipped the weathered tunic and still red above their heads >.<
Dressed to Deceive is bugged? I equipped the weathered tunic and still red above their heads >.<
It's for the best, IMO. Fully voiced MMOs run into traps when expanding content. Either keep doing it and it takes longer and costs more, or stop it and have a weird disconnect in future content. Or games like Age of Conan where the starter island is fully voiced and then it goes to almost nothing afterwards.
Better to have it only when it's necessary.
Because MMO's are fun even when not actively interacting with other people. You have a huge world to explore, the ability to walk everywhere, different classes (with supposedly different game-play mechanics) to enjoy. Plus thanks to match-making dungeon tools, grouping up to tackle content that requires groups is also possible for anti-social people or, to be more exact, people that don't feel the need to keep chatting all the time.
Yeah, the party I attempted Sastash with yesterday said all of two words to each other while we were in there.
Even if it's a Unique Item? If so that's GREAT! I'd like to just help out Gaf players doing the first 3 Dungeons I had that much fun!
If I want to specifically play with other GAF players in a dungeon and we form a party will it fill the other slots with random players? Say we have 1 Tank 1 Healer & 1 DPS will the duty finder fill in the last DPS spot or could we enter with just 3 players?
This happened to me. 3 of them were PS3 players without keyboards, somewhat understandable. The next party I had, we were talking the entire time. Sometimes, it's how it goes.
And now it's time to get coffee because i clearly am not paying full attention to this game lol.Did you equip the weathered slops (leg slot)?
Is there a way to set RT and LT (R2 and L2 on PS3) to toggle on/off instead of having to hold them in to attack/cast spells? Would be more comfortable to me
Dressed to Deceive is bugged? I equipped the weathered tunic and still red above their heads >.<
I asked this last night but didn't get an answer. Is this possible?
When you name your Chocobo does the name have to be unique?
I asked this last night but didn't get an answer. Is this possible?
What's the best way to chain Fates? Do you need to be in a big group?
Soloing them is kind of slow since I was never fast enough to get to it from one to another, they die in a matter of seconds >.>
Right now a large group closing in on full party is the best for farming. You get a bump in xp from being in a group and access to limit breaks which can help big against boss FATEs. You also don't have to worry about doing a ton of damage yourself while in a FATE since you'll get some credit for the actions of your party. You still need to do some stuff (healing, damage) to get gold, but not nearly as much as you do if you run them solo.
If you do go solo, the best FATEs are the boss mobs because they have tons of hp and you can generally do enough to warrant gold.