Okay, based off limited exposure to 2.1 content, here's a couple items I'm adding to my Future Patch wishlist.
- Monthly PVP Balancing Adjustments, because, lets face it, even if the PVP only skills help there's probably going to be some balance issues.
- PVP Tournament Mode, 2.2
- PVP Spectator Mode 2.2
- More Coil level content.
- More Bahamut/Odin level Fates
Right now, content the content update seems to be aimed mostly are Pre-Coil players. That's fine, since that's where most players are now. Come late February though, I suspect a either a majority of players will be in Coil, or we'll be approaching that point.
Since there's now ample Pre-Coil level content, I hope they start focusing on Coil and Coil+ level content come 2.2.
As for PVP, I'm willing to be patient with that feature, but I know others won't be. Since PVP balancing shouldn't effect the rest of the game, there shouldn't be any excuse for putting out balance patches there more frequently.
I should note, I haven't tried PVP yet, and it might not even be that bad. I'm just assuming at this point that it's unlikely to really, "nail," it on it's first iteration.
PS: Any word yet whether or not any of the new crafting items require Phil Tomes? Kinda eager to know if they'll go up in value or not.