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Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn |OT3| LFT Full Relic and DL Required

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better than gobbue
Are Scholar Faeries broken or something? Just did AK on Scholar and my faerie abilities were greyed out the entire time (through multiple resummons) and I couldn't manually have them use anything in either steady or obey. It was actually worse than before. Is there a new menu I'm hopefully missing?

So to answer my own question, you have to target a mob to get to the "old" steady mode (now obey) which is massively stupid to me. I shouldn't need a mob to tell the faerie what to do. She isn't attacking anything :/

This hardly feels like the improvement it should have been.


So to answer my own question, you have to target a mob to get to the "old" steady mode (now obey) which is massively stupid to me. This hardly feels like the improvement it should have been. I shouldn't need a mob to tell the faerie what to do. She isn't attacking anything :/

What, so you need a target for steady now? Or am I missing something else?
Anyone on midgardsormr? Trying to figure out haircuts.

Limsa Upper decks 11:11, the quest is there. It's pretty straightforward, just travel to the three cities to get NPCs to complete it. Then you can summon the stylist from the retainer bell in your inn room (I didn't try the other bell).

What, so you need a target for steady now? Or am I missing something else?

To quote Babybell on the official forums:

"new pet control is super irritating
-Steady, the pet not only do nothing, also can't order them to spell anything
-Obey, can be used in place of old steady, but NEED to target on a mob first"


Limsa Upper decks 11:11, the quest is there. It's pretty straightforward, just travel to the three cities to get NPCs to complete it. Then you can summon the stylist from the retainer bell in your inn room (I didn't try the other bell).

To quote Babybell on the official forums:

"new pet control is super irritating
-Steady, the pet not only do nothing, also can't order them to spell anything
-Obey, can be used in place of old steady, but NEED to target on a mob first"

Hmm ok, that's just different, I don't think that's so extreme. Unless you need to target a mob and set her to steady after every encounter.


ugh, I dont like the changes on the Allagan body for DRG, its uglier.

Thats pretty much all I could see. I cant play till tonight :(
Hmm ok, that's just different, I don't think that's so extreme. Unless you need to target a mob and set her to steady after every encounter.

I guess it's more that it's totally unnecessary that irks me. And it effectively removes a degree of control from the player needlessly, however small. I just expected a more elegant solution after this long of a wait, I suppose.


I guess it's more that it's totally unnecessary that irks me. And it effectively removes a degree of control from the player needlessly, however small. I just expected a more elegant solution after this long of a wait, I suppose.

Yeah I agree,
So it seems you HAVE to put in obey to manually cast. Seems to be the only stance to allow that.


PUG'd Haukke Manor Hard blind and cleared with about 20 minutes left. Spoilers below.

First area trash packs include succubus mobs that have a summon move similar to Void Call at Amdapor Keep. It can be stunned. There's a coffer near the first boss that spawns two gargoyle mobs that use Desolation like Batraal.

First boss is an imp called Manor Jester. Very simple fight. It spawns pairs of skeletons called Manor Butler that die very fast and it leaves void zones on the ground, but that's about it.

Second area has lantern that shoot as a trap. Defeating each trash group disables one of these traps so just pull to a safe area.

Second boss is the satyr-looking demon guy called Ash. When patterns of blue lines appear on the floor move to a safe spot or you will get knockback and take damage. He also leaves glowing swords that hover in spots around the room and will attack anyone that gets close and summons a taurus minion near the end of the fight, but he's not too bad.

Third area is the dungeons and you will be attacked by groups of trash mobs coming out of the cells in addition to the ones wandering the halls. There is a cell past the boss room that has two accessory coffers so don't miss it.

Final boss is the succubus with the glowing sword named Helicarnassus. We wiped on this fight several times before figuring it out so I'll post some notes on the fight.

She uses typical succubus void magic and another attack called Dark Mist which is a circle AOE centered around her. It stuns and damages with a very long duration and has a large range, so it's very hard to avoid. She is immune to Silence but not Stun, so Shield Bash worked to interrupt it, but she builds up immunity very fast and I could only stun it once or twice.

At three points in the fight she spawns adds, first a Manor Servant (ahriman), then two Manor Maidservant (succubus) and lastly Lady Amandine. She will absorb these adds with her sword after a while, then do a move called Blood Rain which does damage to the whole arena. It does more damage the more HP the add had left and will one shot people if the add had too much HP left. We used a MNK LB on Amandine when we finally won because she had too much HP to kill easily before she was absorbed. She uses Stoneskin on herself after the first add but that's the only time I've seen her use it.

If you survive the third Blood Rain the fight is easy. She will start using a move called Beguiling Mist which works like Dark Mist but has unlimited range, but it's still not too big of an issue. She gave 50 myth tomes and the ilvl 60 MNK body piece.


Yoshida posted this on OF about housing

Regarding Housing Price

This is FFXIV: ARR Producer/Director Naoki Yoshida. First of all, allow me to express my thanks to all of you who have offered feedback on the matter of housing prices. Needless to say, I have been following the discussion very closely.

In this post, I would like to clarify our fundamental stance toward housing prices, and offer a better picture of how players can expect prices to fall in the near future.
(My apologies in advance if this post gets a bit wordy.)

Fundamental Pricing Stance

Our fundamental stance toward housing prices was that we wanted to ensure that plots would be evenly distributed, avoiding a situation in which the wealthiest players could easily buy up all available plots of land. Please understand that while we will be adding servers and expanding housing areas as soon as we can, it is simply physically impossible for us to accomplish this easily, in a matter of one or two weeks.

If the initial price of land was easily within the means of wealthy players, one can envision all available plots of land being snatched up immediately, leaving other players—even those possessing the necessary gil—unable to purchase land for an extended period of time. Seeking to avoid this, we made the difficult decision to go forward with the pricing scheme we presented, aware that many players would be unable to afford housing for a while.

Eorzean Economy Review

Before determining the initial (or maximum) prices for land, we conducted an extensive survey of the Eorzean economy across multiple Worlds, including:

The total amount of gil possessed by all players
The total amount of gil possessed by all active players on each World
The number of active free companies and members on each World
The total amount of gil owned by all active players belonging to each free company on all Worlds
The amount of gil entering the economy and circulating in the market on a given day in each World
Distribution of the above (X% belonging to the most wealthy, Y% belonging to the middle class, Z% to the less wealthy, etc.)

Needless to say, RMT traders are served with immediate bans and their gil removed from circulation, so these figures are not included in the above. In addition, to account for gil generated by RMT abuses that might still be in circulation, an additional 10% or so was subtracted from the figures we arrived at.

What we realized from this survey was that the wealthiest players in each world had at their disposal an amount of gil that was considerably higher than one would imagine. In each legacy World, there are more than ten players in possession of over one hundred million gil. Even in non-legacy Worlds, there are a significant number of players with several million gil.

he Future Price of Housing

In conducting this survey, we created a forecast for gil distribution in the three-month period following the release of patch 2.1. In doing so, we anticipated that:

Players will be seeking to earn more gil than they have thus far, and
The overall amount of gil generated each day will be higher (in fact, considerably higher) with the release of patch 2.1

...and adjusted our forecast accordingly.

The results of this forecast, with the necessary adjustments for differences between the various Worlds, formed the basis for the depreciated "XX Days Later" prices presented in the patch notes.

With this pricing scheme, we sought a balance in which roughly 80% of all existing free companies will be able to purchase at least a small-sized plot in three months’ time.

I understand that, in taking these measures to ensure even distribution of land, we are asking for considerable patience from those players who are eager to enjoy housing right away. While I sympathize with players concerns, we believe that this is in the best long-term interests of the game.

The Regulation of Starting and Final Prices

As mentioned within the patch notes, we will closely monitor land purchases, and consider revising prices as necessary according to World population and economy. Please keep in mind that prices will decrease every six hours from the opening of the servers, and will continue to drop even during maintenance. Furthermore, plots of land released in the future will never be more expensive.

Legacy World Price Adjustments

Due to the prodigious amount of gil in circulation in legacy Worlds, we regret that current housing prices may be prohibitive to the following players:

Those new to the game who started on legacy Worlds
Those returning to a legacy World after taking an extended break
Those on a legacy World who have been unable to save gil

Upon considering the feedback we have received since the release of the patch notes, we have decided to make the following adjustments:

Land prices will start at the figures indicated in the patch notes
From January 2014, devaluation will be adjusted every two weeks
After three months, final land prices will match those of World Group 3

* World Group 3 (third listed in the patch notes)
Bahamut / Behemoth / Cactuar / Carbuncle / Chocobo / Diabolos / Fenrir / Garuda / Gilgamesh / Ifrit / Leviathan / Mandragora / Midgardsormr / Odin / Ramuh / Shiva / Siren / Tiamat / Titan / Tonberry / Ultros

Although this takes place over the course of three months, land prices in legacy Worlds will eventually fall to match those of World Group 3. In the event that pricing changes are made to this group, the same will be applied to legacy Worlds.

By adjusting devaluation at set intervals rather than in one go, we hope to prevent a sudden rash of purchases.

The introduction of housing will help to unify the perceived value of gil in each individual World. Furthermore, it has presented an opportunity for us to consider the lifting of restrictions on transfers between between legacy and non-legacy Worlds.

Personal Housing

While I cannot give a specific date on when personal housing will be implemented, I can say that prices will be completely separate from free company housing, and, naturally, far more affordable.

In Summary

The final price of land on all Worlds is subject to adjustments, and may fall lower
Over the course of three months, prices on legacy Worlds will fall to match those of World Group 3
Personal housing will be far more affordable than free company housing

We realize that these measures will not immediately satisfy all players, especially those on legacy Worlds who are either new to the game or returning from extended absences. We ask for your patience and understanding as we strive to create a balanced housing system.

Our fundamental stance toward housing prices was that we wanted to ensure that plots would be evenly distributed, avoiding a situation in which the wealthiest players could easily buy up all available plots of land. Please understand that while we will be adding servers and expanding housing areas as soon as we can, it is simply physically impossible for us to accomplish this easily, in a matter of one or two weeks.

I dont really understand this part. I mean, its the wealthiest players the only ones who can afford housing right now. Also, they could just restrict to 1 plot for FC, and if you want another plot, you have to sell the first one, making it available again.

Also, it seems like the housing instances arent generated automatically?

Atleast, the good news is that, starting January, the prices for Legacy servers will go down till Tier 3 list.


If anyone was curious, Provoke works in PVP too. I won a match thanks to it lol... taunted a guy and he was so confused about how he lost his target. xD


at this rate by the time I log in when I get home I'll be all "Anyone wanna do some 2.1 stuff!?" and everyone will be all "nah, done it all"



PUG'd Haukke Manor Hard blind and cleared with about 20 minutes left. Spoilers below.

First area trash packs include succubus mobs that have a summon move similar to Void Call at Amdapor Keep. It can be stunned. There's a coffer near the first boss that spawns two gargoyle mobs that use Desolation like Batraal.

First boss is an imp called Manor Jester. Very simple fight. It spawns pairs of skeletons called Manor Butler that die very fast and it leaves void zones on the ground, but that's about it.

Second area has lantern that shoot as a trap. Defeating each trash group disables one of these traps so just pull to a safe area.

Second boss is the satyr-looking demon guy called Ash. When patterns of blue lines appear on the floor move to a safe spot or you will get knockback and take damage. He also leaves glowing swords that hover in spots around the room and will attack anyone that gets close and summons a taurus minion near the end of the fight, but he's not too bad.

Third area is the dungeons and you will be attacked by groups of trash mobs coming out of the cells in addition to the ones wandering the halls. There is a cell past the boss room that has two accessory coffers so don't miss it.

Final boss is the succubus with the glowing sword named Helicarnassus. We wiped on this fight several times before figuring it out so I'll post some notes on the fight.

She uses typical succubus void magic and another attack called Dark Mist which is a circle AOE centered around her. It stuns and damages with a very long duration and has a large range, so it's very hard to avoid. She is immune to Silence but not Stun, so Shield Bash worked to interrupt it, but she builds up immunity very fast and I could only stun it once or twice.

At three points in the fight she spawns adds, first a Manor Servant (ahriman), then two Manor Maidservant (succubus) and lastly Lady Amandine. She will absorb these adds with her sword after a while, then do a move called Blood Rain which does damage to the whole arena. It does more damage the more HP the add had left and will one shot people if the add had too much HP left. We used a MNK LB on Amandine when we finally won because she had too much HP to kill easily before she was absorbed. She uses Stoneskin on herself after the first add but that's the only time I've seen her use it.

If you survive the third Blood Rain the fight is easy. She will start using a move called Beguiling Mist which works like Dark Mist but has unlimited range, but it's still not too big of an issue. She gave 50 myth tomes and the ilvl 60 MNK body piece.

I just did it too, second boss was awesome.

A shame that I don't think the dungeon will be that popular drop wise.
Ultima EX is fun.

I did a couple of tries with a PUG, we got him at 50%. Some nasty attacks but is not that hard, at least for the first 50%.

I got booted too. Weird.

Also, 70,000 XP bonus for duty roulette Ifrit. That's a bit overboard, Square. :lol

Seems you get that exp if you go with a low level job, but you don't get tomes.

fair enough I guess lol


Very few people stay in the same FC/Guild/Whatever for long term in MMORPGs (the NeoGAF one shouldn't have a problem though since it's a community outside of the game).

I just don't see very many people willing to invest such huge amounts of gil for something that won't belong to them.


At least you'll get to play it before the end of the week

get to, but probably won't as I'll just procrastinate until it's too late to log in everyday until the weekend D:

thankfully after friday i'm done working until January so I'll be free for 24/7 FFXIV, except on boxing day (gotta go out get sales).
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