OMG! Is this for PS3? Can I MT Garuda EX now?!
You mean you can see her?
Sometimes my PS3 shits so hard, she vanishes for a phase, that shit is truly Extreme
Somehow I timed it and ran away from an invisible Slipstream...
That whole instance needs a huge fucking overhaul, even with full effects turned off, my PS3 goes ape shit mode
The EX version just bring so much, the PS3 just says I give up, your on a 3 sec delay, and everything for me in 3 sec backs
Somehow HM version run like fucking butter, yet EX, fuck me over so bad
Last night I think I had the cleanest Titan HM run ever with DF One Shot Mode
Every WotL was coming up and had enough time to respond and dodge, I ate 2 to stupid mistakes, but by then end, the game was running how it was suppose to run for the PS3
Maybe me being WAR for it's Relic was an Omen, but I just say it was random luck
I know i'm going after all the Darklight accessories, but as for equipment in general, its CT and relic stuff for me.
Grab DL Pieces Tek, if it's a job that's also swappable gear, it will become very useful, trust me
I had PLD, when I leveled up WAR, most DL pieces were slotted onto him
Every time I got CoilTank pieces,it removed some DL pieces
So getting a Healer/Tank/Casting set, really helps, whenever you level your other classes for that gear to 50 , you'll be ilvl70+ and any Coil gear is shareable
Only DRG/MNK/BRD do you get caught that don't share