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Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn |OT3| LFT Full Relic and DL Required

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Guys I struggled a bit on the last dungeon as my 27GLD as my healer continued to steal hate. Tips on how to get hate back?

Starting off with Shield Lob, Flash, Fracture, and Rage of Halone combo.

Should Provoke be used only to re-steal hate or should it be used at the beginning? Also do I need to get Stoneskin for my future PLD?


Guys I struggled a bit on the last dungeon as my 27GLD as my healer continued to steal hate. Tips on how to get hate back?

Starting off with Shield Lob, Flash, Fracture, and Rage of Halone combo.

Should Provoke be used only to re-steal hate or should it be used at the beginning? Also do I need to get Stoneskin for my future PLD?

Best bet would be to skip Fracture and go straight for Rage of Halone combo. I used to have that on a macro and realized it was a big mistake due to the wait time between each move. Don't know if you use the macro as well but that could be a reason too.


my twin!



so i finally tried out coil 1 (albeit with shout pt), couldn't beat ADS
some people said we should ignore the small adds, some others say we should skip them, which one is it?


so i finally tried out coil 1 (albeit with shout pt), couldn't beat ADS
some people said we should ignore the small adds, some others say we should skip them, which one is it?

The very first thing you encounter? Have the off tank tank them near the entrance and tank ADS where he's at. Just burn ADS down.


so i finally tried out coil 1 (albeit with shout pt), couldn't beat ADS
some people said we should ignore the small adds, some others say we should skip them, which one is it?

Ignore or skip? Seem like synonyms? Only way I've done miniboss of turn 1 is to kill the adds, and have the off tank take them.


Best bet would be to skip Fracture and go straight for Rage of Halone combo. I used to have that on a macro and realized it was a big mistake due to the wait time between each move. Don't know if you use the macro as well but that could be a reason too.

I actually don't have that on a combo yet. I run Fracture alone to get a DoT going and then run right into Rage combo (also not Macro'd yet).

I guess I'm just really curious as to what garners the most hate as I seem to run through all my skills when a mob runs away and it seems to take forever to finally get it back.


I actually don't have that on a combo yet. I run Fracture alone to get a DoT going and then run right into Rage combo (also not Macro'd yet).

I guess I'm just really curious as to what garners the most hate as I seem to run through all my skills when a mob runs away and it seems to take forever to finally get it back.

I can't say I know many PLD's that use Fracture.
Hey guys and gals. I didn't pay attention to this game previously, and I never played the other Final Fantasy MMO. However, this looks really cool! How's the speed of the combat? Twitch based? WOW like? Bastard child of the two?
See Guild Wars 2


Hey guys and gals. I didn't pay attention to this game previously, and I never played the other Final Fantasy MMO. However, this looks really cool! How's the speed of the combat? Twitch based? WOW like? Bastard child of the two?
See Guild Wars 2

It's slower than WoW just because not as many moves are of the GCD as WoW's.


Hey guys and gals. I didn't pay attention to this game previously, and I never played the other Final Fantasy MMO. However, this looks really cool! How's the speed of the combat? Twitch based? WOW like? Bastard child of the two?
See Guild Wars 2

Way slower than WoW. It's a more relaxed style of combat. Just consider that the game has a 2.5 second global cooldown, to have a rough idea of how much slower it is.



Didn't realize SE deleted the thread when I posted that link, but it had over 100 likes and it was created that day. Luckily, someone backed it up so I can post it.

Mad Macallan said:
When I'm not playing the game, I'm writing. I mean, that's not what I do professionally, but it's an outstanding way to channel my creativity and come up with complex scenarios that otherwise wouldn't exist like "Who'd Win in a Fight: Young Anakin or Jar Jar?" The answer is who gives a shit because no one wins unless they both die. Regardless, here's a new list I wrote given my downtime is comprised almost exclusively of alcohol consumption and regret. Introductions aside, I bring you my latest masterpiece of crap; 7 Alternatives to Tome Grinding (That Are Infinitely Worse).

Disclaimer: It's a long one. You don't have to remind me of that. I'm trying to entertain myself and others since you should totally be studying and / or working right now, and instead you're reading a psuedo-comedic perspective riddled with cynicism and generalizations. Continue at your discretion. This is your fault now.

7. Crafting
I know what you're thinking; as a DPS, you're looking at a long queue. Clearly there's no better alternative at level 50 while waiting on the Duty Finder than finally investigating that Carpenter's Guild quest that's been mocking your mini-map since you were murder-punching lady bugs but never bothered. With a healthy supply of gil and a newfound eagerness you sprint your delusional ass all the way to the guild ready to go from 1 to 50 before that queue pops. "I'll flood the land with spears and bows of quality craftsmanship!" you announce to the world. "I will commit to the bitter end!" you claim. But what you're going to say in about ten minutes is "Where the fuck did my gil go?"

That's when you join the Botanists and burst into the wild wielding an axe not even sharp enough to kill yourself which you'll inevitably want to do after chasing down your third tree for your third piece of wood which equates to one piece of lumber. Except you failed several attempts in the process, because fuck you, that's why.

Sure, some of you love to craft. You love the mundane, tedium that is clicking on objects until you've acquired enough objects to convert then into new objects you don't give a shit about until the queue pops and you realize your end goal is making an object that's replaceable by literally everything you pick up in the dungeon you're fucking queued for in the first place.

6. Calling Your Chocobo
Almost an hour has gone by, still waiting on that queue, and in your solitude grinding FATEs and finishing those last few quests for potions you've never actually used and never will, you realize something, or someone is missing. Of course! Your trusty Chocobo! With him/her by your side you'll level up and conquer the world. There is no beast too fierce that you cannot overcome with your trusty companion by your side. You reach into your pack and wave the Gysahl Greens in the air. Welcome friend! Let us stride through these danger- OHYOUSONOFABITCH.

5. Make a Sandwich
There are times when the average gamer needs food. And when I say times I mean all of the time and when I say average I mean the majority. There's a reason our queue-fucking furry friend mentioned above is named FudgeButter and every skill on our cast bar has been replaced with Type II Diabetes. You know who you are (everyone. I'm addressing everyone). And that's when it happens. Halfway through topping off your bacon mayonnaise bacon sandwich with ham-pork you realize you've been away from the keyboard for over half a minute. And that's all it takes. All it takes to crush your dreams and hunt vigorously for the Duty Finder icon that is no longer on your quest log. Because you walked away for under a minute and now you're left with no queue and a plate of pig fat seasoned with salty tears.

4. Make Friends
At some point in your boredom and misery it'll occur to you that you're missing out on the thing MMOs are all about; socializing. Of course! With some friends and a good conversation that queue time won't mean anything. In fact, you'll probably be so engrossed in an intellectual debate over thermodynamics or existentialism that you might even skip the queue, because Darrell Bonecrusher is pretty much your new best friend. Except Darrell is an asshole, he can't type for shit and he's been talking about his DPS for the last twenty minutes. But there are plenty of cool people out there. Perhaps a love interest? Aurriellaa Skyywynd is just begging for a male companion. She's beautiful, intelligent, sarcastic, and she wants to be your friend. But only your friend, because she's totally married because why wouldn't she be.

And then, finally. You meet the one guy you connect with. It's like talking to yourself, which is exactly like every other Saturday night except he exists and you might as well start discussing the future roommate situation. A true friend. You drop the queue and invite him to run with you. Totally worth it. Except it's not worth it, and you realize that your new friend is the shittiest player you've ever grouped with. You sever your ties with him delicately and come to the realization that not only have you made and lost a friend within six minutes, but the counter has reset to zero and you're going to die alone.

3. Helping People
After monitoring the Free Company chat with an arrogant laugh, you read through multiple requests for DPS in Sastasha. "I was young once" you say, smirking. Perhaps you chime in a few times with something like "Ah, the Sunken Temple is actually quite simplistic and trivial once you've defined the mechanics and learned the rotation." Which is easy to say after you wiped yourself seventy three times before you found the god damn doom counter. But they don't know. You're a god. And eventually, you'll actually believe them. "Heh," you snicker "I can help if you guys need it" leaving out the part about being "pretty much amazing" and "totally above this bullshit but it sounds like you little bitches need a champion to save the day" which is what you're thinking. Or maybe I misjudged you. Maybe you decided to do it because you're a kind gentle soul. A selfless man of men. A noble knight embarking on a journey to do the exact opposite of the reason you queued for the duty finder in the first place -- progression -- and now you're in the exact same spot they are, only you've beaten that dumpster dungeon thirty seven times and the only thing you have to gain is their undying gratitude and the zero percent chance they'll ever catch up in time to return the favor.

2. Starting a New Class
This is a tricky one. It's easy to ignore the psychology behind this decision, so let me lay it out for you: you're bored out of your fucking mind and you think you'll stumble upon a class far superior and interesting than your current class - the one you've been content and happy with until the game mechanics demanded you grind AK until your family leaves you and your wife takes half of your ham-pork bacon shit-grenade. See; it's not the class you're tired of. It's the game mechanics. And you've conveniently ignored that you'll be doing the same shit in 50 levels you're enduring right now, only from the beginning. Don't fall into this trap. Unless you're adamantly convinced you hate your current job, switching is not the solution. Just do what I do; pour a bottle of scotch into your face, drunk dial your ex, and by the time the queue pops you can sober up enough to call back and apologize. Or have phone sex. It really just depends on your threshold for regret after installing another MMO you swore you got "too caught up in" when all your plants died and you forgot your mom's birthday.

1. Planning Your Gear Acquisition
Little known fact: games are designed mathematically in a way that accommodates our inability to do math. What seems just out of reach is about as in-reach as a stripper actually liking you when singles aren't pouring out of your ignorant palms. It's all very strategically planned. Even the multiples are a factor. For example - let's play a game. If you needed 500 tomes to buy a piece of gear and each run gave you 50 tomes, you'd be able to accurately define that as ten runs. Easy math, right? Now how many runs do you need if each run gives you 40 tomes and the piece of gear is 495? Did you just go retarded? You sure did. Whatever it is, it can't be that much. And it's not even 500! You can also apply the success of pricing things at 99 cents versus 1.00 dollar. It works. But I don't want to bore you with microtransaction pyschology, skinner box theory, and all that shit. My whole point here is don't go all nerd on yourself and actually hit the calculator key on the keyboard. That's when everything becomes clear. Alarmingly, depressingly clear. You're going to do that whole queue thing fifteen more times. And when you're done, you win. Now uninstall the game and apologize to all the people that care about you. Which is probably zero people at this point.

It's important that given this overtly pessimistic perspective I offer you a true alternative to tome grinding. This is usually the part where I tell you to go outside and interact with humans. Well fuck them. Are they going to give you the tomes you need to change values in a database that determines how well you change additional values? They're dead to you. It's just you and me now. You, me, alcohol, Netflix on a second monitor, movies, or finally washing that plate full of pig murder that's been sitting on your landfill / desk since you read the bacon sandwich thing and actually made one because you have no shame. Point is, clean up your apartment / room / house. Try to be productive. Take the garbage out. Call your friend back (assuming he/she hasn't abandoned you). Read more of my writing. Do something productive or mindless elsewhere and wear a headset so you can hear that glorious pop sound when the queue finally stops ruining your evening. That's all I got.

Much love,

Mad Macallan


That sounds nice actually! Don't wanna play Devil May Cry while I play an MMO xD

There's a new content patch that comes out soon which is adding Housing, PVP and the Crystal Dungeon (from Final Fantasy 3). They also are going to add daily quests, treasure hunting and other awesome changes.

There's lots to do in terms of soloing as well. I spend a lot of the time exploring or leveling other classes.

You can level all classes on a single character. Which... is great for doing dungeons too if you want to get another class geared quickly / easily.

Graphically... I've never played a game with such a great community and just the world... is so vibrant and amazing looking. I'm REALLY pleased with what they did.


Didn't realize SE deleted the thread when I posted that link, but it had over 100 likes and it was created that day. Luckily, someone backed it up so I can post it.

Aw, it was still up for a little while after you linked it, since I was able to read it.
Didn't even seem like something that deserved to be deleted.


Didn't realize SE deleted the thread when I posted that link, but it had over 100 likes and it was created that day. Luckily, someone backed it up so I can post it.

Those are all legit things you can do. If one doesn't find them fun, then one doesn't HAVE to play, at least until there's new content /shrug

That list of stuff isn't really concerning for me. If you're comparing the amount of stuff you can do in FF14 to stuff at the high end in WOW, then yeah the game is definitely skint on content, but you have to manage your expectations. FF14 was a huge financial flop and an absolute mess for a long time, so it's not as if they have the resources and time that Blizzard has, nor has the game been released anywhere near as long.

I'm not sure they could even put anything in that wouldn't just turn into another grind for people. I know people think PVP will make a big difference because it'll be something else to log on and do, but PVP with a currency system to buy PVP-oriented gear is just another form of grinding, and even more pointless since you could be playing an actual PVP game, like Dota or a competitive FPS, that is way more fun in a mechanical sense.

If the game maintains a decent subscriber base until the first big post-ARR content patch, then we'll start to see a more fleshed out end game, and it'll be a better time to judge the robustness of what they've prepared for their players.


Beat turn 1 with a full GAF group last night and almost cleared turn 2. We got to ADS pretty easy but then some people had to go, I much prefer turn 2 anyway, it's much cleaner and faster :)


This is the first time I couldn't watch the live letter directly from NicoNico. I'm a Premium member, but for some reason it's coming up that the broadcast is at the maximum number of viewers. o_O

I appreciate the link, Augemitbutter.

Oh, it starts at 9:00 [Japan Time]. That's probably why. >_<


Looking at Scholar's abilities, it looks like this job was made for when you party with terrible tanks that don't know how to dodge simple AoEs. I may level this just to alleviate the stupid in DF parties. (although to be fair, I've noticed people who don't attempt to dodge AoEs elsewhere)

If only there was a action replay/game shark/game genie code for infinite MP to heal these fools.

Aw, it was still up for a little while after you linked it, since I was able to read it.
Didn't even seem like something that deserved to be deleted.

I don't see anything in that thread that seems delete worthy.

Not sure. I do know I had a few upvoted posts on the forums that were deleted and I didn't say anything against the rules. I stated that the players who lost their gil and items from being whiped should be compensated since they were proven innocent and lost the items they sold in the process. Guess it's censorship.


Switched the client to Japanese, because I didn't want to see "you obtain nothing" anymore. I was taken aback, because the dialog windows have much larger text than the English client. It's so much easier to read from afar. I really wish you could make the English dialog bigger.

Wait, the text is smaller in English? Wow, that must be miserable.

It looks like the name of the person speaking and the content of what they're saying is the same size in Japanese, whereas in English (and German/French), the person's name is a point or two bigger than their dialog. Which is inexcusable; it should be the exact opposite.

At the very least, the dialog text could be white-on-black like the speaker's name is; white-on-black looks bigger than the reverse does.

I really don't understand why they made the text so tiny. It hurts my eyes to read it, and the fact that the PS3 is upscaling it from 720p isn't helping; the tiny jaggies must be unconsciously making my eyes hurt more. There's even some dead space beneath the dialog box. They could bump it up to 16- or 18-point and it would still fit. (For comparison, in the SNES era each character was up to 16 pixels tall in Japanese and 12 pixels in English. Wasn't the screen 250 pixels or so in height, meaning that the letters took up about one-twentieth of the screen height? Nobody complained about small text back then. They should find a happy medium here.)


so i'm at caduceus now (skipped ADS because someone else has progressed passed it)

what should you do when it splits? i've seen some say don't feed the slime to it, i've seen people say let the split one merge with the original, etc
Thinking about picking this up for the PS3, just had a couple of questions.

How's the class balance so far?

Is solo play viable, or is it like FFXI where partying is mandatory?
I've looked over the changes that were made to the game while I was gone. Really happy about the harvesting changes.

Is WP the preferred method now for myth?


melee DPS buff for 2.1.
DRG jump will be improved, but they will not give invincibility to Jump.

They acknowledge Bard might be a bit too good.


Nice changes to the Duty Finder. It should help alleviate those issues with people wanting to view story cut-scenes or not, as well as put together speed-run's.
2.1 to be talked about later:
3 new dungeons, 1 brand new, 2 hard mode. Crystal Tower, beaastmen daily quest, treasure hunt (up to rank 3 will be able to solo).


Is the FC not taking non Gaffers? My buddy applied like two weeks ago, and no word.
Cant seem to be on when Maple is lately, figured I'd ask in here.


I mean, come on, if there's any way in the world they could give invincibility to jump, without it being totally broken, that would be so awesome... come on guys.

Glad to hear about Warrior and melee dps buffs!


Was wondering if anyone on the FC would be available to help with Hydra fight in a couple hours? I'm working on Bravura on WAR and unlocked that part of the quest yesterday.
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