Population feels lower compared to what it was last year but I guess that's to be expected this late into the expansion cycle. Other than that they've done a bunch of QoL improvements and are adding some more next month.Hey everyone. I haven't played FF14 in the last year. I bought the expansion, but my highest level character is only in their 30s. Was thinking about coming back - has a lot changed? is it great nowadays. I loved it back when I played but stopped for...I don't know why lol. Also, is it possible to solo a lot of the game? I have used group finder and done dungeons and I think they were required (to unlock a job maybe? I forget) - I just don't want to get into a position where I'm screwed because I can't get through it solo. Of course if I was ever to get to raiding yeah I know, not solo but that's fine. I mean getting most things done by yourself if *needed*. Thanks!
You can solo almost all of the story stuff in the game and if you need to run grouped content but matchmaking is taking too long you can try asking a lv 60 to just carry you through it for story (takes like 5 mins to run a dungeon like that). Next month they're adding NPC platoons that you'll be able to take with you into dungeons instead of grouping with real people as well.
New thread is here btw: http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=1270146