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Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward |OT2| RIP Bowmage 2015-2017.

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Just did Cape Westwind with four DRG (self included)

I couldn't even tell what was going on.

I surprisingly got matched within a couple minutes tho, hopefully the wait is equally short for the last two 2.0 MSQs.


Kills Photobucket
Just did Cape Westwind with four DRG (self included)

I couldn't even tell what was going on.

I surprisingly got matched within a couple minutes tho, hopefully the wait is equally short for the last two 2.0 MSQs.

The 8 man trial queues tend to fill quickly. It's a quick and easy roulette to do at high levels.


I just hit level 45 on my summoner and have less than 20 MSQ left from 2.0 Feels pretty great!

However, I saw on quality quest list that there's a gap between quests after 46, the next Quest is level 49...
Is this correct? What's the fastest way to level between 46 and 49? I've been doing POTD between MSQ until now. Does it still cut it or are there faster ways?


I just hit level 45 on my summoner and have less than 20 MSQ left from 2.0 Feels pretty great!

However, I saw on quality quest list that there's a gap between quests after 46, the next Quest is level 49...
Is this correct? What's the fastest way to level between 46 and 49? I've been doing POTD between MSQ until now. Does it still cut it or are there faster ways?
Daily leveling roulette and PotD afterwards is the fastest way to do that afaik.


I came back to this game last month, my gf wanted to play through it and we are having a blast.

We just reached the churning mists area, she's a dragoon and I am a warrior, this MMO gets better every time I play it. So many things to do, events, side quests, squadrons... good stuff.

Coming from a Monk/DK last time i played, the Warrior is so cool, the animations and the attacks feel really powerful and visceral, the stance switching is great and those mitigation/healing skills are clutch(insta queue for dungeons is a bonus :p) but I am a bit jealous of the DPS the dragon, holy shit she now has blood of the dragon, and it's like her own mini game, just seeing how long she can keep that buff going.

We are taking our time with the game, clearing the map of all quests since we reached HW so we can fly, we also try to take down every boss fate we find.

Great game!


I beat the Into the Beast's Maw dungeon and it was really easy wow.

Anyway, I'm soon lvl 29 with my archer, and is looking to level pugilist to lvl 30, so that I can become a Bard as well as a Monk.

Also unlocked some minigames in the Golden Saucer but I think I'm gonna wait with that stuff till end-game or during boring moments.

Still, I'm not even halfway through. Although I'm really enjoying everything in it.

Minfillia just gave me a call.
Minfillia just gave me a call.




I thought the MSQ had been adjusted so it would taking you through the MSQ without forcing you to grind between story quests?

Because I'm lvl.43 and there were exactly 4 lvl.43 MSQs giving 23-25k each for a total of 100k xp before the lvl.44 MSQ and lvl.44 requires about 375k xp to get there so the MSQ didn't even bring me 1/3rd through the xp bar. This is like the 4th time this has happened in the MSQ where I've had to grind out between MSQs. This never happened before ~lvl.35, but since 35 on, there just aren't enough MSQs and they don't give enough XP and the XP increase between levels is too large.

Of course you can make it up by a duty roullete and PoTD run, but forcing me to run duty roullete is turning me into one of those players that hates being in the dungeon and just wants to get it over with to get my xp. When I'm not forced to grind I really enjoy dungeons with other people, but the grind sucks. It's almost enough to make me want to give up on the game. This is definitely the first and last mmo I will ever play. I'm perfectly happy with much better paced single player rpgs.

The MSQ as is is already incredibly padded with a ton of fetch questing. Everytime you meet a new NPC they make you run 4+ meaningless quests before they'll help you. It feels like the MSQ pacing is 4-6 filler quests -> 1 story beat that advances the story -> 4-6 filler quests -> 1 story beat that advances the story. Now add in 4-6 filler quests -> 30-60 minutes of grinding -> 1 story beat that advances the story and it's tedious as fuck especially since the MSQ itself is very slow paced and not particularly interesting.

At 108 hours now and just looking forward to getting 2.0 MSQ done to move onto better things.

Does Heavensward fix this? Like if you do the MSQ and the sidequests along the way do you have enough XP to continue the plot without having to stop and grind to get to the next level so you can activate the next MSQ? Also does Heavensward get rid of the 4-6 padding/filler quests -> 1 real story quest -> 4-6 padding/filler quests style? I'd rather have every MSQ be advancing the plot somewhat.


Another thing. For me so far Coerthas is the only part of the entire game I've liked so far outside of the Rogue class quest (which I really enjoyed with the Rogues & Yellowjackets feud). Coerthas was nice because it's just such a different design.

-For starters it's one big area that you progress through. This is as opposed to the rest of the MSQ where you teleport all around the world constantly (sometimes 3-4 times just for 1 quest!). This is nice because A) There's a real sense of progression that I didn't feel in the rest of the world because instead of areas getting gradually more difficult it'd be like lvl.10 area -> lvl.30 area because lvl.20 area is somewhere else, and B) Because it's a single area with a consistent lvl.35-41 across it, you constantly are running into well populated fates because there's lots of people around your level in the area. Everywhere else in the game the fates are usually empty because people pop in an area for 2 mins to do a quest and then teleport out to the next area for their next quest. Basically I think the world progression design in FFXIV is pretty stupid and I think the 2.0 story suffers a lot because there are 3 starting areas with their own lvl.1-30 so it constantly has to jump between all three to introduce the player to every location, but man, having a single map area that you progress through in Coerthas and reach new higher level settlements and areas in a linear line is good and it works much better because of it.

-It's also the only part of the story with actual characters so far. The different houses, the character within them. It's not super deep or original but at least there's some character development as opposed to all of these places you just hop around to for 1-2 levels of questing before you move to the next. Again, I think this is another victim of the world design and 2.0 MSQ hopping between the 3 cities without time to develop any particular location and its NPCs. With Coerthas being a single area you stay in for 10+ hours, you get the benefits of an actual developed area from a lore and character setting.

-It's also one of the only story parts to have an actual sorta interesting antagonist so far. Yeah there's the MSQ antagonist in black hood, but that's like piecemeal'd out over a 100+ hour story. It's nice having a shorter contained story arc with a bad guy.

-And then it looks cool with all the ruined castle architecture and has cool music.

But yeah, since Heavensward is about these Ishagardian guys and that's the only interesting part of 2.0 so far I can see why HW could be good and more interesting from a story perspective. I was really bummed after leaving Coerthas when the MSQ was like "now let's warp around doing dumb corrupted crystal filler quests before you can go fight Garuda". And the part where you go to Pharoah Sirus in the MSQ around that time and then you don't even get to go in the dungeon is lol. Spreading the dungeons/trials so far apart in the MSQ sucks. Can't wait to get to endgame and get more dungeons/trials.


I'm talking about the HW fights lol
I mean Nidhogg's super braindead now lol. It's almost to the point where you can phase push him into the final phase before superjump+towers+tethers happen, can probably do it 100% with an optimal party with NIN and MCH. Can probably manage before fang and claw with pots and food.
I mean Nidhogg's super braindead now lol. It's almost to the point where you can phase push him into the final phase before superjump+towers+tethers happen, can probably do it 100% with an optimal party of with NIN and MCH.
That assumes the people I'm farming them with aren't really bad. Only one I try farming is Sophia because RF is trustworthy.
Sephi should also be super easy but people ignore mechanics and just get blown up.


That assumes the people I'm farming them with aren't really bad. Only one I try farming is Sophia because RF is trustworthy.
Sephi should also be super easy but people ignore mechanics and just get blown up.
You'll probably never be able to get through Sephi completely unscathed because people will always mess up towers so. At least Nidhogg most stuff is alleviated with high HP/DPS. No danger of failing the claw DPS check and fangs can now eat two orbs successfully if people are slacking off.


Sephirot is annoying in that when a mistake/death happens at a bad time it can snowball into a wipe very quickly. It's probably still the hardest Heavensward Extreme primal fight.

Bismarck/Ravana/Thordan/Sophia are all super easy. Nidhogg I still get people who die to pretty much everything avoidable but a good healer can do a good deal of carrying in there so it's whatever.


Feel like Sophia will be added in like 3.55 or whatever. Have they finally done Sephirot yet?
I mean they did Bismarck Ravana and Thordan all at the same time, so I'd imagine they'd do Sephirot Nidhogg and Sophia all at the same time too. Save Zurvan's to be buyable with tokens for 4.0 or something, idk.


If I'm lvl 29 currently, is there any content a player like me might have missed out on so far? Like items, equipment, minions or mounts?


If I'm lvl 29 currently, is there any content a player like me might have missed out on so far? Like items, equipment, minions or mounts?
Only items seasonal events which are up for a limited time. And I think you can still get at least some of the rewards in the real money item shop.


Leveling my alt, I learned that the 2.x lvl 50 quests only give 4800 xp now. What a huge bummer. From almost 30k by end of story to 5k.

Does anyone know if that increases at all?

It doesn't - the problem they were faced with is they didn't want people to be too far past 50 going into HW, but they have a bajillion quests for level 50, so their quick and dirty solution was to make all of the quests worth a fraction of what they normally would be. I think I've heard people still sometimes hit 51 or so.
I need that Garo shit but fuck PVP. Hopefully it doesn't take long.

Just do daily Frontline, and maybe one extra to gather wolf marks. I'm about 9k up right now and going to try to cap before the event. I'll prob use MGP for the mounts and marks for the glamours unless Yoshi foils that plan.

On another note, I've been playing this game steadily since before HW (Was in beta but gave up) and didn't realize I could make alts on other worlds. I'm tempted to make one on Gilgamesh or Balmung (to see what the fuss is about on that wacky server) but going through the MSQ and junk makes me queasy.
It doesn't - the problem they were faced with is they didn't want people to be too far past 50 going into HW, but they have a bajillion quests for level 50, so their quick and dirty solution was to make all of the quests worth a fraction of what they normally would be. I think I've heard people still sometimes hit 51 or so.

I was level 52 when I hit Heavensward, and I didn't even register Heavensward to get post-50 experience until a little way into the level 50 quests.
Just do daily Frontline, and maybe one extra to gather wolf marks. I'm about 9k up right now and going to try to cap before the event. I'll prob use MGP for the mounts and marks for the glamours unless Yoshi foils that plan.

So the only thing we need to buy the Garo equipment is Wolf Marks?

I've never done PvP. Do ilvl matter or is everything scaled so everyone can play together?


Just do daily Frontline, and maybe one extra to gather wolf marks. I'm about 9k up right now and going to try to cap before the event. I'll prob use MGP for the mounts and marks for the glamours unless Yoshi foils that plan.

On another note, I've been playing this game steadily since before HW (Was in beta but gave up) and didn't realize I could make alts on other worlds. I'm tempted to make one on Gilgamesh or Balmung (to see what the fuss is about on that wacky server) but going through the MSQ and junk makes me queasy.

The problem with Gilgamesh and Balmung is that they are basically never open to new char creation. The only reliable way to get on those servers is to pay the money for a server transfer.



new 3.5 things

inb4 famitsu link doesnt work lol
After all this time you would think famitsu would fix their server settings

Also I scrolled down only midway and knew exactly what you want for glamour, but obviously you won't get it

Edit: This is going to be a problem.
Also, the Garo gear is going to be class-specific. You guys ready to farm until kingdom come?
I was level 52 when I hit Heavensward, and I didn't even register Heavensward to get post-50 experience until a little way into the level 50 quests.
Level 53 before I set foot in Ishgard, but I left off right after Moogle Mog so had a ton of ARR story left and was playing catch-up on certain things every day, like ARR Beastman Reps. In fact, I'm still not done with those. (Kobolds will be done today, then I will only have Ixal left.)

I am enjoying the story of Heavensward immensely for those who were following my progress.
best Popoto forever. I'm not very far in HW, I did clear Coerthas West up to the point I had flying, ran out of quests and was sent to the next area... and don't have flying again. That taste is addictive, makes me want to plow content to unlock it forever.

I'm also overleveled. Luckily I have a level 52 Job (WHM) to suck up excess quest exp while I do everything as a poorly geared but overleveled SMN. Maybe I'll be able to keep them in tandem and get both to 60 by the time the new (to me) areas are all fully explored.

Is it just me or are the sidequests in HW way more interesting than they were in ARR? Granted, you still have to read all the text to get the most out of them, but I'm noticing a lot more likeable (or rather more fleshed-out) characters and lots of touching or humorous mini cutscenes.


Is it just me or are the sidequests in HW way more interesting than they were in ARR? Granted, you still have to read all the text to get the most out of them, but I'm noticing a lot more likeable (or rather more fleshed-out) characters and lots of touching or humorous mini cutscenes.

The writing is better, but the mechanics are still god awful - I'm really hoping that Stormblood gives us a wider range of tasks to complete similar to how WoW went through a quest renaissance with Cataclysm. I don't know how much longer I can stand "teleport here - click on NPC - teleport back" or "walk into this suspicious purple circle - oh no you've been ambushed!"


So the only thing we need to buy the Garo equipment is Wolf Marks?

I've never done PvP. Do ilvl matter or is everything scaled so everyone can play together?

I wouldn't worry about ilvl.

Go to the Wolves Den Pier and activate PvP hotbar switching first, then take a look at the PvP exclusive abilities you have. You'll want to create new hotbar setups for PvP because some abilities are going to be way more useful in there and you'll want ready access to them. My NIN setup for PvP looks nothing like my PvE setup for instance. Unless you're part of that ultra badass Gilgamesh PvP LS that rides into battle on that one mechanical flying sailboat mount, I wouldn't worry about going super hard on strategy. For your first few games, just stay with the crowds and try not to get isolated either because you chase one person down or because you've strayed too far from the action.

I actually really enjoy the PvP in this game even though it's not as good as in other MMOs (DCUO for instance). Plus, the music is pretty awesome.
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