Should we tell him about the Moogles? I finished that up yesterday and wanted to claw my eyes out.
I... really like the moogles.
Should we tell him about the Moogles? I finished that up yesterday and wanted to claw my eyes out.
There will be a point where wine and cheese is involved and it's just the most boring, long, boring and stupid series of filler.
I like moogles too! I thought the Churning Mists moogle quests complaints were just typical internet hyperbolic whining. They couldn't be that bad.
Until I actually got there. Fuck! Turns out that clawing your eyes out is a perfectly rational response.
It might have been changed now to make things easier on newer players but you have to understand that people hated the Moogle Side Quests because they were a requirement to unlock flight in that area so unless you were following a guide to tell you which ones those were it meant that you had to do them all.I didn't do the moogle quests until after I beat Heavensward, to unlock their beast tribe. Since I had a store of post-50 experience from the level 50 pre-HW quests I had no need to grind or do sidequests to get through the HW story. So maybe doing in it at the point where the main story unlocks them made them feel worse, but I enjoyed going through them on their own. The moogles of the Churning Mists are so adorably pathetic.
Or it might be that more players are using Tanks now.14 minutes wait for an Expert Roulette on tank. Ded gaem!
Nah, DF was actually lying, it was short-ish.It might have been changed now to make things easier on newer players but you have to understand that people hated the Moogle Side Quests because they were a requirement to unlock flight in that area so unless you were following a guide to tell you which ones those were it meant that you had to do them all.
It also didn't help all that all the quests boiled down to "I'm to lazy to do anything for myself so go do it for me kupo" so that Capenter NPC that you hear complaining and whining about the Moogles at the start of the Moogle Beast tribe quest is actually an embodiment of how the players feelt about the Moogles back in 3.0
Or it might be that more players are using Tanks now.
Nah, DF was actually lying, it was short-ish.
I would like to know the metrics in which DF pulls those numbers from because as far as I know DF has always lied about those times. The only time it was closed to being correct is when it's says "Less than 5m" or "More than 30m" all other times are never accurate.Nah, DF was actually lying, it was short-ish.
A11S completion/incomplete as DPSI would like to know the metrics in which DF pulls those numbers from because as far as I know DF has always lied about those times. The only time it was closed to being correct is when it's says "Less than 5m" or "More than 30m" all other times are never accurate.
I did say "close to accurate" and not 100% accurate.A11S completion/incomplete as DPS
Less than 5 min
So once I clear the 50th floor in potd should I start from the beginning again or keep going?
I would like to know the metrics in which DF pulls those numbers from because as far as I know DF has always lied about those times. The only time it was closed to being correct is when it's says "Less than 5m" or "More than 30m" all other times are never accurate.
Thanks to a few friendly folks hanging out in the GAF FC chat, I cleared Ifrit! Yay! I'm loving the presentation of the game soooo much. That cutscene between Nero and Livia at the end of Ifrit is the sort of thing I play JRPGs for. Omgggggg.
To be fair, nobody was complaining about queue length, we're merely wondering about the estimated time feature.
Queue times for DPS (at least when people actually are playing the game) are pretty reasonable for MMO standards.
ARR is pretty inconsistent in its pacing (it nails the big moments pretty well, though) but Heavensward completely eliminates any of the pacing problems that ARR had. So you have that to look forward to.Thanks to a few friendly folks hanging out in the GAF FC chat, I cleared Ifrit! Yay! I'm loving the presentation of the game soooo much. That cutscene between Nero and Livia at the end of Ifrit is the sort of thing I play JRPGs for. Omgggggg.
Does Heavensward ever drop below $10? Thinking of buying it from Amazon now even though I haven't beaten the main game yet.
Ah, gotcha. Wasn't anything to worry about anyway!Oh no no, I know nobody was complaining. The quote was about the duty finder in general so I kinda used that to segue into my post. On second thought I probably didn't need the quote. Sorry for any confusion!
TL;DR: people who are not speedrun min-maxing shouldn't pay that much attention to which job is good or bad or FotM, but they do anyway. I don't agree with his point that people don't care as much in other MMOs. In my experience it's much worse in at least WoW (and dare I mention the FF11 days of trying to play Puppetmaster?), but it's true that the trickle-down effect is very strong for no real reason.
Below $10? No. $10 is pretty much the lowest it goes.
As far as PUGs are concerned, not really. Most I've seen is some Zurvex snark against MNKs but not really excluding them. Static recruitment is another story though, and I've seen quite a few weekly clears for A11/12 not accepting certain jobs.Are people really being excluded because they're playing a "bad" job right now? In my experience people have been pretty chill regarding PF comps but I tend to ignore the PFs that scream "elitist prick" altogether.
Are people really being excluded because they're playing a "bad" job right now? In my experience people have been pretty chill regarding PF comps but I tend to ignore the PFs that scream "elitist prick" altogether.
No, POTD has a separate leveling system.I did floors 21-30 and then we died to the boss. My lvl outside the PotD doesn't matter for this right?
I did floors 21-30 and then we died to the boss. My lvl outside the PotD doesn't matter for this right?
No, POTD has a separate leveling system.
Yep, higher level aetherpool gear helps though.
The former, sorta. Aetherpool levels are basically a currency so if you get a Padjali weapon they're reduced by 30 and if you get a Kinna weapon they're reduced by 60If you retrieve your Aetherpool weapons after hitting floor 50, does your gear start over in terms of level? Or do you continue to strengthen the same gear?
Thanks to a few friendly folks hanging out in the GAF FC chat, I cleared Ifrit! Yay! I'm loving the presentation of the game soooo much. That cutscene between Nero and Livia at the end of Ifrit is the sort of thing I play JRPGs for. Omgggggg.
Ah, gotcha. Wasn't anything to worry about anyway!
TL;DR: people who are not speedrun min-maxing shouldn't pay that much attention to which job is good or bad or FotM, but they do anyway. I don't agree with his point that people don't care as much in other MMOs. In my experience it's much worse in at least WoW (and dare I mention the FF11 days of trying to play Puppetmaster?), but it's true that the trickle-down effect is very strong for no real reason.
Are people really being excluded because they're playing a "bad" job right now? In my experience people have been pretty chill regarding PF comps but I tend to ignore the PFs that scream "elitist prick" altogether.
Sir. Please share your wisdom.
Teach us!
Are people really being excluded because they're playing a "bad" job right now? In my experience people have been pretty chill regarding PF comps but I tend to ignore the PFs that scream "elitist prick" altogether.
That went on longer then I wanted, but I miss playing my main. Wish I didn't feel bad about bringing a PLD to a group, but I'm probably overthinking it.
This is sort of a separate issue, though, in that PLD vs WAR isn't really the decision point and wasn't in ARR either; the PLD stigma now isn't vs WAR, where WAR is essentially mandatory and PLD/DRK is treated like double-PLD in ARR, but PLD vs DRK because they compete for the same role which is something PLD didn't have to worry about in ARR.
Leveling the current Meta Main Tank in DRK would still lead to you feeling pressured to WAR if nobody else had WAR leveled, but that's more on WAR being OP than PLD's current undertuning.
So uh, do people think that having PLD as a "physical tank" and DRK as a "magic tank" has worked out well so far?
Dragoon players dying and loldrg in general is a pretty old meme that was born in FF11, though. It never really was serious even though DRG had pretty glaring flaws during Final Coil, until their mdef was buffed.I kind of want them to do something about DRK's defensive CD and stance. I dislike how they're so similar to Paladins. Warrior has pretty unique stuff, every defensive CD seems to do something kind of different and some can be used for multiple purposes. Like Vengeance/Raw Intuition for building stacks for more Fell Cleavening, Equilibrium for restoring HP or restoring TP.
If they're going to stress job identity and specfically make the 3 tanks and healers stand out from each other that's one thing I'd like to see them touch among other things.
I mostly see it on forums/reddit. Where the info is taken out of context where it's stated or implied that they are not functional in other aspects of the game's content.
I remember something similar although I saw this more in game when Dragoon had a bad rep resulting in consistent mentions of "LOLDRG" or Dragoons face tanking in general where people would specifically call out Dragoon players for dying but not mentioning when players of other jobs also died in the same instance.
I wasn't around for the early Warrior stuff which was apparently worse.
No, it's terrible design and should be ditched in 4.0. A magic tank can still tank physical damage but the "physical tank" is terrible whenever the hardest hitting stuff is magical, or versus bosses that only hit with magical abilities.So uh, do people think that having PLD as a "physical tank" and DRK as a "magic tank" has worked out well so far?
It's funny because PLD is actually the best for solo tanking zurvan, due to Tyrfing being all physical (thus they can actually use bulwark against it) and Hallowed Ground Demon Claw. I mean, Living Dead isn't a problem there since nothing else is happening that'd lead to the DRK not being topped up, but still. PLD's probably the tankiest tank for that fight.From my experience, yes, it can happen from time to time. I'm on the Aether data center, every once and awhile you'll see a Zurvan EX farm that omits PLD, or requires an AST.