Nope, specially with Square's rising love for unmitigable damage. Designing tanks like that leads to the same slippery slope as making caster-specific mechanics, aka bring this job or die.So uh, do people think that having PLD as a "physical tank" and DRK as a "magic tank" has worked out well so far?
After seeing the trailer I had to buy Heavensward and a sub. I will make a new character. Is an Arcanist/scholar good choice for mostly solo play and later df?
SCH is awesome, you probably won't regret it.After seeing the trailer I had to buy Heavensward and a sub. I will make a new character. Is an Arcanist/scholar good choice for mostly solo play and later df?
After seeing the trailer I had to buy Heavensward and a sub. I will make a new character. Is an Arcanist/scholar good choice for mostly solo play and later df?
No, it's terrible design and should be ditched in 4.0. A magic tank can still tank physical damage but the "physical tank" is terrible whenever the hardest hitting stuff is magical, or versus bosses that only hit with magical abilities.
(and even though I love playing it, I also think that DRK in general is a badly designed job and that people are glossing over its own issues because it's been effective)
Nope, specially with Square's rising love for unmitigable damage. Designing tanks like that leads to the same slippery slope as making caster-specific mechanics, aka bring this job or die.
As of right now, none, but DRK has a pretty flawed design that tries to make it a good MT and a good OT at the same time. The problem is - and basically the problem with adding another tank - if you make DRK OT as good as WAR OT, suddenly people are running DRK/DRK. If you make PLD a better MT in that situation, then WAR is just dead. So basically DRK existing warps tank balance because the only way you can have all 3 tanks being viable is if WAR is busted.As an aside what are your concerns about Dark Knight? I haven't really read anything on what people's problems are with Dark Knight's kit because most of the tank discussion on how bad PLD is compared to DRK and how strong Warrior is.
Lots of green sprouts running around these days. Seems the sales/Stormblood announcements have led to a big influx of players.
People used to talk about it at length on launch before it became a mainstay, but DRK has a poorly designed overall kit. Or rather, its identity and internal synergy is poor.As an aside what are your concerns about Dark Knight? I haven't really read anything on what people's problems are with Dark Knight's kit because most of the tank discussion on how bad PLD is compared to DRK and how strong Warrior is.
My main dealing with the PLD vs. WAR argument, though the controversy around it is relatively small compared to the other glaring issues, is honest fact that WAR is a better main tank than PLD is.
As of right now, none, but DRK has a pretty flawed design that tries to make it a good MT and a good OT at the same time. The problem is - and basically the problem with adding another tank - if you make DRK OT as good as WAR OT, suddenly people are running DRK/DRK. If you make PLD a better MT in that situation, then WAR is just dead. So basically DRK existing warps tank balance because the only way you can have all 3 tanks being viable is if WAR is busted.
Even in a hyphotetical situation where DRK is as good as OT?Yeah, no, if you're going to be willing to stack tanks like that you'd just WAR/WAR since both PLD and DRK are flawed tanks with respect to how the game functions.
Weeping City still gets me giddy.
Ozma is such a gorgeous fight.
From what I've been told isn't cooldown timing the only reason people don't really run WAR/WAR aside from Midas?
Undecided whether I should buy a house now or just wait hmmm
As of right now, none, but DRK has a pretty flawed design that tries to make it a good MT and a good OT at the same time. The problem is - and basically the problem with adding another tank - if you make DRK OT as good as WAR OT, suddenly people are running DRK/DRK. If you make PLD a better MT in that situation, then WAR is just dead. So basically DRK existing warps tank balance because the only way you can have all 3 tanks being viable is if WAR is busted.
Same goes for AST.
People used to talk about it at length on launch before it became a mainstay, but DRK has a poorly designed overall kit. Or rather, its identity and internal synergy is poor.
What is DRK exactly? A magic tank? A parry tank? An evasion tank? A bit of everything? It has one extra CD for magic attacks and Delirium for Int down, is it enough for us to be calling it a "magic tank"?
It also has a parry cooldown (that for some esoteric reason is locked behind DRK's DPS stance rather than behind its tanking stance), that you can "empower" to give it an evasion bonus, which is counterproductive anyway since evasion and parry are mutually exclusive. It has a pretty potent blind AOE debuff. It has a debuff that procs on parries, a stun/DPS oGCD that can reset on parries, but you can't parry magical attacks anyway so it (ironically, if DRK is a magic tank) only procs on physical hits, and not on misses/dodges either. Its MP regen is fueled by being hit, which is why you usually don't want to be dodging all that much while it is active, and you don't want your WHM chain stunning either. The rest is basically PLD copy-pasta with dark flavor.
Honestly, DRK is just a mess of abilities that happens to perform well. I still like playing it because it has fun skills (plunge and the sole survivor minigame will never get old to me), I like Greatswords, and it feels pretty powerful but I don't think it's an elegantly designed job at all.
So you guys talking about tanks has me curious as to which tank class I should continue leveling up. I've currently got gladiator and warrior at lvl 15.
In the Goblet place, yeah! Only smalls but I guess that could he decentThere's are still open plots on your world? Nice.
Paladin is my favorite, because I like its toolbox. Between Cover, the best stun move in the game, an excellent silence move, easy AoE aggro gain, a solid heal spell, and the ability to go completely invincible, it has a lot of unique features. I don't enjoy having to keep ip with a complex rotation while my mind is occupied with paying attention to what I have to as a tank, so I appreciate the simplicity of the Paladin's attack rotation.So you guys talking about tanks has me curious as to which tank class I should continue leveling up. I've currently got gladiator and warrior at lvl 15.
In a game where I love most of the music, the music in "that" phase is still some of my favorite music period.
It's a pretty great job, just be aware if you make a scholar then you won't be able to make a summoner due to how the bonus point/job split system works for the Arcanist class.
Also if you do scholar, just be aware that you'll need to raise a Conjurer to level 15 as a requirement to get the job (and a necessity since you need some of the cross class abilities from them)
I wonder if they'll buff the aggro generation for Dark Arts Power Slash in Stormblood. As it is now it just isn't worth spending the MP on.This is the tier where cooldowns don't matter for the majority of the tank busters and those that do are usually invuln'd through (which would still sync better with WAR outside of fringe duration cases ala Zurvan). Most the relevant ones in A12S are >60s apart or 2m apart if you rotate tanks for them entirely, which lines up with WAR cooldowns the best really.
Edit: Also worth note, DRK/DRK (or PLD/PLD) as it currently stands would also face a pretty big threat issue.
In spite of having no access to my account I bought Heavensward off of Squenix's site. Hoping tomorrow they may be able to get me access to my account.
DRK is a bit of a mess... but I can't help but love it. So many oGCDs and abilities. Mana can be a pain during progression but even still
I'm just bored to tears playing PLD. War is nice but even that feels simple
Godspeed. Square Enix Account Management is truly trash-tier. Hope you make it through alive.
trash-tier is too generous
there has to be a tier below that
yamcha-tier? or is that to low?
It's a pretty great job, just be aware if you make a scholar then you won't be able to make a summoner due to how the bonus point/job split system works for the Arcanist class.
Also if you do scholar, just be aware that you'll need to raise a Conjurer to level 15 as a requirement to get the job (and a necessity since you need some of the cross class abilities from them)
trash-tier is too generous
there has to be a tier below that
Godspeed. Square Enix Account Management is truly trash-tier. Hope you make it through alive.
trash-tier is too generous
there has to be a tier below that
yamcha-tier? or is that to low?
You know, for a company that has managed to launch two big FF MMOs successfully internationally, it's shocking how bad their online services are. PlayOnline was garbage, and Square Enix Accounts are web account relics from last century. WTF is wrong with them lol.
I just think good web engineers don't exist in Japan, or at the very least aren't as common.You know, for a company that has managed to launch two big FF MMOs successfully internationally, it's shocking how bad their online services are. PlayOnline was garbage, and Square Enix Accounts are web account relics from last century. WTF is wrong with them lol.
The thing is, PlayOnline never locked me out of my FFXI account, but I still haven't been able to access my original FFXIV account because of their bullshit account system that is fundamentally broken at its core. To me, Square-Enix Account is a regression from PlayOnline and that shouldn't be possible on a scientific level, but it somehow happened.
I just think good web engineers don't exist in Japan, or at the very least aren't as common.
It's a pretty great job, just be aware if you make a scholar then you won't be able to make a summoner due to how the bonus point/job split system works for the Arcanist class.
Also if you do scholar, just be aware that you'll need to raise a Conjurer to level 15 as a requirement to get the job (and a necessity since you need some of the cross class abilities from them)
Wait is the second half of the MSQ coming next week or is that just the Diadem stuff?
Wait is the second half of the MSQ coming next week or is that just the Diadem stuff?
What. ACN gives you both SCH and SMN. Those attribute points are honestly not a big deal. And you can always change your stats anytime with a cheapo item from your grand company anyway.
There's an Item (The Keeper's Hymn or something like that) for 250 Grand Company Seals to reset the attribute Points.