It always seemed weird to me that they were reworking it while they were ostensibly spending a ton of their resources on SB. I have faith that they did the "best" they could with the framework that already existed from the initial implementation.Oh, I do agree. It has a lot of the design issues that plague the game, like nonsense content progression (people have come to accept the alliance raids as DoA content gear wise but that doesn't make it better designed by nature), and fragmented pieces of content that heavily leans on the Duty Finder. It's at least understandable that content progression was always going to be messed up at this point in the patch cycle.
It wasn't ever going to be great for sure, but... I don't know. When you commit to give content a second pass, you at least should give it your best effort? This doesn't look like this team's best effort. Hopefully they learn valuable lessons from it (I feel like I'm saying this way too much) and hopefully it's not too late to make it right for Eureka or whatever their next iteration is.
At least we can all say that it's not as bad as Verminion.