Morning.... *yawn*
We just use party chat after getting in, lol.
rip duck is late
Morning.... *yawn*
We just use party chat after getting in, lol.
rip duck is late
Got to put it off until next week.
"Daddy of Light" (lol), the Japanese FFXIV drama, is going to be streamed worldwide on Netflix. Starting on 4/20 in Japan and in the Fall in other countries.
They're also going to make a "Side Story", made mostly from the scenes in the game, exclusive for the streamed version.
That Behemoth fight was bad. I watched a guide for stage one of the Crystal Tower a few days ago, but I had completely forgotten its mechanics.
GAF FC is the bestest! Thanks everyone!
Crystal Tower was fun times!
The newbies singing it out before our raid on the World of Darkness.
GAF FC is the bestest! Thanks everyone!
Daddy of Light coming to Netflix.
That name is still amazingly awful.
After watching some old cutscenes I want them to give PLDthe ability to use two swords in Sword Oath like Raubahn did. He's a Gladiator yet he can dual wield but PLD (Gladiator) can't?
They nerfedthoughRaubahn dual-wielding
So, I finally decided to give this a whirl after they extended the trial period.
I think I'm getting too old for this kind of game, early game is excruciatingly boring. I assume it gets better later on but I just have no will to keep going through all the story exposition (I really don't care about the story, if I'm honest) and go-talk-to-this-guy quests.
He's not supposed to be a PLD, he's a BLUAfter watching some old cutscenes I want them to give PLDthe ability to use two swords in Sword Oath like Raubahn did. He's a Gladiator yet he can dual wield but PLD (Gladiator) can't?
It's the difficulty. * is hard, ** is harder, etc.I just unlocked level 45-50 mining and quarrying nodes. What do the stars next to items in the Gathering Log mean?
So, I finally decided to give this a whirl after they extended the trial period.
I think I'm getting too old for this kind of game, early game is excruciatingly boring. I assume it gets better later on but I just have no will to keep going through all the story exposition (I really don't care about the story, if I'm honest) and go-talk-to-this-guy quests.
They nerfedthoughRaubahn dual-wielding
because you could've been doing the crystal tower weekly for aether oils ¯\_(ツWhy did I buy 15 Pneumites and 18 Umbrites before buying 5 Aether Oils ._.
They nerfedthoughRaubahn dual-wielding
As much as I love the game, I don't think I could recommend FF14 to anyone if they don't care about the story at all. The dungeons are pretty, the art and music are really good, endgame fights are fun, it delivers in the FF fan service department, but the "gameplay loop" at level cap isn't worth the grind if you're not invested in the world, characters, story or community.