Kills Photobucket
Sweet. Stormblood is getting rid of Lalas. Happy day indeed!
No, because I don't think my pc will make it through the benchmarkIs this your score.
It's really hard to talk about AST's balance without talking about The Balance. Screw that job.
There are a bunch of different katanas besides the relic one in the benchmark.
Here they are.
Last one looks sweet as heck, can't wait to get that on my Lala Samurai.
And you still can't take off your shoes in this game!
Wow I just noticed.
Everyone wearing shoes at the beach, how bizarre.
Very stupid questions for expert about the avarage level equipment. Does each equipment slot bear the same importance or let's say a CHEST lvl in the total avg. score is worth more than an Earring of the same level? I need to reach lvl 200 quickly to advance the story and I was thinking focusing on accessories is, tomes-wise, less costy than main equip.
Very stupid questions for expert about the avarage level equipment. Does each equipment slot bear the same importance or let's say a CHEST lvl in the total avg. score is worth more than an Earring of the same level? I need to reach lvl 200 quickly to advance the story and I was thinking focusing on accessories is, tomes-wise, less costy than main equip.
iirc it's weapon > chest/legs > arms / helm / belt / feet.
I love me some giant hat on staff clipping.The latest Blind spell from BLM
What seems to be like a mini Holy?
I like they added that support ability on DRK, I really wish I could play as that class but I just can't keep aggro on anything, meanwhile on PLD I can be underleveled and undergeared, spam 3-4 flash and then nothing is going to come even close to my enmity, heck I've done better with sword oath when I forget to switch to shield oarth and still do better than plating with DRK...
They literally showed one new move per job though, so I'm not entirely sure why you're singling out PLD here.I like how the new trailer showed a single new cooldown looking move for PLD. Why even have this job if they don't care about it?
- Not free, paid game and $13-15 monthly sub. Trial has no time limit but you can play up to level 20 IIRC.So few queations:
-Is FF14 free? If not how long does the trial last time wise?
-is ff14 easy to get into for beginners?
-if ff14 doesn't seem like the right game are there any other free or one time buy games we could play as a family? Was thinking destiny might be good but something less shoot would be better. Also we like Sci if more than fantasy.
I like how the new trailer showed a single new cooldown looking move for PLD. Why even have this job if they don't care about it?
So few queations:
-Is FF14 free? If not how long does the trial last time wise?
-is ff14 easy to get into for beginners?
-if ff14 doesn't seem like the right game are there any other free or one time buy games we could play as a family? Was thinking destiny might be good but something less shoot would be better. Also we like Sci if more than fantasy.
In general they kind of need to approach healing (and tanking) to some extent so that there's a lot more to healing than simply a series of one-time pass/fail checks. Otherwise it'll always come down to either strict HPS checks that necessitate better throughput OR lenient enough that it comes down to take what offers the most outside healing.
But I guess we often come back to that point, huh.
I like how the new trailer showed a single new cooldown looking move for PLD. Why even have this job if they don't care about it?
Capped tome gear will likely be shared by role this time around, since you'll be getting your AF set from job quests. Which is an excellent move IMO!That benchmark renewed my hype pretty handily. The SCH AF is looking pretty nice but the AST AF isn't too bad either, and both of them have some new toys that make me very interested to see what their effects are. I'm not really worried about the leveling process, but I assume there will be a similar Tome bottleneck at the start as before so I will have to pick one to focus on for at least a few months.
That benchmark renewed my hype pretty handily. The SCH AF is looking pretty nice but the AST AF isn't too bad either, and both of them have some new toys that make me very interested to see what their effects are. I'm not really worried about the leveling process, but I assume there will be a similar Tome bottleneck at the start as before so I will have to pick one to focus on for at least a few months.
Yup. I'm fine with AST being reworked as long as the role as a whole gets a good look at. They didn't deserve their undertuned launch state any more then they deserved to be OP now.
The class will be a lot more fun if it can move away from the Draw Balance or you fail playstyle, but not at the expense of returning to an undertuned state. SE not having a new healer to worry about means that there shouldn't be any excuses about making sure the current three are all in a functional/competitive state by level 70. I don't expect everything to be perfect from the get-go cause MMO expansion launches never are, but still.
Capped tome gear will likely be shared by role this time around, since you'll be getting your AF set from job quests. Which is an excellent move IMO!
They mentioned the new Job AF gear will be quested like it was in vanilla ARR, lvl 70 quest. Unofficial translation is they didn't like the item level gap they were seeing with fresh lvl 60's trying to get geared up enough to start doing end game content (aka the two dungeon tome grind to get up high enough to do Alexander 1-4 normal and the extreme fights) so they made it easier to get the gear needed to bridge that gap by making it quested rather then grinded. The actual tome gear this time is shared right off the bat.
The free trial is now unlimited with a stop point in progression once you reach level 35. To proceed past level 35 and the subsequent main scenario quests, you will have to purchase A Realm Reborn. A new license will grant you 30 days of game time free with monthly payments ($12.99 or $14.99) being necessary after said period. You can view the restrictions in place for the free trial via this link.
It's a fairly simple game to pick up and play, but you might encounter some initial difficulties if you're new to the genre. Fortunately, they've made quite a few strides since initial release to ease new players into standard MMO mechanics.
Destiny is most likely your best shot, but Warframe might be something to consider as well. Warframe is completely free, however, it incentives microtransactions as progression can be quite the time sink otherwise.
How long does it take to get to 35? I imagine we'll be largely slow
How long does it take to get to 35? I imagine we'll be largely slow
Score: 8864
Average Frame Rate: 60.707
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 (VRAM 2017 MB)
Score: 6373
Average Frame Rate: 43.699
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 (VRAM 2017 MB)
Score: 12799
Average Frame Rate: 94.865
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 (VRAM 8127 MB)
Windows 10 Pro 64 bits (6.2, Compilação 9200) (10586.th2_release.170303-1605)
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
If you're a beginner, it'll take quite a while especially if you're engaging in other activities besides active story progression.
The thing to keep in mind though with the free trial are the restrictions in regards to player interaction. It'll be tough to play with your family properly as you won't be able to create a party for you all to join.
If you're not looking to play past the free trial or the free game time (30 days) with a license purchase, I wouldn't recommend Final Fantasy XIV or other similar MMOs.
The name of the NA benchmark blog post made me laugh.
I have nothing to add. Just that it was funny.
It's the hilt of a samurai sword. Known as a tsuba.just wanna say i don't get samurai's job icon :/