I've been thinking about what changes they could make to AST and WHM to maybe balance them out a bit more. Raided with both but entirely stick with AST these days.
White Mage:
- Shroud needs to be extended in duration or potency, just like Luminiferous Aether was
Wouldn't be opposed to this for selfish reasons. I feel like whm mp management is in an okay spot though; assize was a nice addition that does make a difference. Plus you also have asylum, tetra, and divine seal to help manage mp. The other two healers probably do have easier management though
- Cure I/II needs their cost reduced to being them in line with Benefic I/II (I could be wrong on this point buuuut I'm pretty sure they're more expensive right now)
I think cure is in line with the scholar physic and adlo - it's actually benefic that is out of line. When released, ast had slightly weaker potencies (with noct sect on, the potencies would be brought up to par). Made ast really hard to use so SE just kinda buffed them to the point of broken on the other extreme. Don't know how I would fix this. Probably try to bring ast a tiny bit more in line.
- Stone I/II/III should be merged and have cost reduced
I agree stone 2 is completely redundant having learned stone 3. The heavy from stone 1 is still useful in certain niche situations (tornado/add phase a3s comes to mind). Wouldn't want to lose any utility, even if it's niche.
- Aero II/III merged as well. Maybe adjustment to potency to compensate
How would you suggest this change? I feel like each aero is useful in different cases. Aero 1 being instant cast is useful while on the move, aero 2 is a low cost single target dot with decent, quick damage, and aero 3 is an (expensive) aoe dot powerhouse.
- Needs some kind of party wide utility. Haste buff? Damage buff? Something. I have a legitimate fear after seeing that benchmark trailer that they're gonna give WHM more healing ability, which is the last thing it needs. I hope I'm wrong here.
This would be great. Whm already has great healing throughout but definitely lacks in utility and buffing comparatively. The only thing I'm kinda of sad about is this leads to role homogenization. It's what happened with HW too.
- Better hate management. Shroud is such a horrible solution.
I personally like shroud better than luminous/quelling. Being able to dump loads of hate has saved me on many occasion. Although with a good tank and some restraint (no swiftcast divine sealed medica 2 on the pull), hate shouldn't really be an issue.
- Maybe remove or rework fluid aura into something a bit more meaningful.
Free damage! What's not to like? I used to use the knockback to pull golem in t9 (quickly get him out of the middle and away from the others).
- Need some kind of mitigation. Stoneskin is almost entirely useless especially with its cost.
Agreed. Still sad they removed the trait that increased stoneskin to 18%.
Really interesting points! Thanks for sharing.