Memories of Heavensward - Ultros GAF Screenshot Contest
Stormblood is almost upon us, so for the month of May we'll relive the glorious (and not so glorious) memories of Heavensward.
To participate, submit a screenshot (yours only, please) of someplace in Heavensward that you may have a fond memory of (or just a liking for). If you are a new player, get a picture of whatever. I suggest you share your weird thoughts and anecdotes about Heavensward with the screenshot as well.
Players can only enter once, so you can post multiple screenshots but you will have only one entry.
Winner will be selected at random.
The prize is
a date with Sosul Mars your choice of one of the following:
Wind-up Garuda
Wind-up Ifrit
Wind-up Leviathan
Wind-up Ramuh
Wind-up Shiva
Wind-up Titan
If you already have all of the above, you'll receive a carry through Aurum Vale.
Entries will be accepted until May 31st. Post in the GAF FF14 OT, link with @[officer's name] on Discord, or send a tell in game to an officer.