Has there been any mention or hints to what level RDM/SAM will start at? I'm hoping 50.
I believe they said 50. Since the new cap is 70
Has there been any mention or hints to what level RDM/SAM will start at? I'm hoping 50.
I believe they said 50. Since the new cap is 70
Whew, that grind from 50 - 60 in POTD will be interesting.
Really curious to see what adjustments they have for Bard. That will make or break my looking at the class again.
Yes! Buying the PC version after having the PS4 version or vice versa will add 30days to your subscription.Got another question FFXIV-Gaf...So I bought the bundle thanks to the sale and finally have a PC account activated and also I still have the PS4 version sitting on my PSN. If I activate it and link it to my account somehow will I get another 30 days free?
I think it's not supposed to be a passive, but once you activate it, it doesn't fall off completely. You'll still have a timer that you can refresh manually for a bonud, but you won't get locked out of F4 if you make a mistake anymore.enochian will become a passive, that's the ongoing rumour
i think it was mentioned in some famitsu article a month ago or something too
In the benchmark video, the new BRD skill didn't seem to have a casting animation. I can only dream that Minuet is fucking dead, lying in a ditch on top of its own blood.Really curious to see what adjustments they have for Bard. That will make or break my looking at the class again.
Yes! Buying the PC version after having the PS4 version or vice versa will add 30days to your subscription.
Really curious to see what adjustments they have for Bard. That will make or break my looking at the class again.
In the benchmark video, the new BRD skill didn't seem to have a casting animation. I can only dream that Minuet is fucking dead, lying in a ditch on top of its own blood.
Let's not fool ourselves here speaking as someone who has been using Bard as his main Job since he started playing the game I can almost say that in terms of "balance" changes I don't see the Bard getting much of it because I feel that the Bard is in a pretty nice position right now.
Wide Volley- Do we really need a 3rd AoE Action that cost 30 more TP to do the exact same damage as Quick Nock? I don't think so.
As for Wanderer's Minuet I don't think it's going away so if you haven't hot used to by now or don't like it than don't bother playing with a Bard.
Switched back to my usual network settings and grabbing Heavensward now, which is going very fast (0.40MB/s on OP's DNS v 5.5MB/s on Google's).
See ya online soon, FFXIV-GAF!... I'll be a tiny little lv1 starting completely fresh.
SB is going to be incredibly interesting to see how they handle balancing ranged damage.
BRD and MCH still have lower weapon damage than the other DPS, but the balance arms race that started in 3.2 has ultimately positioned both as strong in actual DPS terms and if they remove the Disembowel reliance in SB we're either looking at large damage adjustments for both jobs or the official end of penalizing support DPS for the support part of the job.
I'm hoping it's the latter, largely because actually providing the support regen is a definite damage hit so they don't need to go back to penalizing base damage and then double penalty when functioning as support. NIN has a bunch of utility with no damage penalty, so hopefully the go forward is just giving all DPS access to support functions instead of trying to keep physical ranged as second tier damage.
They could change/remove some unused/useless Actions but in terms of actual % adjustments I would be fine if things stay the way they are.
WV is the only AOE GCD that can be used from a decent distance. Quick Nick is always going to be preferable if you can get up close and personal, but if they remove WV Bards trying to AOE without being right up on the mobs are going to be stuck waiting around for BL resets. They could adjust potency to make it closer to Spread Shot vs Grenado, and encounter design will play some role in How much use WV sees, but Wide Volley does still serve an extremely specific function.
They still desperately need to rework it. Barrage EA is an incredibly satisfying set of numbers to toss up, but the actual execution of the double oGCD with a cast time continues to feel bad. The use of Feint to prevent GCD clipping is a pretty solid indicator the class design has issues, and if Bards lose Feint when crossclassingn goes away without gaining a reliable instant GCD, the job is going to feel worse to play. . While a lot of Minuet does end up feeling better if you stack SS, they never really got Minuet Bard to feel natural. The oGCD logjams and EA having a cast time constantly disrupts the flow of actual gameplay. If they intend to keep Minuet they need to polish the hell out of the skillset so things flow together because the HW implementation has never escaped feeling hacked together in spots.
Bard now is better off than it was in 3.0, to the point that I will actually voluntarily play it after refusing to touch it for most of Gordias, but it has basic issues stemming from the poor implementation of WM that need to be addressed.
The weird implementation is the whole crux of the issue. WM is clearly something that was shoehorned in with little regard to how 2.0 abilities worked just because MCH would also have Gauss. It's wonky, it only exists for two abilities and it makes BRD feel like shit to play. BRD needed way, way more work than a small rework to Barrage and RoD to warrant this piece of shit. Want to keep WM in 4.0? Fine, then fucking go back and rework old BRD stuff to actually work around it.Nothing wrong with WM, it's just the weird implementation. For a nice contrast, look at Gauss Barrel on MCH. Think it works fine there. IMO, anyway.
The weird implementation is the whole crux of the issue. WM is clearly something that was shoehorned in with little regard to how 2.0 abilities worked just because MCH would also have Gauss. It's wonky, it only exists for two abilities and it makes BRD feel like shit to play. BRD needed way, way more work than a small rework to Barrage and RoD to warrant this piece of shit. Want to keep WM in 4.0? Fine, then fucking go back and rework old BRD stuff to actually work around it.
Also I'm pretty sure BRD was confirmed to be getting big changes in 4.0 in some interview.
1-They could remove the penalty for using songs but what would be the counter balance? Increase the MP cost? Lower the potency? Put a cool down in it? I don't know which one I would choose.
2-I still think that having a 3rd AoE Action is too redundant so a better compromise here would be to either increase Potency or decree TP cost and remove Quick Knock but speaking from experience I don't think there has been a situation where I couldn't use Quick Knock iver Wide Volley because every time a tank grabs enough Enemies to justify the use of Quick Knock it's possible for me to move into the appropriate position/range.
3-As for Wanderer's Minuet the only thing I can say is that the Bard does feel better to use when I'm not using Wanderer's Minuet but I don't a scenario where Square-Enix​ removed it do it's just easier for me to accept that it's here to stay even if it makes the Bard a little clunky to use at times.
Wouldn't doubt this for a second.I still think that the only reason they shoehorned in Wanderer's Minuet was because Machinist got Gauss Barrel and they didn't think it was fair that one Job could move and shoot at the same time while the other one couldn't
That's not what I'm talking about. For the most part, it was assumed in ARR that Bard would be lower-end damage even when not singing at all. It was to keep Bard from being too OP. It's why ranged weapon damage was lower--even with 0% songs, Bards were supposed to be second-string damage dealers. After the MCH buffs and BRD counter-buffs, BRD and MCH are incredibly strong damage now and there's a chunk of the playerbase that is expecting them to get knocked back down to second-string damage in SB even without songs. That would suck, especially given that Creator style raid design means song use is super minimal. I'd prefer being a solid DPS and docked for singing, but am concerned about an expectation that we go back to lesser DPS at best and worse if we sing/promote.
If they do nothing to actually address the flow of bard, it's going to be an incredible failure on their part. We've been stuck with a bad Minuet interpetation for two years because they don't want to make major changes mid-expansion, so SB launch is going to be their one shot in two years to take a serious stab at making Bard feel like a job they planned out instead of Ctrl-C+Ctrl-V'ing Gauss Barrel onto it because they couldn't figure out how to balance it with MCH.
1-Just were did this assumption come from? Because from the outset I remember the Bard was the go to pick for the Binding Coil of Bahamut and it wasn't until 2.1 when the Bard got slapped with nerfs that it stopped being so great until the buffs it got in 3.0 and in 3.4 but you're right I rather not see that scenario you described come into reality.
2-I think it's better to actually think this is exactly what's going to happen so that way we won't get our hopes up for nothing.
I wish all the anima were as impressive as the bard anima.
EDIT: Managed to stockpile enough to jump from UnID to Umbrite. Now.... the real grind begins.
Welp, the software token app broke once again, and now is asking me for the registration process. And I lost the emergency password, I mean I think I wrote it down like 2 years ago...
I don't understand how any 2-step verication software I use have yet to give me a problem, and this garbage app, broke on me like 3 times since I started using it.
My comeback will have to wait one more day.
All the final step bases look blocky and ugly, I wonder if it isn't on purpose to contrast the particles.I hate the look of the BRD anime to be honest. I love the glow effect, but the base weapon is just so ugly....
I'm going to glam it to Yoichi Bow, but debating if I am going to use the relic glow or not...
45When do I start getting good SCH gear? I'm level 44 and I'm sick of this Aetherial Linen Cowl I've been wearing forever![]()
Do we know when we'll be finding out about the new actions/job changes/balancing? It appears my static is getting back together for 4.0, and what they add could affect which healer I want to roll as (whm or ast). Super interested in how they decide to change things up for SB.
No, Steam/PC/PS4 trial accounts are all separate, but getting back up to where you are in the trial won't take very long, and you can buy the game now but wait to apply the CD key to your trial account as well. Steam version will probably go on sale sometime before launch but who knows when that'll be.Does this go on sale via Steam often? I'm tempted by that Square store sale but I already have the game (demo) downloaded via Steam.
If I bought the standalone version, can I still link my Steam trial character?
May 20th live letter.Do we know when we'll be finding out about the new actions/job changes/balancing? It appears my static is getting back together for 4.0, and what they add could affect which healer I want to roll as (whm or ast). Super interested in how they decide to change things up for SB.
It might be dangerous but the Spear should honestly be retroactive, that is, instead of being a "skills cast during The Spear have reduced cooldowns" it should be "skills cooldown 20% faster or whatever during The Spear".
Even then its benefit will be really nebulous until people run the numbers on how many extra Battle Hymns and Trick Attacks this is generating over the course of a 8 minute fight. Hell, it might even beat out Balance given a coordinated group.
I think Spire and Ewer should be folded into one card (Ewer, I suppose), and then Spear made into some other kind of utility?
Doesn't go on sale in steam very often. Purchasing the steam version will also lock you into having to purchase expansions from steam and since the game rarely goes on sale there you'll most likely have to pay full price and won't get launch discounts (BB GCU, Amazon Prime, GMG, etc...) on new expansions.Does this go on sale via Steam often? I'm tempted by that Square store sale but I already have the game (demo) downloaded via Steam.
If I bought the standalone version, can I still link my Steam trial character?
I like how that post was made well after Bards lost the ability to auto-attack.
May 20th.
May 20th live letter.