The name "Stars of Destiny" is a reference to Suikoden. I'm not a fan of Suikoden so I could not care less if that name goes away. We need to come up with something cool though to replace it. It would be cool if whatever the name was has the acronym GAF, like Get A Fuckingclue or something. (An example, not a serious suggestion!)
In unrelated news:
That thread discusses the problem I'm talking about in pretty good detail. If all the gil piling up in people's inventories ever mobilizes (becomes liquid if you are an economist), the economy of the game will face a Zimbabwe Scenario hyperinflation apocalypse. Let's say Squenix adds some ridiculous endgame item which gives constant 5% run speed increase. Of course everyone on the server will want to buy it. All the super-crafters with 50 million gill will happily spend 40 million of their gil on such an amazing item, especially considering the continuing lack of chocobos and airships. Because of the amount of gil many people playing since launch now have, what happens is the super-rich will all be running around 5% faster and everybody else who doesn't happen to have 40 million gil laying around, which is everybody who is not a super-crafter, gets fucked. This also makes it impossible to start playing the game right now, since everyone playing since launch has millions of gil sitting around to buy newly-added ubershit and the person who just bought it has nothing but their starter gear.
Squenix wanted to create a situation where RMT was discouraged simply by making gil pointless to sell. The problem is that they have now created a situation where RMT is not required to cause the economy to collapse overnight.