Rodent Whores
From everything we've been through until now, I honestly think it'll take a little while longer than that.Teknoman said:So yeah, the game should be in the state that it should've been released in a few weeks.
From everything we've been through until now, I honestly think it'll take a little while longer than that.Teknoman said:So yeah, the game should be in the state that it should've been released in a few weeks.
Rentahamster said:From everything we've been through until now, I honestly think it'll take a little while longer than that.
Teknoman said:I mean content and functionality wise (how many MMOs dont ship with full guild/clan functionality these days or things like help text and mouse over menus?). Plus ships should mean airships ( what else could they be?).
Yeah, I know. I think they're gonna need a while to get it all in, then to refine it into something good. There really isn't that much evidence in favor of giving SE the benefit of their word right about now.Teknoman said:I mean content and functionality wise .
But, wasn't that list from before everything went down and they completely shifted priorities? I dunno if I'd trust that anymore.Teknoman said:Btw refresher for whats expected in the first 2011 updates (which seems to be early Feb?):
Unknown Soldier said:A few brief impressions from the Rift beta while I wait for the next miracle patch:
Visually, the game is vastly inferior to FFXIV. The music sucks too. The animations are hilariously amateur and atrocious. Your character runs like a gimp and all the character designs are uglier than sin. The visual polish of FFXIV is unmatched by any MMOG available today, period. FFXIV has catgirls, too. CATGIRL IS BEST GIRL!!
However, this game has the progressing from one quest hub to the next, leveling from quests design that is famous in WoW. That alone makes this game roughly 1,046,567,265 times superior to FFXIV in terms of actually playing it. I think I've killed like 5 whole mobs so far from levels 1 to 7 which weren't quest-related. Seriously. Meanwhile I think I killed at least 5,000 doblyns between rank 38 and rank 50 on my archer in FFXIV. The difference between Rift and FFXIV is pretty stark here and I know which method for leveling I prefer, and it isn't the grinding of thousands of doblyns (or efts and raptors!).
The framerate in Rift is quite shitty though considering how little it is rendering and how there isn't even any implemented MSAA yet. They'll have to work on that, if my GTX 470 can run the visually 9 billion times better looking FFXIV at 40-60 fps there's no excuse for this game dropping all the way down to 20 fps when there's a bunch of people on screen.
I'm about to kill the boss of the noob zone and leave it and so far it's a lot like how WoW and LOTRO start off. The character design looks a lot like Warhammer Online or Age of Conan but not nearly as bashed to death with the ugly stick. Really visually and in terms of gameplay mechanics the game doesn't in the least bit stand out. It's like they mashed together WoW, LOTRO, WAR, threw them all in a blender, and Rift is what came out. I'm hoping to try out the PvP and see if it does anything different and better than WoW's Battlegrounds or Aion's open-world gank-happy PvP. The completely derivative nature of this MMOG thus far is utterly amazing, stunning, and appalling all at the same time. Way to enhance the tried and true there, Trion! Now give me one good reason why I should play this game instead of WoW, LOTRO or even FFXIV!
Outdoor Miner said:Grinding quests or grinding mobs, same shit in the end. Only difference is one pats you on the back every 5 to 10 minutes saying "Good job, now here's another...".
nataku said:Really? Grinding quests usually has you running all over the place, which some may hate. Personally, I like seeing different parts of the zone rather than sitting in the same little circle killing the same mobs for hours on end. It's the change of scenery quest based games bring that make them more enjoyable for me.
Outdoor Miner said:I detest the whole "accept quest, now go the that splotch on the map, and then come back" approach. Most people just run around glued to their maps not even taking in the sights.
Grinding quests or grinding mobs, same shit in the end. Only difference is one pats you on the back every 5 to 10 minutes saying "Good job, now here's another...".
hgplayer1 said:
Each year, there are those who feel inclined to bring attention to the fact that these bells closely resemble those used during other festivals, such as the recent starlight celebration. It is unfortunate that these people must concentrate on the negative when the true meaning behind Valentione's Day...
Suuuure. :lolValentione's Day is truly more about an individual's quest to muster the courage to conquer his own fears of rejection. It is for this reason the realm does not see any dramatic changes for the duration of the festivities.
Their keen sense of self-awareness is both amusing and horribly pathetic :lolJinko said:The lack of imagination is quite depressing.
Well what the hell do you expect ?
Teknoman said:Really interested in seeing what class changes/battle system and enemy changes they bring about, as well as hopefully lowering the rank required to progress the storyline (especially for cutscene missions) and let people bring party members into story missions no matter what.
Patch 1.15a Outline (01/27/2011)
Several of the scheduled improvements mentioned in last week's letter from the producer are nearing completion. The following is a list of some of the most significant changes:
*An official patch release date will be announced shortly.
Improvements to Log Usability
Changes to behavior of windows when moused over
The implementation of an automated log text show/hide feature
Revisions to text color
Improvements to Dialog Windows
Changes to increase the amount of on-screen data, reducing the need for multiple pages
Improvements to Combat Damage Display
The assignment of different font colors to player and enemy damage
Adjustments to prevent overlapping of combat text
Improvements to Map Usability
Increased data refresh rates allowing for more responsive maps
Improvements to Minimap Usability
The addition of a PC's field-of-view (camera direction)
Improvements to Guildleve-Related Information
The implementation of an in-game command which displays time remaining until the next leve renewal
Adjustments to Item Stack Sizes
A significant increase in stack sizes (from 12 to 99) for several existing items
Improvements to Gathering
Changes to the frame rates of action animations to speed up gathering activities
Improvements to the Item Search Feature
The addition of prices displayed together with search results
Addition of a Head Gear Display Feature
The addition of a feature allowing players to graphically toggle on/off their headgear (without physically removing the item)
Adjustments to Skill Points
Improvements to skill point acquisition for parties
Further details will be revealed in forthcoming Topics posts, as well as the post planned for release in conjunction with the patch.
As of today, game versions will be assigned alphanumeric values (eg. 1.15a). In addition, what for the past decade have been known to players of online FINAL FANTASY titles as "version updates" shall henceforth be referred to as "patches."
Adjustments to Skill Points
Improvements to skill point acquisition for parties
The addition of prices displayed together with search results
MomoPufflet said:goodbye what little economy that was left. undercutters assemble!
Sofo said:Me and my fiancée had so many hopes for FFXIV. We met in FFXI, it was a blast of a game which we had to quit due to lack of time. Now we looked into FFXIV, we even got the Collector's Edition and we were basically there day one only to find out that all our fears were true. Now after almost 5 months I still don't feel like playing, even though the game is currently free. I know the skill/job system is the one we have, but I'd love if they brought FFXI-classic job system with defined roles, easier SP or simply questable. I would so get back to it. When I was in FFXI I was always against easier SP or questable SP but as my lifestyle has changed I would love if FFXIV molded on it; fun to jump and play and able to turn it off without major consequences.
Edit: Note that we mostly play alone/duo.
Teknoman said:I wouldnt say that. People still wont sell items for less than a certain point. If anything, i'd think you'd get more standardized pricing, and be able to move around within a certain amount of gil from that price.
Unknown Soldier said:Squenix needs to completely blow up the whole story quest design. They need to nuke every story quest in the game thus far and replace them all with better story quests with parties of up to 15 fighting it out against hordes of enemies with shit blowing up everywhere and people dying left and right and huge boss battles with huge bosses that make the current NMs look like tiny ants by comparison. If I wanted to play a bunch of shitty little quests I would go play WoW. The crafting and gathering jobs need to be excluded entirely from the main story quest lines. Pick up a weapon and learn to kill the hell out of shit or shut the fuck up and sit in town crafting 12 hours a day or whatever. This is FINAL FANTASY, I expect epic boss battles with operatic music featuring electronic chorale set to extreme in the background and the fate of the world hanging in the balance.
I do not think that the nature of the wards benefits "stability" as much as you think it does.MomoPufflet said:Except this isn't true at all. Pricing stability is the ONE benefit that the wards system in its current form offers. They should be clinging to that for dear life until they finish the the AH when all of that goes out the window, just like it does in FFXI.
Um...I don't know if i'm the only one who noticed/know about this, or even if this was ever mentioned in this thread(yeah, i didn't read all the posts) or the whole forum as well, but you can put together steps 1&2(if you play on KB) by pressing SHIFT+Skill #(and hit G for activation), so that you don't have to press the br button or make macros for each skill..
Yes sorry, that. Because we solo/duo, obtaining SP isn't bad, the problem means we need an insane amount. Last time we left the game as is was because we couldn't even reach rank 20 (pre-patch) and we kept getting frustrated by its randomness. If it was like FFXI I'd be happy with it (hell, we duo'd SCH and BLM all the way to 75).DrDogg said:What do you consider easier SP? SP is already super easy to get, you just need a ridiculous amount of it. I'd rather see the balance FFXI had in terms of XP challenge/speed. If I can just do quest after quest to reach cap, I'll quit. That's boring as sin and offers no challenge at all. One of the reasons I don't play WoW.
Well, there is some pretty good music for some faction leves and boss fights, butTeknoman said:EDIT: I will say they are wasting Uematsu's talent with no boss fights in the game so far. Thats one thing XI got right as far as FF feel goes.
What did you expect? The new director has been going on and on about how the UI is their #1 priority, they don't want to touch combat until the UI fixes are done.DrDogg said:Patch looks pretty lame to me. Nothing that interests me outside of the hopeful return of parties. Unfortunately, combat is still ridiculously boring, so being bored in a party doesn't make it any more fun (for me).
Dreamwriter said:What did you expect? The new director has been going on and on about how the UI is their #1 priority, they don't want to touch combat until the UI fixes are done.
DrDogg said:I didn't say I was surprised by the patch... just that I find it lame. I don't expect combat updates in the next patch either. In fact, I'd be surprised to see proper combat updates before March... sadly.![]()
In an effort to standardize stack limits in accordance with category type, as well alleviate inventory overload, the limits for all items (excluding those marked as Rare) in the following categories have been increased to 99:
Sundries, Throwing Stones, Eggs, Vegetables, Spices, Fruits, Mushrooms, Foodstuffs, Freshwater Fare, Saltwater Fare, Meats, Dyes, Paints, Reagents, Metals, Unrefined Metals, Metal Sheets, Metal Wires, Weapon Heads, Weapon Butts, Weapon Grips, Chainmail Meshes, Armor Metals, Clasps, Raw Wood, Hides, Leathers, Furs, Armor Hides, Armor Leathers, Footwear Parts, Bones, Teeth & Claws, Wings, Armor, Ores, Stones, Gemstones, Fibers, Cloth, Hooded Attire Cloth, Cloth Bodies, Smallclothes Cloth, Cloth Sleeves, Front Cloth, Back Cloth, Armor Cloth, Feathers, and Armor Parts
Dreamwriter said:They just completely broke the ward systemIt no longer matters where you setup shop. But hey, it's all good
Dreamwriter said:They just completely broke the ward systemIt no longer matters where you setup shop. But hey, it's all good