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Final Fantasy XIV |OT| ARR: Alpha Closed. Beta mid-Feb

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Teknoman said:
Dont people still lose gil by setting up shop in the wrong ward?
They'll still get taxed a little more, but people never seemed to care about that (the tax really needed to be a lot higher if Square wanted people to stick to the correct wards). What really made people start paying attention to the correct wards was the search system which only searched the correct ward. But now when you search the spellcraft ward for a staff, it'll tell you where that staff is in all wards.


Eeny Meenie Penis
lol noticed this just now and found it kinda funny..


Star of Destiny.. lol :p


Unknown Soldier said:
That's because the vast majority of people aren't the least bit angry about the combat. It pretty much works like you'd expect MMOG combat to work with the exception of having mash the 1 key to do normal attacks. The combat is just fine for the vast majority of players. I'm sure they will add harder quests and NMs at some point but there's nothing broken about the way the game's combat system flows that requires an immediate response the way the utter lack of content does.

While I'm sure you've spoken to all 10 people that still play, the majority is not in agreement with you. According to the poll results, the second most requested issue resolution was for the combat system... which had more than double the votes of any other answer aside from in-game content.

Teknoman said:
Anyway, if SP in parties works the way everyone wants it to after the patch, wouldnt that make the game more challenging in itself? Im guessing its going to make smaller parties for standard exp stuff more effective, and hopefully make tackling harder enemies more worthwhile.

Also enemies themselves were supposed to be adjusted, so its kinda in the air atm.

Bringing party play back won't change anything from my point of view. I actually find solo play more challenging than party play in this game, it just happens to be that I hate soloing. In a party, as CON, I spam cure with the occasional buff or enfeeble. It's ridiculously boring. Until CON or the combat system see some adjustments, I don't see that changing.


Emenis said:
lol noticed this just now and found it kinda funny..


Star of Destiny.. lol :p

Thats the "old" linkshell anyway I dont think a majority of GAF that was still playing logged into that one. I didnt.


Eeny Meenie Penis
hgplayer1 said:
Thats the "old" linkshell anyway I dont think a majority of GAF that was still playing logged into that one. I didnt.

True, just thought it was funny. :p .. Although the new ones isn't really all that packed either nowdays. :D And you dont have to login into it lol it will show you online either way o_O

Back to playing.


I wonder if companies or as they put it "player run guilds" will end up being like actual clans (linkshells with actual properties, etc.), or really just like the guilds in game (gladiator guild, etc.) and just players running things via server wide campaign/signet style quests.

Just a thought...knowing square enix...still hope that with Yoshi-P's influence, they turn out to be actual clans with owned ships/buildings for company use.

Didnt Dark age of Camelot have something like that?


Teknoman said:
What would you want to change? Enemy difficulty, combat speed, or amount of enemies faced at once?

For starters, the enemies need to be harder to defeat or at least require more thought than "spam your attack and win". BR tries to do this a bit, but against most enemies you don't need BR to win. It just feels like anyone not tanking can just sit back and attack. You don't even have to really watch your hate control.

I also don't like the speed of combat. While I rarely have to worry about healing people in a hurry, if the enemies get harder, it would be nice to be able to. In FFXI, if I needed to cast cure quickly, I could do it. In FFXIV it just seems like the spells take forever to cast. This is partly due to the stamina gauge, which I also don't like but if it stays I won't complain.

If the classes change enough to become truly unique, then the combat changes will come along with them.


Well hopefully they either do more with positioning and group vs group for smaller/mid size enemy encounters, since they were really talking it up early on.

Actually that would bring more of that FF feel to the game as well. Of course they would have to improve aoe/control managing skills, as well as push further with class balancing like you said.


Late Alpha/early beta they had aoe targetting limited to enemy groups iirc. Would be nice to see that back. Freakin goats/dodos/monkeys everywhere :(


Just ordered me the CE edition, since I'm a sucker for FF.
Any idea on when the new updates will roll out since the team shuffle?

:EDIT: also people are complaining about the amount of menus as though the game was designed for a controller, not a keyboard.
Is it easier to play on an Xbox 360/PS3 controller with the buttons mapped?


sam27368 said:
Just ordered me the CE edition, since I'm a sucker for FF.
Any idea on when the new updates will roll out since the team shuffle?

:EDIT: also people are complaining about the amount of menus as though the game was designed for a controller, not a keyboard.
Is it easier to play on an Xbox 360/PS3 controller with the buttons mapped?

I find it easier/better to play with a PS3 controller. However, I have a bias as I played FFXI with a PS controller for most/all of its life. Im sure if you talk to someone who played the xbox 360 version of FFXI they'll say that they find it easier to play on the 360 controller.

That being said, I do truly believe the PS3 controller to be the "best" controller out of the two. Just the simple fact that the D-pad is a billion times superior to the one on the 360 controller makes it an obvious choice, for me at least. Scrolling through menus and battle actions, as well as targeting, is all done via the D-pad, so you'll have an easier life playing on a DS3. If, however, you have to pick between a keyboard and a 360 controller only, then use the 360 controller.


Forbiden said:
I find it easier/better to play with a PS3 controller. However, I have a bias as I played FFXI with a PS controller for most/all of its life. Im sure if you talk to someone who played the xbox 360 version of FFXI they'll say that they find it easier to play on the 360 controller.

That being said, I do truly believe the PS3 controller to be the "best" controller out of the two. Just the simple fact that the D-pad is a billion times superior to the one on the 360 controller makes it an obvious choice, for me at least. Scrolling through menus and battle actions, as well as targeting, is all done via the D-pad, so you'll have an easier life playing on a DS3. If, however, you have to pick between a keyboard and a 360 controller only, then use the 360 controller.

What drivers do you use for the DS3? The last ones I used disabled my Logitech wireless KB&M entirely which put me off from using it.
Darte said:
Late Alpha/early beta they had aoe targetting limited to enemy groups iirc. Would be nice to see that back. Freakin goats/dodos/monkeys everywhere :(
Eww, that would make the game a heck of a lot easier (and thus more boring). AOE management is an important feature of this game.


Dreamwriter said:
Eww, that would make the game a heck of a lot easier (and thus more boring). AOE management is an important feature of this game.

Yes and no it would definitely make it easier but he is right that the areas are full of unneeded monsters the goats and stuff are really annoying and it does get abit tiring when you can use the majority of attacks cause they wont go away.Like its fine if they want to put goats in the area but the fact they follow you everywhere is annoying if they were just there and you could move around and place yourself somewhere that's cool but they walk over and stand in front of you or in your area ll the time.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Havent played in a few months, I guess Ill start playing again once they start charging finally ;)


Kills Photobucket
Outdoor Miner said:
When the PS3 version launches, will they share the same servers as us PC folk?

Can't imagine they wouldn't. It was a key selling point of FFXI (and continues to give servers good population numbers)


DrForester said:
Can't imagine they wouldn't. It was a key selling point of FFXI (and continues to give servers good population numbers)
It would be stupid if they didn't come that time the PC version is going to need a big boost so migrating the two together would fill things up more
Cmagus said:
Yes and no it would definitely make it easier but he is right that the areas are full of unneeded monsters the goats and stuff are really annoying and it does get abit tiring when you can use the majority of attacks cause they wont go away.Like its fine if they want to put goats in the area but the fact they follow you everywhere is annoying if they were just there and you could move around and place yourself somewhere that's cool but they walk over and stand in front of you or in your area ll the time.
But annoying is the point - that's what makes it challenging. In a game where they seem to be making it more and more aimed at total beginners who don't want to think at all or be challenged in any way, the AOE system remains as one of the better thought-out systems - you don't just spam all your attacks, you have to choose the correct attack based on the situation. You have to think about whether an attack has conal AOE or will hit everything in all directions, or whether it would be worth just killing the goat up front before taking on the creatures you are supposed to. And they fixed it so whole groups of things aren't following every step you make like they did before, it's a lot more natural now.

Outdoor Miner said:
When the PS3 version launches, will they share the same servers as us PC folk?
That's the whole reason we aren't getting an Xbox 360 version, because MS wouldn't let them share the same servers like they did last time.


hgplayer1 said:
Thats the "old" linkshell anyway I dont think a majority of GAF that was still playing logged into that one. I didnt.
Would I be able to get an invite to the new one? I've sort of made a comeback (I've reactivated my account and have decided to give it another go)
So I've plunged in and started a Lancer in Ul'Dah. Amazing graphics and music so far. Atmosphere is top notch too.

How far should I level Lancer before I start to look at other disciplines? I've read you can mix and match whatever abilities you've earned from each discipline to make your own sort of custom class? I


Dreamwriter said:
But annoying is the point - that's what makes it challenging.

Hardly, its more like a cheap stunt than a challenge, I fully agree that aoe's should be limited to the enemy group you are fighting just as it was in Beta.


Eeny Meenie Penis
Zomba13 said:
Would I be able to get an invite to the new one? I've sort of made a comeback (I've reactivated my account and have decided to give it another go)

Yeah just send me a tell (Dega Emenis) in game when you're on. :D

We need some more people for when we do battlecraft leves!


Eeny Meenie Penis
Cmagus said:
wish they would let you change servers I so would hell its not they are gonna run into the problem of flooding lol

Why not start a new character? :eek:

We can help you rank back up again and it's easier now too then it was before. At least with crafts.. not an expert when it comes to combat. Was pretty easy to get to r30 lancer with the help of the others and Old Wise Renta.


Rodent Whores
Zomba13 said:
Would I be able to get an invite to the new one? I've sort of made a comeback (I've reactivated my account and have decided to give it another go)
Are you using your old char, or did you create a brand new one?


Rentahamster said:
Are you using your old char, or did you create a brand new one?
Old character. I went to go on around the time I made that post but it seemed the server was under maint.
I did notice when I went on the other day that it seems a lot more laggy than before even though I hardly saw anyone.


Emenis said:
lol noticed this just now and found it kinda funny..


Star of Destiny.. lol :p

I'm just waiting for my 6950 to arrive before I start playing again. My biggest problem has always been performance. Hopefully it plays a lot better.
Jinko said:
Hardly, its more like a cheap stunt than a challenge, I fully agree that aoe's should be limited to the enemy group you are fighting just as it was in Beta.
I just don't understand how a key strategy element that adds depth to combat can be a "cheap stunt".


Dreamwriter said:
I just don't understand how a key strategy element that adds depth to combat can be a "cheap stunt".

You can only call it strategy for so long before having 13048713984 mobs on auto follow every single damn time getting in your way. I don't mind if mobs are generally in the way, I can move to a different position but those damn auto followers are just asking to be AOEd
Dreamwriter said:
I just don't understand how a key strategy element that adds depth to combat can be a "cheap stunt".

It's bullshit because of numerous mob types which aren't aggro but follow you around just to annoy the hell out of you.


Fixed it. Accidentally linked the address to the editing section of the playlist instead of the share url.

EDIT: Playing tonight made me realize S-E really needs to put back in the auto-target feature during battle. Was much better when my target would snap to the next monster that hit me after killing the first in the group.

Also after watching Gladiator again tonight, some of the Gladiator buff moves really need to have the character yell when using. Nothing crazy anime style, but a nice "ha!" with the character's chosen voice would do. That kinds goes hand in hand with better/different animations I guess. Especially with this skill:


Should make the character hit their shield with whatever weapon they are holding twice, and then maybe point the weapon at the targeted enemy.


Neo Member
I am looking forward to the PS3 version.

I've been following this thread, but I don't own a PC. I just hope that by the time it comes out that there's enough to do :/ It's interesting to see see how DCUO has been mentioned a few times (something that doesn't interest me too much) although watching some videos DCUO looks much more MMO than I imagined :D.

I am scared whether I should be looking forward and buying it day one (on PS3) or waiting a few months...?

do you think it'll be ironed out by march/april ?


sat0sh1 said:
I am looking forward to the PS3 version.

I've been following this thread, but I don't own a PC. I just hope that by the time it comes out that there's enough to do :/ It's interesting to see see how DCUO has been mentioned a few times (something that doesn't interest me too much) although watching some videos DCUO looks much more MMO than I imagined :D.

I am scared whether I should be looking forward and buying it day one (on PS3) or waiting a few months...?

do you think it'll be ironed out by march/april ?

It'll be more ironed out by then sure, but no one knows just how much they'll pack into the game that should've been there, along with stuff thats totally new. Whats funny is that there are people complaining that DCUO really doesnt have that much to do either...but it is fairly stable as far as everything else goes (UI, controls, etc.)

I dont think they share PC servers though.

I suggest you keep an eye on Final Fantasy XIV Lodestone website. They'll probably start making new posts every weekday or so up until the first and second patches in February, at least they did something similar before.


Forgot I shot these awhile ago -


And two from today -



Buffalo are huge, really detailed, animate nicely, and have lazer eyes. Not to mention this is the highest detail i've ever seen in models recreated from classic Amano art. Really cant wait until this game starts going at full steam.


-PC & PS3 are segregated due to different billing systems.

-PC: Uses SOE Station Billing and servers are region segregated however you can switch between regions through the launcher.

-PS3: Uses SCE PSN Billing and accounts are region segregated.

My biggest complaint for DCUO was the interface, on the PS3 version it doesn't feel like it was designed totally for PS3, and on the PC version the same. This applies mostly to communication and social features. However this is very very minor when compared to FFXIVs interface issues.

DCUO is like your favourite action filled with DC to the brim and with tonnes of people, but with less control fidelity.

FFXIV is very traditional in many aspects, although the new team working on it going forward is exciting.


Neo Member
Valru said:
-PC & PS3 are segregated due to different billing systems.

-PC: Uses SOE Station Billing and servers are region segregated however you can switch between regions through the launcher.

-PS3: Uses SCE PSN Billing and accounts are region segregated.

Hmmm that's going to be a problem... I am still using my original account from europe, but I usually buy things locally, and then use my local account for DLC.

I guess I'll have to research carefully before I get the asian disk, try to bill it from europe and cause myself problems.


Thought I would log on today, picked up a few leves and headed for Nanawa, started first leve before I could take one step I crashed and still you lose the leve.. seriously SE ?!

Those Imps are way overpowered still, I though they fixed them.

Anyways after dying 3 times I logged off, Stories of Erozea indeed.


Nice to see some of you still playing.
Ive been thinking about this again and maybe logging on and trying to get back into it here and there so I can see how it changes once these patches start rolling in.
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