Cmagus said:What is it about new content that makes people douchebags just curious like holy crap what a day yesterday was with this game. These new NM's have people so obsessive and bitchy I was in three parties hunting them.I figured whatever just try to grab them and hopefully get some gear but of the three groups I was in we had trouble grabbing them in two of them a person threw a hissy cause we couldn't get it swearing and trash talking the other groups.I didn't feel like making enemies haha bad enough the population is declining. The third the guy got so mad he booted everyone but his friend.Just this morning I was going after one with someone from my other LS and same thing he got so mad he said "I've had enough im leaving bye" and left like a little whiner.
Also when we managed to claim on others stood around and kept bitching that we were taking to long lol like seriously of course I slowed my attack to drag it out longer just cause. After today I've given up on these haha what a shitty day in this game I spent most of my day listening to people whine and apologzing to major groups so I didn't get blacklisted. Funny enough though I managed to solo two myself so I at least got some NM action but no gear![]()
The weapons, yeah. A few of the armor pieces have places in endgame DPS roles.Unknown Soldier said:The sad part is that these are all mid-level NMs which drop gear you can level past in a few days of consistent play.
Kinitari said:Could someone give me a summary of all the changes to befall Eorzea since I left (Around late October)? I am hearing it is STILL F2P - if there have been any substantial changes, maybe I'll give it another shot.
Teknoman said:The lodestone itself is pretty helpful. Also what server are you on?
Ignignort said:Hi all, I started playing this yesterday I just wanted to ask if I was going in the right direction.
What I've done so far is started in ul'dah and have done a few of the adventures guild quests, went to the first camp outside of town and did about 5 or so quests.
Now I'm back in town doing more of the tutorial stuff I guess, so my question is do I just keep doing what I'm doing and go through all this story based stuff?
If so does the game eventually just go 'okay you know what your doing now' and then send you off to quest hubs?
Or is relying more on the player to go adventuring and discovering places for themselves?
Thanks for any replies and so far the games been pretty enjoyable
Gromph said:
Sin said:Nice pic, I'm sure I've seen you running around on Wutai.
These low rank NMs are quite fun. I managed to solo 9 so far on MRD Rank 50.
They are really fun to fight 1vs1. Hardest one for me was Old Six-arms, came really close to losing on that one. Glad I got drop on 1st kill, haha.
GrumpyAlien said:Slowly starting to get addicted to the crafting in the game. It made me happy to make myself a pair of gloves and a turban from weaving. I went from Ul'Dah to Limsa Lominsa in hope of getting some Wind Shards for my recipes and got around 15 of them until I got killed. Any advice for getting wind shards around Ul'Dah so I don't have to make such a trip?
Teknoman said:Did you get an invite to our linkshell? I've got a ton of shards, and im sure others would be glad to help.
GrumpyAlien said:Slowly starting to get addicted to the crafting in the game. It made me happy to make myself a pair of gloves and a turban from weaving. I went from Ul'Dah to Limsa Lominsa in hope of getting some Wind Shards for my recipes and got around 15 of them until I got killed. Any advice for getting wind shards around Ul'Dah so I don't have to make such a trip?
Gromph said:Hey, who are you in game?![]()
Riposte said:Has a master list of quests been collected? I'd really like to see them listed by rank prerequisite. I think I had ran out before the update(haven't had time to check since) for my current rank.
Munba said:Did you notice the new sidequest dialogues bring to the several things they'll add (soon)?
Spoiler ahoy,
Some quests speak about the implementation of airships, by uldah engineers, to encounter Garlean in the sky, other about Ishgard knights against the Wyrmking's horde.. and another to a possibile destroying attack to the black shroud.. that'll brings to the graphics remodeling of the forest probably.
I really like they use the story parts to introduce the fixes and the missing elements, pretty brilliant.
Jinko said:
Seems there are quests in a couple of the hamlets as well, guess I should check those out.
dc89 said:The graphics are brilliant in this game. I like the pace of the game as well, the combat doesn't have a frantic feel to it so you enjoy it more.
I find myself actually taking notice of the world and the landscape. Enjoying it thus far.
Teknoman said:The battles are going to be even more strategic (hopefully) once the new combat system hits.
Unknown Soldier said:I don't know if you are being serious here or not. Squenix's track record since the turn of the century with combat systems is working against you here. I'm not holding my breath for a miracle combat system upgrade, and neither should you. The last combat systems in a FF title I enjoyed were FFX and X-2, everything after that has been mediocre to downright bad.
The biggest reason I'm sort of distancing myself from FFXIV is because I simply don't trust Squenix to somehow go back to auto-attack and make that an improvement over the current system. I don't want to be disappointed (again) when Squenix fails.
Rentahamster said:So how likely or unlikely is it that SE is going to end up pulling a Star Wars Galaxies NGE on us?
What were the root causes of SWG's failures anyway, and are they applicable to FF14's current situation?
Rentahamster said:You rolled on Lindblum, right? Join the GAF LS and we'll hook you up with all kinds of shit.
What's your character name?dc89 said:Anyone online to invite me to the GAF guild?
Rentahamster said:What's your character name?
Bayohne said:There have been discussions elsewhere on the forum regarding the LFP issue and the party creation system in general. Since this thread was a hot topic in the past, I wanted to cross-post an update to it.
We discussed all of the latest opinions with Yoshida. While it wont make it in time for the implementation of the raid dungeons that the development team is working on currently, were planning on implementing enhanced LFG (looking for group) and automated party creation features.
Also, while it won't be an easy task, we are also checking into the discussions for a cross-World instant party creation system.
Please continue to leave feedback so that your time and experiences while tackling dungeon-related content in the future can be enjoyable!
- The implementation of delivery boxes will come, but it isn't easy due server related issues, so it'll take time.
- The reps are going to check with Yoshida and the team what are their plans for party flag and similar functions.
- While the current priority is the battle/job system, LS organization features are incoming. To speed up the process they will implement them as text commands only at first.
- They will continue to tweak and adjust behests in the future, so they'd like more feedback on them.
BentMyWookiee said:Can the main storyline quests be done for multiple nations? For example, if I start out in Ul'dah and do the storyline quests there, can I eventually do the storyline quests in Limsa Lominsa or Gridania? I think FFXI let you do this by changing to a different nation.
Are the quests lines different all the way through? Or does each nation get the same quest, just with a different quest name and NPC or something?
If it's feedback they want, it's feedback they'll get!Jinko said:devs want behest feedback.
The FF14 updater is a torrent.Cmagus said:I have an off topic question here.When I am playing this game is my PC being used to upload data? cause I don't do much online other than FFXIV and my upload usage has been like 800-900 megs and I don't use torrents or anything like that.
Rentahamster said:The FF14 updater is a torrent.
Cmagus said:I know but its not going when im not using it right