You should use that portion of the new NM chart as your new avatar.Unknown Soldier said:Oh hell naw, an NM named after me? I mean, I know I'm awesome, but damn, that's one hell of a tribute. Thanks, Squenix! :3
kiryogi said:that does sound pretty extensive... Updating, but I do that all the time. Getting me on is another story. To add to the hate though... I started playing RO again D: lol.
Needed to go to the plains apparently and got to my target location. Did 2 quests, died tons of times in both while they were both low rank quests. :/Teknoman said:Just walk around and look for people with exclamation point bubbles?
Unknown Soldier said:I've been playing my Ranger in that game and it's completely the opposite of how I play my Archer in FFXIV, or for the matter, how anybody plays any class in FFXIV. People say the boss fights in Tera are a lot like Monster Hunter, I've never played those games but suffice it to say that you never stand still for a moment in a Tera boss fight, not even for a second. Compare that to killing Uraeus where everyone takes their position and stands there until the pieste is dead, and there just isn't a comparison. You stand still during a Tera boss fight and you'll be dead nearly instantly when it jumps on you and squashes you flat, slams a giant fist on top of you and squashes you flat, throws a fireball at you and squashes you flat, or just runs you over. As I've said before, the difference in combat is akin to the difference between EverQuest and God of War, and Tera is more like God of War than you'd believe until you've played it.
kiryogi said:Hah well I did Vindictus, so I know about how awesome Tera could possibly be. But isn't it only Korean beta right now?![]()
Everyone can rest assured that the raid dungeons and content that we're planning to implement in the future will feature not only tough battles, but also challenging and exhilarating bosses. The nitty-gritty details are tied into the future rollout of Grand Companies which we'll be announcing the juicy particulars of at a later date. I hope you're all looking forward to it with bated breath!
dc89 said:YAY! My game is at home waiting for me. How long is the installation process and should i expect a big patch before i start playing?
Unknown Soldier said:The installation process from the disc takes a million years because several tens of thousands of tiny files are copied slowly one by one. Then the patch process takes several more million years because it downloads and applies patches sequentially from the launch day patch to the latest one. Squenix fail.To be completely fair, if you install Starcraft II from the disc, you will also patch sequentially about 50 times before being allowed to play. So it's not only Squenix that fails here. Nobody except Microsoft seems to ever have heard of rollup patches.
Jinko said:No game has been out in Korea since December, NA/EU had an Alpha test a week ago and should be starting beta soon.
A quote from one of the community mods on the forum about dungeons.
kiryogi said:Where do I sign up![]()
dc89 said:So once my torrent patches are downloaded I just drop them in to the patches faulder and run the client again right?
GrumpyAlien said:Started another character today to see whats new. Only made it to Physical Rank 10 before so I never really started anyway. I am digging the little exclamation points over characters pertaining to my quest. I guess it does take away the from the exploration, but now I at least know who I need to talk to. Considering how many npcs there are in the cities I have no problems with this. Also appreciate the numerical value attached to monster levels now.
Decided to start over as a THM, as I like the sound of the versatility of the class. Hopefully I can come to terms with the crafting system in the game, as it confuses me. Any advice, or good site to go to learn the basics. Its pretty much what scares me the most about the game, is that I don't know where the hell to start or what to focus on.
kiryogi said:Where do I sign up![]()
Very cool idea, lets hope they'll notice your post.Jinko said:I also came up with a cool idea they could add to leves Please Check It!
Jinko said:I also came up with a cool idea they could add to leves Please Check It!
dc89 said:So let me get this right.
You pay per character?
dc89 said:So let me get this right.
You pay per character?
Coldsnap said:^ I love how NMs add some drama to the game
Jinko said:BTW there is more than 1 egg cap. cap
Rank 20 and 30 ones look cool![]()