kiryogi said:The hell there's an ingame prison? XD Like is that GM punishment.
ROFL maki did what? Oh the things I miss XDUnknown Soldier said:Usually a GM shows up and tells you what you did wrong and what you need to do to get out of jail. Didn't this happen to Maki Star awhile back because of a bad retainer name?
At the following time, we will be performing maintenance on FINAL FANTASY XIV to implement patch 1.17a. During this period, FINAL FANTASY XIV will be unavailable.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
* Clients will update automatically upon launch after release of the patch.
* Patch download rates may vary depending on server congestion.
* Comprehensive patch notes will be posted on the Lodestone the day of the patch's release.
[Date & Time]
Apr. 25, 2011 from 21:00 to 23:00 (GMT)
* The completion time may be subject to change.
[Affected Service]
Ravidrath said:So I haven't checked out XIV since December - how does the game feel now? Is any of the new quest content, etc. any good?
Got a new laptop, so I'm curious to check things out, but think I may want to wait for the new battle system and reroll on GAF's server.
[dev1055] Guild tasks have been added.
By examining the new task boards found within any Adventurers' Guild, players may view and undertake the tasks of Eorzea's guilds. Obtaining and delivering the requested items will yield both rewards and skill points (awarded to the active class at time of completion).
* Players may complete a maximum of one task per guild per day (Earth time, resetting daily at 6:00 p.m. PDT/1:00 a.m. GMT).
notworksafe said:It'll happen. It took a while for FFXI to turn from "not so great" to "bearable" to "fun" and I have faith this game will do the same.
It wouldn't be a Tek vid without you dying in it!Teknoman said:As long as stuff like this starts to happen in parties, and not after expansions start to pop up.
/XI LS video pimping.
Man i miss Missao **droooooools*Teknoman said:As long as stuff like this starts to happen in parties, and not after expansions start to pop up.
/XI LS video pimping.
We checked in with the dev. team about their plans for custom user interfaces and we received confirmation from Yoshida that there are plans in place for supporting UI mods in the future.
We spoke with the dev. team to find out what's being planned in regards to being able to alt-tab out of fullscreen and they said that they are looking into it, but that it'll take some time to address.
lupinko said:I'm looking to get back into FFXIV, has it improved since launch? I'm guessing and hoping so at this point.
Jinko said:-SP is now awarded by a set amount based on your rank vs the monsters rank, its no longer random and everyone in the party gets an equal share of SP.
-You can leve link with party members on the same leve to increase party sp.
-Level 50 and lvl 30 NM's have been added.
-Sidequest have been added.
-Marketwards actually work now.
-Crafting has been streamlined.
-Battle Regimens actually work now.
-Anima cost to cities has been cut in half and you can now select 3 camps as a favourite so you pay half the anima.
- New craftable armour and weapons have been added + new untradable gear from rank 30 NM's.
- last 8 recently used recipes are now stored in your recipe book, and 8 last learned recipes from NPC's.
- UI is faster, less laggy and better over all
Can't think of anymore at them moment.
You can check the patch notes at the lodestone.
The Last Word Storm over Gridania
The Raven, Gridanias leading tabloid, alights today, bearing words as dark as its wings.
Strange anomalies have been surfacing across the regionsubtle changes that have escaped the notice of much the citizenry. Not so the watchful eyes of reporter Kipih Jakkya, who has taken to the field to cast light upon the shadowy truth.
She writes to us now, baring the disconcerting fruits of her investigation for all to see.
The Last Word Storm over Gridania
The heavens seem hell-bent on inundating Gridania of late. While the Twelveswood is no stranger to willful weather, something is afoot that sits ill with this reporter. Driven by an inner disquiet, I set out on a mission to give shape and form to intangible trepidation.
Ere long, I pick up the trail of irregularity, catching curious whispers on the wind that deaspected crystals have been circulating. Yes, you read true: these crystalline manifestations of aetheric energy are turning up utterly divested of aspect. Even a wee tot could tell you that such a thing is an affront to the very laws of nature.
Perchance this development does not suffice to chill spines, the frightful rumors being propagated by a camp-bound transient could well prompt folk to run for the hills. This shady figure is said to manifest with nary a warning, preach feverishly of impending doom, and then vanish like a phantom only to reappear elsewhere. Though the ramblings of this seemingly touched soul are largely lost to gibberish, such is the zeal with which they are delivered, more than a few citizens are like to be taken by fear.
Far be it from this reporter's intent to incite panic, but if history has taught man aught, it is that we dismiss portentous signs at our peril. Are these incidents merely isolated occurrences? Or are they a dire warning of disaster? This I leave to you, our informed readers, to ponder.
Kipih Jakkya
If this is a pretense to burn the Black Shroud to the ground and remake it as a decent looking and navigatable area, I'm all for it.Gromph said:
Rentahamster said:If this is a pretense to burn the Black Shroud to the ground and remake it as a decent looking and navigatable area, I'm all for it.