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Final Fantasy XIV |OT| ARR: Alpha Closed. Beta mid-Feb

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cross-World instant party creation system.

What the...thats just crazy talk. Never thought i'd see S-E being open to ideas like this. Also how'd you get in jail?
Usually a GM shows up and tells you what you did wrong and what you need to do to get out of jail. Didn't this happen to Maki Star awhile back because of a bad retainer name?


Unknown Soldier said:
Usually a GM shows up and tells you what you did wrong and what you need to do to get out of jail. Didn't this happen to Maki Star awhile back because of a bad retainer name?
ROFL maki did what? Oh the things I miss XD



At the following time, we will be performing maintenance on FINAL FANTASY XIV to implement patch 1.17a. During this period, FINAL FANTASY XIV will be unavailable.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

* Clients will update automatically upon launch after release of the patch.

* Patch download rates may vary depending on server congestion.

* Comprehensive patch notes will be posted on the Lodestone the day of the patch's release.

[Date & Time]
Apr. 25, 2011 from 21:00 to 23:00 (GMT)
* The completion time may be subject to change.

[Affected Service]

Check out this persons post http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/4751-Suggestion-Customizable-UI-Layout-Addons

I am so loving the look of that UI, too bad its never guna happen :(




So I haven't checked out XIV since December - how does the game feel now? Is any of the new quest content, etc. any good?

Got a new laptop, so I'm curious to check things out, but think I may want to wait for the new battle system and reroll on GAF's server.


Rodent Whores
Quick screenshot of when we killed Creeping Ivy (Rank 70+ mob)


Ravidrath said:
So I haven't checked out XIV since December - how does the game feel now? Is any of the new quest content, etc. any good?

Got a new laptop, so I'm curious to check things out, but think I may want to wait for the new battle system and reroll on GAF's server.

The game went from total shit, to average shit. A big improvement, if you ask me.


Eeny Meenie Penis
Patch 1.17a Notes (04/25/2011)

[dev1055] Guild tasks have been added.
By examining the new task boards found within any Adventurers' Guild, players may view and undertake the tasks of Eorzea's guilds. Obtaining and delivering the requested items will yield both rewards and skill points (awarded to the active class at time of completion).

* Players may complete a maximum of one task per guild per day (Earth time, resetting daily at 6:00 p.m. PDT/1:00 a.m. GMT).




You know you like delivering items all over Eorzea.

Actually I dont think people would complain if we had Chocobo access atm.

EDIT: C'mon Clan Mark style posts.

Wow 324MB patch...these things must be adding a decent amount of hidden/time released content.


*[dev1056] A 3-D effect now appears on the screen when a light party (4–7 members) or full party (8 members) is formed.

Known Bugs
*A bug wherein the light party 3-D effect appears when a full party is disbanded.



It'll happen. It took a while for FFXI to turn from "not so great" to "bearable" to "fun" and I have faith this game will do the same.


notworksafe said:
It'll happen. It took a while for FFXI to turn from "not so great" to "bearable" to "fun" and I have faith this game will do the same.


My love, wherever you are
Whatever you are
Don't lose faith
I know it's gonna happen someday
To you

Please wait ...
Please wait ...
Oh ...
Wait ...
Don't lose faith

You say that the day just never arrives
And it's never seemed so far away
But still, I know it's gonna happen someday
To you

Please wait ...


Look forward to the new and most likely faster battle system with bonus dodging charged TP attacks from enemies (thats already in game, and better not get tossed out with the new system).


Post by community dev regarding future UI addons and mods.

We checked in with the dev. team about their plans for custom user interfaces and we received confirmation from Yoshida that there are plans in place for supporting UI mods in the future.

If this is true there is a good chance of the UI being moved to the client side, which would speed it up like a million fold.


Devs on alt-tab from full screen,

We spoke with the dev. team to find out what's being planned in regards to being able to alt-tab out of fullscreen and they said that they are looking into it, but that it'll take some time to address.



Oh snap:



Finally, evolving events.

High above the Twelveswood, the Raven circles, evermore seeking out truth hidden amongst the shadows of the trees.

In this edition, field correspondent Oliver Goodfellow revisits Jihli Aliapoh, also known as the Dreamer, and her faithful followers to investigate what is unfolding into one of the most peculiar events in recent memory.

● Eggs in One Basket

Whether you are follower of the Dreamer's gospel, or simply someone caught up in the season's festive mood, there is no denying that with each passing day, anticipation for the Hatching Hour—the ceremony in which the eggs are used by the Dreamer to summon forth the fabled Twelve Archons—continues to grow. Which is why the heinous crime committed in Jihli's storage tent last night is that much more shocking.

Upon finishing the day's sermon, Jihli made her way to the double-walled tent in which she and her followers had been storing the eggs collected from the festival-goers. After seeing that the eggs collected that day were secure, she fastened the entrance with a sturdy lock and returned to her nearby chambers, where she meditated until the sands of slumber granted her blissful respite. What awaited her the next morning, however, was a harsh reality—not only was the storage tent lock broken, but the eggs within gone...

And to add to the mystery, it was soon found that something else had gone missing as well—one of Jihli's spriggan famuli, Twiggy, was nowhere to be seen.
● Robbery or Ruse?

Spriggans are feared across the realm as furacious furballs prone to pilfering any piece of property they can carry, and so in light of this new evidence pointing to the involvement of a spriggan in the theft of thousands of eggs, the whole affair raises the question, why were the creatures allowed a place beside Jihli in the first place? Last week I reported that Jihli enlisted the spirggans to help collect eggs, utilizing to her advantage the creatures' natural instinct to hoard small objects, but what exactly was it that prompted her to do so?

After speaking once again with Jihli's assistant, Bricot, the answer becomes clear. It appears that three days before the commencement of Hatching-tide, two spriggans appeared on the doorstep of the Dreamer's home, both carrying eggs. Whereas most of us would view wild beasts loitering about our homes as a nuisance and place an immediate call to the Wood Wailers to have them removed, Jihli took the whole scene as a sign from the Archons—the two spriggans obviously sent to assist her in preparing for Hatching-tide. And with that, she enlisted their services, not once stopping to think that the appearance may simply have been coincidence.

The bite marks on the broken lock, the tiny footprints leading to and from the tent, the clumps of dark fur in and about the empty egg boxes, and Twiggy's apparent absence from the festivities this morning all point to the spriggan's involvement in the tragic disappearance. Yet the case may not be as cut and dry as it seems. Another of the Dreamer's spriggan servants—a veritable dust bunny answering to the name of Diggy—is still working alongside Jihli this morning, sweeping up eggshells and fetching egg caps as if nothing transpired the night before. Considering the gregarious nature of spriggans, combined with the sheer number of eggs that were stolen, it seems unlikely that Twiggy could or would have have worked on his own, leading one to believe that there may be more to this story than is apparent.

Are we to believe Jihli and her tale of betrayal? Could it be that a rogue spriggan is working on his own to foil what could be the most important moment in Eorzean history? Or could it be that Hatching-tide is naught more than a grand performance, and to prevent the hoax from being exposed, festival ringmaster Jihli Aliapoh engineered the theft herself?
lupinko said:
I'm looking to get back into FFXIV, has it improved since launch? I'm guessing and hoping so at this point.


Jinko said:
-SP is now awarded by a set amount based on your rank vs the monsters rank, its no longer random and everyone in the party gets an equal share of SP.
-You can leve link with party members on the same leve to increase party sp.
-Level 50 and lvl 30 NM's have been added.
-Sidequest have been added.
-Marketwards actually work now.
-Crafting has been streamlined.
-Battle Regimens actually work now.
-Anima cost to cities has been cut in half and you can now select 3 camps as a favourite so you pay half the anima.
- New craftable armour and weapons have been added + new untradable gear from rank 30 NM's.
- last 8 recently used recipes are now stored in your recipe book, and 8 last learned recipes from NPC's.
- UI is faster, less laggy and better over all

Can't think of anymore at them moment.

You can check the patch notes at the lodestone.

They also changed the size of enemies and spell effects, added even more NM, weapons and armors and changed the party dynamic (max is now 8 instead of 15). The rest I guess will have to be hands on assessments.


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Staff Member
Strange.... Big changes??


The Last Word – Storm over Gridania

The Raven, Gridania’s leading tabloid, alights today, bearing words as dark as its wings.

Strange anomalies have been surfacing across the region—subtle changes that have escaped the notice of much the citizenry. Not so the watchful eyes of reporter Kipih Jakkya, who has taken to the field to cast light upon the shadowy truth.

She writes to us now, baring the disconcerting fruits of her investigation for all to see.

The Last Word – Storm over Gridania
The heavens seem hell-bent on inundating Gridania of late. While the Twelveswood is no stranger to willful weather, something is afoot that sits ill with this reporter. Driven by an inner disquiet, I set out on a mission to give shape and form to intangible trepidation.

Ere long, I pick up the trail of irregularity, catching curious whispers on the wind that deaspected crystals have been circulating. Yes, you read true: these crystalline manifestations of aetheric energy are turning up utterly divested of aspect. Even a wee tot could tell you that such a thing is an affront to the very laws of nature.

Perchance this development does not suffice to chill spines, the frightful rumors being propagated by a camp-bound transient could well prompt folk to run for the hills. This shady figure is said to manifest with nary a warning, preach feverishly of impending doom, and then vanish like a phantom only to reappear elsewhere. Though the ramblings of this seemingly touched soul are largely lost to gibberish, such is the zeal with which they are delivered, more than a few citizens are like to be taken by fear.

Far be it from this reporter's intent to incite panic, but if history has taught man aught, it is that we dismiss portentous signs at our peril. Are these incidents merely isolated occurrences? Or are they a dire warning of disaster? This I leave to you, our informed readers, to ponder.

Kipih Jakkya


I have heard rumours they plan to destroy the The Black Shroud so the bit about gridania could be the start of Garlean's attack on middle earth .. I mean Erozea.


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Staff Member
Rentahamster said:
If this is a pretense to burn the Black Shroud to the ground and remake it as a decent looking and navigatable area, I'm all for it.

I'm up to! :D


Black Shroud is either going to get bombed up...or experience crazy non-elemental crystal growths all over? Speculation I know, but whats that area with the overgrown crystals?

Regarding Egg Hunt Quests (4/27)
Progress in the Egg Hunt event, as well completion of the quests "The Dreamer's Gospel (Ul'dah)," "The Dreamer's Gospel (Gridania)," and "The Dreamer's Gospel (Limsa Lominsa)," is no longer possible.
If you are still undertaking these quests, please navigate to your Journal, and select the Abandon option from the quest detail screen.

Please note that the items rewarded for completion of these quests will still be obtainable through the completion of the following quests, introduced on Apr. 26, 2011.
Additionally, if you are in possession of any eggs, they can also be used for the following quests.

The Dreamer's Dilemma (Ul'dah)
The Dreamer's Dilemma (Gridania)
The Dreamer's Dilemma (Limsa Lominsa)

We apologize for the delayed notification and thank you for your understanding.
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