Having troubles setting up sli on this game. Can anyone give some pointers?
I run GTX 470 SLI, so I can tell you a few things I've discovered:
This game is massively, hugely, mind-bogglingly CPU-bound. Unless you're running Core i7-3000 series (Sandy Bridge) OCed to 5ghz and your resolution is 2560 x 1440 or something ridiculous, your benefit from SLI will be very small. Most of the time your CPU will be bottlenecking the video cards and a you'll be at 50% utilization on both GPUs.
The default SLI profile basically works to enable SLI and not make it slower than a single card. Beyond that it doesn't do a whole hell of lot due to see above. However attempting a custom SLI profile will generally fuck things up and might even make the client crash. Leave this game alone with Nvidia Inspector, you'll only make it worse. Believe me, I fucked around a lot with it during the launch period when there wasn't an official SLI profile, none of the unofficial profiles I tried worked any better than Nvidia's official one.
The game client has an awesome feature where it crashes if it loses focus while in Fullscreen mode. For this reason I use Windower XIV. However, while SLI works in Windowed modes (unlike Crossfire), the performance benefit is much smaller than a proper Fullscreen mode. Combine that with the already small benefit due to see above, and oh well.
SLI doesn't have any benefit for the big post-processing options (Depth of Field, Ambient Occlusion) because those are all done by the CPU. The client was built with PS3 in mind from the beginning, which is kind of hilarious now after everything that's happened but oh well. So you'll crush your framerate even with massively OCed GTX 580 SLI 3GB cards if you enable DoF and AO. I leave DoF on but turn AO off, as the AO in this game isn't even that good. I don't even think it's SSAO or anything cool like that.
If you turn General Drawing Quality higher than 8, you are rendering higher than native resolution, i.e. supersampling. This is the same way to destroy your performance that is offered to you in The Witcher 2, don't let them give you the rope to hang yourself with! Leave General Drawing Quality at 8, but max everything else!
If you use 16xQ CSAA or 16x CSAA, you get weird rendering errors in all the game's trees. This bug has been present since beta and will probably never be fixed. If you use 8x MSAA the problem goes away but the edges aren't as smooth. I haven't tested forcing FXAA yet as added in the new 295 series drivers. Again, since this game is heavily CPU-bound, there's no reason to give your GPUs less to do with FXAA, so just use MSAA/CSAA and call it a day.
I leave SLI on because it's a hassle to turn it off but realistically I see essentially no meaningful performance benefit with Core i7-950 (Bloomfield) OCed to 4.01ghz and GTX 470 SLI. Well, Skyrim and Crysis are fabulous with SLI so it isn't a waste or anything but FFXIV just doesn't benefit.
Why do you troll those poor children in the official forums?