Achievements info,
Achievements info,
* Players will not yet be able to view each others achievement information. Come Version 2.0, it will be possible to examine another characters achievements via the check command.
Does Squenix really not understand the point of Achievements and Trophies at such a fundamental level?
So I should be receiving this today (grabbed it when it was $9.99 and since its F2P until the 6th) where is everybody on GAF playing? I know there's a LS on a certain server, and is that server pretty populated?
Question about classes as well: I was looking into the Thaumaturge because it looked like they solo really well and the debuffs / heals make them a viable end game class, is this still the case? I'm leaning towards caster oriented but I don't want to be a full blown healer (i'm assuming that's what Conjurer is).
Also, will I be able to max it in 1080p? Running:
Phenom II x4 945 3 gigs
8gb ddr3
GTX 570
We're on Lindblum server.
You know, we should really update the OP with new info. What happened to demosthenes, lol.
Just looked at the OP of this thread. All the pics are gone because of tinypic
Allard said:I run the game at 20-30 FPS on HD 5650M using a laptop, it has a an I5 2.53 GHz processor with 2 GB of RAM, you should be fine to run it , the main bottleneck will be your CPU, but that is because of how CPU dependant this game can be, don't expect it to run all features without slow down, especially Ambient Occlusion and maybe Depth of Field (Of which the game can actually look better sometimes with it off anyways).
As for Tham, they are changing the class to be a pure nuking class, no more debuffs or heals unfortunately, these changes go live with the next patch coming next week. You want a healer you need to go Conjuror. As for debuffer... that is surprisingly one of the big ommisions from the class roster, after the combat action overhaul there won't be a specific class that has decent CCing abilities or mob debuffing. In the future I am sure this will be remedied when they finally add a 3rd mage class into the game (It is the main priority of the director currently as far as new class releases go).
Anyways its nice to finally get some info on Achievements but I hope a decent amount of them are retroactive. I would hate to have to do those mining goals after I am nearly lvl 50 on it. They were already doing 'history' achievements so hopefully they can pool that information and allow us to get stuff we already did before. Doesn't matter though as I will aim to get that Disciple of the land title . I already got botanist to lvl 32, I got 99 leves waiting for me and I just need to work on fishing.
Renta HamsterGreat, thanks! Will start on there then. Who should I message regarding an invite?
You have my fist renta.
Renta put me down, although I still have exams next week but after next Thursday I should be free to do some runs
I'm about to start playing again, no idea how long I'll stick with it though. Haven't played since January so I'm looking forward to seeing the changes. I didn't even hate the game when it first came out, just the total lack of content.
I cant access the members forum for some reason.
Okay, GAF, I know that most of you already said to hell with this game, but I need a headcount for the upcoming content to see who is still interested.
Do you want to tackle the new endgame content next week? Do you have the desire? Do you have the time? Do you have the skill?
I made an organizational thread on the new LS site to try to get a consensus on this. It's a members only forum so if you can't read it then get an account.
Do you have the time and desire to be one of the server first to complete the content? We've done it before, but with so many of you quitting, I need to know if there's even enough of you left to bother trying.
Even if you think you don't have the levels or skills needed, please add your input. Levels are fast to come by now so if you have the desire, there's still time to prep.
But do you have the time?
If you're also seriously considering this, then we also need to PL your classes up to snuff.
So...guess who got into the Diablo 3 beta. Looks like im going to be on my PC more than any other system for the holidays. Helps that other family members are RPG/Diablo fans too lol.
Did Renta or Unknown ever get in?
I really like the page for our LS, great job Renta.
Thanks ^^
Hamsters are decent at HTML and CSS. It might be instinct.
Im surprised at how fast you got everything to look as nice and shiny as it does ('_')b
So...guess who got into the Diablo 3 beta. Looks like im going to be on my PC more than any other system for the holidays. Helps that other family members are RPG/Diablo fans too lol.
I'm going to kill you. I just thought I should at least give you fair warning. You can make a will or something.
Nakazato is on notice too. I'll kill Tek first so you got some time still Nakazato.
I never noticed any difference between 1 and 2 screens enabled on my machine.
Player Search,
Also, I made an account on the website under futtbuck and added my character Sir Futtbuck, do I need approval?
Sign up here:
Search feature looks about what I expected, glad they didn't go with FF11 style text commands.
Not so happy about the marketward search or lack of options.
Especially considering the new colour/stat system its guna be a pain to find what you want, still being able to buy from the search menu is good enough .. for now.