System I'm most disappointed they kept is enemies running away during guildleves. Even with my Lancer's 'slow' and me hitting an enemy, I haven't seen a way to kill it before it reaches its allies. Sometimes they run off at 90% life. If anything, they should run away when they have 1 or 2 hits left to die, so you actually have some chance to kill them before they reach their allies. Worst part is, if you were running away from the creature the same way it runs from you, it would totally be hitting you the whole time, you need to be in range to attack, but enemies never seem to feel that way.
It's the first piece of news on the Japanese page - I just copied the link from the tweet, since it's impossible to link directly to the announcement.The loadstone link brings me in homepage mmh.
So when Beta rolls round, do the alpha characters get rolled over, or should I not get too invested in my toon?
So when Beta rolls round, do the alpha characters get rolled over, or should I not get too invested in my toon?
God, what I wouldn't give to see some beta footage or at least something that isn't Gridania.
Given that the alpha is near its end, and the original FFXIV servers are being taken down just over a week they're going to need to haul ass with the PR to keep people interested for the duration up until beta (1 month and a half or so?)
We are supposed to get a new 2013 Road Map soon, for all we know it will show up at the end of the week since it seems it was completed last week and its just going through the normal QA/PR/Lawyer referrals needed to post it in all regions. We got the new Nico stream announced today for Japan which will have a small talk with Yoshida on the final of Alpha testing and even word on when we can expect beta. We are likely due for a new producer letter and on top of all this a new benchmark should come out soon (maybe it will come out after Alpha closes) which looks to show off New Ul'dah and maybe even a little of Limsa (judging by the 'leaked' pictures). If anything the lack of an Alpha test going on should make them more likely to post on the normal forums again with new stuff since they have been so focused on watching tester comments and a lot of the new 'info' has been coming mainly from the alpha forums since they constantly talk about what is changing in beta or will be changed by launch.
Dullahan fight is not in the alpha.. and the only adamantoise I've seen are lv 31-32 .. they didn't record that on the live server I don't think.
new vid is up:
Levequests and Party Combat
edit: is that Dullahan fight in the alpha?
Dullahan monster is actually in alpha..It's in the rocky path near Hirstmill in north shroud.
Thank you based yoshi-pOnly noticed today that when you DC on a leve it doesn't fail anymore.
new vid is up:
Levequests and Party Combat
edit: is that Dullahan fight in the alpha?
Say if a friend of mine would buy one of the old FF XIV boxes right now will she still be able to register a account in preparation for ARR? She could get one for about 8 pounds right now.
new vid is up:
Levequests and Party Combat
edit: is that Dullahan fight in the alpha?
Not at level 20 you hadn't...I haven't been keeping track of anything, so forgive me if this has already been brought up...
Watching this video, all I see the "white mages" doing is casting Cure and Curaga. I don't see any buffs, defuffs, or enfeebling spells being cast. Protect is already on the party, and it looks like the DD attacks are enfeebling the mob.
I compare this to the support classes in FFXI and this looks boring as sin. I want that experience as RDM when I had to be on point with Refresh and various enfeebling spells; when I played BRD and was running between the mages and DDs constantly (I won't even get into merit party BRD). Even as WHM in FFXI, I had to do more than just spam Cure and Curaga.
Am I missing something here?
I haven't been keeping track of anything, so forgive me if this has already been brought up...
Watching this video, all I see the "white mages" doing is casting Cure and Curaga. I don't see any buffs, defuffs, or enfeebling spells being cast. Protect is already on the party, and it looks like the DD attacks are enfeebling the mob.
I compare this to the support classes in FFXI and this looks boring as sin. I want that experience as RDM when I had to be on point with Refresh and various enfeebling spells; when I played BRD and was running between the mages and DDs constantly (I won't even get into merit party BRD). Even as WHM in FFXI, I had to do more than just spam Cure and Curaga.
Am I missing something here?
Quests up through about lv 13 and a dungeon with a 15-20 lv range..
level cap is 20..
not a ton of content, but enough to keep you occupied for a while.
In regards to all of the comments about how the enemies visibly react to player attacks, we'll be adjusting these animations around the time the Beta Test begins.
Specifically we are looking into addressing it in the following ways:
Vary the damage animation according to the amount of damage inflicted.
Tone down the damage animation for large monsters.
Not at level 20 you hadn't...
Not to say that the combat doesn't look too button mashing to me, but... they're level 20. The conjurers casted protect, they nuke from time to time and mostly cast cures because yeah, I guess that's the most usefull thing they can be doing all in all, especially when the other only classes fighting are lancers and archers. Not a whole lot of things to do for anyone at that level, I think.
But yeah, video's boring because you don't have many tools available at level 20 at all, there are only 3 classes and only one Disciple of Magic (so CNJs get the short hand of the stick with additional abilities) to choose from and so on.
registration of accounts is closed right now. We don't know if those keys will be valid or not when ARR launches
For what it's worth, they made huge changes to the battle system (to the point I just prefered starting over when I came back last June since it played nothing like 1.0), and combat definitely felt fun to me in the end. Still clunky and laggy because of the terrible engine and UI, but enjoyable nonetheless - some of the latest and more challenging battles such as Darnus or Garuda were very well done, so I wouldn't dismiss their ability to design good fights just yet.I played XIV for as long as I could stand it (a few months). I'm a huge fan of XI (before they raised the cap above 75) because it was a challenge to play the support jobs well. One of the main issues I had with XIV is that everything seemed way too easy.
I admit, I didn't pay attention to the level of the party. But even at lower levels in XI, you had to worry about hate control. You couldn't just spam Cure and Curaga, which is pretty much what it looks like these mages are doing.
It just doesn't look like there's much strategy to be had during the battle, which is disappointing (even at level 20).
For what it's worth, they made huge changes to the battle system (to the point I just prefered starting over when I came back last June since it played nothing like 1.0), and combat definitely felt fun to me in the end. Still clunky and laggy because of the terrible engine and UI, but enjoyable nonetheless - some of the latest and more challenging battles such as Darnus or Garuda were very well done, so I wouldn't dismiss their ability to design good fights just yet.
That said, and having played XI for years myself (primary jobs were RDM, BRD and COR so I've been there too), I can safely say this will never be like XI and I really see some XI-lovers be upset or straight-up hating its battle system (and you don't have to be any genius for that either, as most of the vocal complainers on the Official and Alpha forums tend to be "FFXI vets")
It's different, has potential to be way less static than XI's (which is why that 3 classes tank & spank video looked terrible to me), but it's definitely not XI where every single battle in the game felt significant from level 10 on because you had to throw everything to every single mob you were fighting as a party. Doesn't mean there isn't a challenge, though!
I played XIV for as long as I could stand it (a few months). I'm a huge fan of XI (before they raised the cap above 75) because it was a challenge to play the support jobs well. One of the main issues I had with XIV is that everything seemed way too easy.
I admit, I didn't pay attention to the level of the party. But even at lower levels in XI, you had to worry about hate control. You couldn't just spam Cure and Curaga, which is pretty much what it looks like these mages are doing.
It just doesn't look like there's much strategy to be had during the battle, which is disappointing (even at level 20).
Not to mention the niconico video thing will be a gameplay demonstration of the alpha version..
Which I think is a horrible mistake.
They should shut up until they're ready to show something from beta..
Yeah it will.Will Realm Reborn be using the same naming system? First name, last name, etc.