Pretty sure the old FF games had an item sort function!Effect said:I can understand that stance. However they aren't even doing that in this case.
Pretty sure the old FF games had an item sort function!Effect said:I can understand that stance. However they aren't even doing that in this case.
Londa said:That is why people have a problem with SE. They want SE to take from other MMO's and add them to their games. While SE wants make up things and only take from their past games. This is the main problem they have. (not saying I dislike this, but many do)
demosthenes said:Why are there so many simple things in XI missing from XIV?
INVENTORY SORT being so basic it's like water.
Londa said:I see my items auto sorting. Do you want to sort your items manually? If that is the case, then yeah there is no manual sort.
Londa said:I see my items auto sorting. Do you want to sort your items manually? If that is the case, then yeah there is no manual sort.
It stacks, but it doesn't sort.Londa said:I see my items auto sorting. Do you want to sort your items manually? If that is the case, then yeah there is no manual sort.
Londa said:I see my items auto sorting. Do you want to sort your items manually? If that is the case, then yeah there is no manual sort.
Yeah, that's not auto sort.Robobandit said:It sorts by "most recently added to your inventory" in my experience..
Rentahamster said:Yeah, that's not auto sort.
I want it to automatically organize by item type.
Londa said:oh, though you mean sort as in stacking items. FFXI sort meant to stack and sort the item. I didn't really care about things being with each other so I never noticed everything all over the place.
Rentahamster said:Yeah, that's not auto sort.
I want it to automatically organize by item type.
Unknown Soldier said:According to the Eorzea Clock app's leve reset timer, leves are going to reset in 4 minutes and 30 seconds. I don't think having this app on my phone is going to be healthy for me. :lol
that is correctdemosthenes said:If so...leves reset @ 8pm tonight and 8am on Friday and reset 8pm on Saturday. It's not hard to forget XP
Didn't the article say it was only a request?Ravidrath said:Just checked, and there is no embargo on U.S. reviews.
It's entirely possible Sankaku is (surprise) entirely full of shit, or they're speaking specifically about the Japanese market.
No, it's not as easy as copy paste. Yes having an existing implementaion to look at does make if far easier.demosthenes said:No, as in why is my equipment scattered all over the place. I want my weapons on the top followed by equipment followed by random supplies.
I have:
This drives me insane.
Doesn't even have to do it on its own, just give me what FFXI had. That should be as easy as copying and pasting the code into XIV. If they want to add auto sort, I'd take that too XP
Torquill said:No, it's not as easy as copy paste. Yes having an existing implementaion to look at does make if far easier.
demosthenes said:No, as in why is my equipment scattered all over the place. I want my weapons on the top followed by equipment followed by random supplies.
I have:
This drives me insane.
Doesn't even have to do it on its own, just give me what FFXI had. That should be as easy as copying and pasting the code into XIV. If they want to add auto sort, I'd take that too XP
Kagari said:Yay. My mobo replacement is finally coming by Monday... but I missed out on two weeks of the 30 days free![]()
demosthenes said:No, as in why is my equipment scattered all over the place. I want my weapons on the top followed by equipment followed by random supplies.
I have:
This drives me insane.
Doesn't even have to do it on its own, just give me what FFXI had. That should be as easy as copying and pasting the code into XIV. If they want to add auto sort, I'd take that too XP
Bii said:Damnit. Ran into a bug where my levequest enemies didn't appear. I was doing the "Annexing the Valley" mission at Camp Skull Valley and needed to kill two more wingrats and something else. Well, I scoured the entire area of Skull Valley and those damn enemies were nowhere to be found. Yes, I did check where they're supposed to be as highlighted on my map. It's frustrating because now I've failed this mission because the game didn't generate the enemies I needed to kill. *sigh*
jiggle said:did you check below ground of the highlighted area?
It wouldn't be as terrible to manage, either, if NPCing items wasn't a chore. It's almost like they are trying to make it hard to get rid of all of those marmot pelts and gridanian nuts. Window after window, click after click.demosthenes said:No, as in why is my equipment scattered all over the place. I want my weapons on the top followed by equipment followed by random supplies. *snip*
Kinitari said:One thing I'd like? A full fledged wiki - goddamn. I don't even know anything about attributes - I don't know if they are class specific, resettable, nothing. And I can't seem to find the info anywhere.
Adam I'm usually on every night around midnight pst. What's your ingame name? Mine is Eithne Rainadam.chance said:Just checking to see if anyone capable of giving me a linkpearl will be on tonight (or the next few nights). I am in Gridania, but will be willing to make the trek if necessary.
Teknoman said:Check the loadstone website, or call to adventure at the aetheryte crystal.
I'll go ahead and answer though:
Not class specific, they are resettable, and there are traits you can learn that substitute certain stats for another while equipped.
Str: physical strength
Dex: physical accuracy
Vit: HP/physical defense
Int: Magic attack
Mnd: Magic defense
Piety: Magic accuracy
That's the one where you kill a bogey too right? There's a cave entrance that leads to an. Undergroounnd tunnel.Bii said:There was no ground below the highlighted area. The area can be reached within 10 seconds from the camp site. At least I'm pretty sure there wasn't any. Hmm, now I gotta go check to see if there was but I'm certain there wasn't. :lol
Kinitari said:Thanks for the info, now I am just trying to figure out why I am running slow motion (Not walking).
Teknoman said:That...i'm not sure.
I'll probably be back in action tomorrow night though. Forget if you made it to Lindblum, but I guess I could help you out then if so.
nataku said:I had that slow motion running issue too, and switching between passive and active mode fixed it.
My character's name is, Mephesta Nymeriankiryogi said:Adam I'm usually on every night around midnight pst. What's your ingame name? Mine is Eithne Rain