Ignore him - you're playing with us.
You'll just be in NeoBelieve, our GAF-affiliate linkshell, until we know you're going to stick around.
Yeah, I guess I should have mentioned that.
In 1.x there was a second linkshell that neogaf members could join just by asking. It mostly just served as a chat channel, but also as a sort of trial ground for Red Dot membership where people (most people....) who didn't really display any commitment to the game were weeded out. Active people in this LS who didn't drive us nuts and displayed some drive were usually invited to Red Dot once they got to cap and showed an interest in doing events.
I joined up really late, but I had a great experience on NeoBelieve. Everyone was very helpful and made things a lot smoother. I also really liked the casual nature of it. I assume that is the intent for ARR as well?
That's where I'll be staying for sure.
Good chance we'll be doing the same thing in ARR if there is a demand, so there may well be a primarily-gaf group on our server. But this will be a super-casual linkshell that Red Dot members will have little to do with, intended for people (who don't quit) to graduate out of (maybe into RD, maybe a different FC, who knows), not a long term commitment for anyone who wants to be a little more serious about endgame.
However, as I mentioned, if someone is looking for a fresh server, that's not where we'll be. I'm sure there will be something planned by new-server-gaffers for new-server-gaffers once we get closer to launch for people who are looking for that.
Again, I'm not trying to chase people away really, I just don't want any false advertising. Just trying to be clear on the distinction that has grown as the RD community morphed through the lifetime of FFXIV 1.x into the not-really-gaf semi-hardcore-endgame group that it was when 1.x went down and that we plan to be in ARR as well. So that people don't try to join Red Dot looking for a concentration of neogaf members being really casual about the game and don't get what they were looking for. That's not to say that we're gonna just snub any newbies--and as was mentioned, yeah, we'll all be redoing quests and exploring the new world and stuff on our max level characters so we will be around to help out as well!