Amon's hat is best hat.
Dreadwyrm hat!
Amon's hat is best hat.
Dreadwyrm hat!
Is dreadful
Congrats!blm dread staff yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay~
now just need the damn body and gloves, haven't seen it drop at all grrrrrrrrr
edit: legs too <_<
Yeah, seeing a bunch of spells explode at once can be pleasing to see.Yeah Thundercloud is not that common unfortunately. I'll give this a go and see how it plays out. I do love it when the procs all line up in a nice way. One of my favourites is if you throw out a Thundercloud in between double flare. If you're quick it all chains together nicely to make a big BOOM.I wish there wasn't that annoying global cool down so you could just let it rip when you get them together instead of waiting.
Hit your buttons harder. That always works.How do I break 400 DPS on BLM.
Hit your buttons harder. That always works.
It's been proven that the ferocity at which you press your controls, the higher your DPS. The DPS "elite" replace their keyboards/controllers weekly due to intense gaming sessions.
You're doing it right.I've obliterated so many controllers.
Well now you went and spoiled the secret.Then the trick is to buy cheap bootleg accessories that break quickly. MAX DPS.
Been playing XIV again. Just cleared T5. It was pretty fun. I was playing as PLD and picked up on the fight pretty quickly. Went from no knowledge of it to a win in about an hour and a half.
When playing, I can't help but wish travel were a little more difficult. In XI, when it took more time and effort to travel across the world I appreciated the environments significantly more because I had to take them in. It also forced player interaction to find teleports and I liked having actual travel time on boats and airships. Fights also felt more significant when I had to travel to them. As it is, the XIV world feels like it's just a game lobby and I travel to actual content through menus.
I'm only 43 but I've yet to be killed by random aggro. I don't see how it's even possible, especially after you get a chocobo. This includes exploring areas 10+ levels too high for me on several occasions and running straight through groups of monsters. Things stop chasing you after like 15ft.We'll be heading into the expansion where for at least a week people will be dying to level 60 mobs while walking out in the world.
I'm only 43 but I've yet to be killed by random aggro. I don't see how it's even possible, especially after you get a chocobo. This includes exploring areas 10+ levels too high for me on several occasions and running straight through groups of monsters. Things stop chasing you after like 15ft.
We'll be heading into the expansion where for at least a week people will be dying to level 60 mobs while walking out in the world.
And if you did your relic atma back in the day you would be sick of said placesI'm only 43 but I've yet to be killed by random aggro. I don't see how it's even possible, especially after you get a chocobo. This includes exploring areas 10+ levels too high for me on several occasions and running straight through groups of monsters. Things stop chasing you after like 15ft.
I could not play something like FFXI as an adult with responsibilites, but yeah this game might lean -too- far into the casual spectrum at times. Travel is one of them. It feels a bit off for an MMO, especially with how pretty the environments are. I haven't gotten much of a sense of exploration at all.
And if you did your relic atma back in the day you would be sick of said places![]()
You need to get back on soon. There is more t9 to be done. D:
It's like one of my japanese fatal frames
Dear dairy
Why the heck did I think I'd written down my emergency Software Token removel password?! D:
You're doing it right.
Broken controllers show your level of DPS skill. The higher the pile, the greater your past accomplishments.
while we're on the topic of blm, it's basically confirmed that once you're at low mana, the best rotation is blizzard 3 > thunder 1 > blizzard 1 > fire 3
best use of swiftcast if not using for swiftflare is to use it after the fire 1 after using a firestarter proc, so something like firestarter > fire 1 > swiftcast
try it out :3
Per FC chat request, some of the new WoD gear:
excuse stream cap quality
Blizzard 1? Really?
What's wrong with it?
Nothing wrong with it per se. I'd just never thought to use it in that way.
Blizzard 1? Really?
How do I break 400 DPS on BLM.
while we're on the topic of blm, it's basically confirmed that once you're at low mana, the best rotation is blizzard 3 > thunder 1 > blizzard 1 > fire 3
best use of swiftcast if not using for swiftflare is to use it after the fire 1 after using a firestarter proc, so something like firestarter > fire 1 > swiftcast
try it out :3
Higher potency than scathe and takes the same amount of time since you are slave to GCD there anyway. Bliiz I if you can stay still for now. Scathe if repositioning is needed.
Also, if you're MP gets a tick regen right near the beginning of thunder I cast, just skip blizz/scathe, go straight to fire III, you'll get the last tick needed in time.
i'm 100% serious
because the blizzard 1 will be under the effect of umbral ice 3, the damage is actually very good, will be higher than scathe most of the time
Though I didn't think Umbral Ice affected damage, only mana regen.
Thanks for the New Years present, Yoshi-P!
Too shounen for you~Too much cat chest. Recompose.
Did NIN get nerfed again? Skills don't seem to be hitting as hard as they normally do, and I've lost a good 75-100 DPS. Same exact gear as last week. No lag. Same runs.
We joke but I'm seriously on my third PS4 controller.
I'm doing the last few now and one book takes about half a day if I'm lucky with fates.How quickly did it take for you guys to do the books? My first time as BRD, it could take a couple of days for books because queues were so awful but as SCH, I can knock the dungeon part out in an hour or so.
How quickly did it take for you guys to do the books? My first time as BRD, it could take a couple of days for books because queues were so awful but as SCH, I can knock the dungeon part out in an hour or so.