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Final Fantasy XIV Reviews - GameSpot 4/10, GameTrailers 4.2/10, GameSpy 2/5, IGN 5.5

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Kagari said:
No, and S-E was telling western outlets at least, to wait a bit until after launch to review the game... to let the game 'mature' and to instead write little progress reports and maybe later do a review.
Didn't Stardock say the same thing about Elemental just a few months ago? That didn't work out for them.

If you have to ask reviewers to wait to review your game, then your game is shit. There has never been a game released by a developer who asks reviewers to wait on their reviews and had it turn out great. It's the equivalent of not screening your movie for critics before it comes out. You know it's crap, so you try to do what you can to alleviate the damage.
Gravijah said:
Londa, why are you in a thread about FFXIV reviews if you don't want to hear other peoples opinions?

Well if they are good reviews its ok, no one likes to admit they play a bad game, so you make it seem better by arguing its merits, I guess.

square been downhill since ff7 (i think they peaked during the chrono trigger ff6 era myself, but that was during my tumultuous puberty years so I may be biased to nostalgia)


Londa said:
Wow Design and Presentation is under 8 points. They are clearly bias and just want to join in on the negative reaction this game has been getting, so they can get more views.
Or just maybe they didn't like the game like 90% of the people who have played it. Surprising huh?


Gravijah said:
Londa, why are you in a thread about FFXIV reviews if you don't want to hear other peoples opinions?

Never said I don't want to hear other people opinion. I can discuss whatever topic I choose.


Londa said:
Wow Design and Presentation is under 8 points. They are clearly bias and just want to join in on the negative reaction this game has been getting, so they can get more views.
Clearly... Because no one is not allowed to dislike the game because you apparently like it.

Another thing you claim WoW is boring because you have to read from a text box, while talking about FF (in general) :lol
Kyoufu said:
They are both regressions in their respective genres. The class system in FFXIV is far superior which makes it the better game, but both are pretty much neck and neck in mediocrity.

FFXIV at least has time to improve.
I agree with that
It's like they've put so much time into the Crystal Tools and figuring out the new technology that they've regressed completely as actual game developers, forgetting the most basic rules of design.
Whereas their handheld output is absolutely the best available in the market, because they're familiar with the hardware already.
I hope it's just growing pains with SE, and that their next lot of console titles (Versus and whatever else) are a cut above, they need to redeem themselves in the console field.


KaYotiX said:
Or just maybe they didn't like the game like 90% of the people who have played it. Surprising huh?

when a game clearly has nothing wrong with its graphic areas and get a 5 in that area. Its clear to me they are doing it for controversy.


That gametrailers review actually makes want to play this game. Sounds like a really unique experience!


Londa said:
Wow Design and Presentation is under 8 points. They are clearly bias and just want to join in on the negative reaction this game has been getting, so they can get more views.


Londa said:
Never said I don't want to hear other people opinion. I can discuss whatever topic I choose.

Other people are allowed, too. Please stop saying everyone is biased and everyone is on the negative hype train etc etc. Stop asking everyone to play something else instead.Please.


dream said:

Has Square ever explained why they roll their MMOs into the Final Fantasy mainline series?
Whats there to explain?, FFXI probably funded your FFX-2, XII and XIII! :p

Edit: Famitsu will probably review the game when it comes out for PS3 (40).


Londa said:
Gameplay: can only have one job on a single character. Only job that may interest me is Rogue and it look lame imo. I know Rogue is suppose to be powerful but its not my style. The game just looks really easy and the add-ons I heard about seem really sad. The add on to tell you where to stand is just pathetic imo.
Doesn't look like there is much challenge to the game other than the raids. Seems targeted to anyone with a short attention span. Work very little for big gain.

Graphics : looks really bad. The character creation makes all females look ugly. Bad textures, mounts look out of place. Motorcycles? really now?

Story: you read most of it from a text box. CS are not interesting. Boring over all when it comes to story.

Controls: cant tell you because I didn't play it. But I did hear about how some tanks can roll their head on the keyboard and still be able to tank.

I know I will get flamed for this :lol

I'll contend with fairness.

Gameplay: Yes. You are one class. But you can have other aspects such a professions (2 total) and other types such a cooking, fishing. But you are not stuck with one talent of that class. You can obtain a second talent option (duel-spec) so for example, if you are a Druid, you can play as either a Tank, Caster, or Melee but can only pick between two. However, you are always able to respec with a small amount of gold. As for add ons, they do not point where you need to stand or anything like that. I'll give you the aspect of say Heal Bot since that allows you to point and click on your raid frames to heal people. Or Decurse with the same concept. But the rest are mostly raid warnings. How you go about where you stand and the likes is entirely up to the player. And hasn't it been said a million times from FFXIV devs that they wanted to appeal to the players only had time for a short play time as well? Sorry. Can't win that one.

Graphics: Current models are mix bag. Early game models are pretty lame. They progress through their ugly phases but in the end, the armor sets are at a high res rate and look pretty good. As for character models, yeah. They could use the update. Who knows if that would ever happen.

Story: Uh yeah. FFXIV sure has a lot of damn text to read too. As for comparing lores, XIV hasn't exactly taken off so not really fair in comparisons yet.

Controls: Alright. Since you don't know about this, I'll give you examples. When playing a Gladiator you have your taunt and at the time, several different abilities. Tank and spank method of fighting mobs. No problem. Since there isn't any boss-like fights in XIV yet it's hard to compare. Now let's look at say a Death Knight tank. They have what's called a Death and Decay which is an area of effect spell that can be used for the pull. They also have other types of area of effect tool to keep group mobs together on the tank as well. Oh. Someone took agro on one mob? No problem. Death Knights can use their Death Grip which targets the said mob and pull them back to the tank to keep away from group members.

Fairly simple mechanics for a 5 man instance run. As for raids, 10 to 25, there are a lot of elements to consider though it'd turn into a essay so I'll withdraw from going over those types of raids. But I'll assure, you rolling your face on your keyboard is not only bad for your face, but a bad method of tanking.
Londa said:
Gameplay: can only have one job on a single character. Only job that may interest me is Rogue and it look lame imo. I know Rogue is suppose to be powerful but its not my style. The game just looks really easy and the add-ons I heard about seem really sad. The add on to tell you where to stand is just pathetic imo.
Doesn't look like there is much challenge to the game other than the raids. Seems targeted to anyone with a short attention span. Work very little for big gain.

Graphics : looks really bad. The character creation makes all females look ugly. Bad textures, mounts look out of place. Motorcycles? really now?

Story: you read most of it from a text box. CS are not interesting. Boring over all when it comes to story.

Controls: cant tell you because I didn't play it. But I did hear about how some tanks can roll their head on the keyboard and still be able to tank.

I know I will get flamed for this :lol

I actually agree with alot of this. Just some comments on them:

Gameplay: I agree that one class per character sucks. Something that FFXI really did well and FFXIV does well (but to a lesser extent). Blizzard usually does a pretty good job killing the addons that trivialize gameplay (such as the "DONT STAND HERE" mod that you mentioned- that has since been patched out, and for good reason).

Graphics: I mostly disagree... on high quality the game looks pretty good. The older launch character models, which are still in place, are pretty bad though. Without a doubt FFXIV has a better character design though. The art direction in WoW isn't very serious, which is why the motorcycles and whatnot can fit in.

Story: Not as bad as you say but doesn't come close to the storytelling that FF11 or FF14 had.


Unlimited Capacity
JWong said:
You should probably figure out what didn't click because if it's the design, you should probably not get into any MMOs as they all are copies of WoW.

Might be able to get into Vindictus, but I don't consider it an MMO because it's heavily instanced.

Ya, that's not true.

Kyoufu said:

The only game comparable to this mess of an MMO launch is Age of Conan, but at least in AoC I could grind my way to level cap rather than face obstacles such as random/no SP or fatigue.

AoC was tons better at launch than FFXIV.


Won said:
That gametrailers review actually makes want to play this game. Sounds like a really unique experience!

The combat is great as you progress and have access to more than the 5 abilities the people from these reviews had; the armory system is fantastic as a job customization system; and both crafting and gathering are extremely addictive, and strangely enough, these things make the game very fun to play, but of course these sites won't mention that, I mean, fun? lol.

I don't even have a £2k PC, just a normal C2D, 4GB ram and GTX460, that's enough to have the game on medium-high settings at 20 fps. Cannot put up with the server or UI lag? Then don't try it yet, otherwise give it a go.


DaBuddaDa said:
It got a 6.9 for graphics, not a 5.
I still think that is too low. The presentation (sound and graphics) are really good. It has some great music (Faction leve, the 'walk free' song don't know where it's heard in full though, Thanalan) and looks amazing. If monster and character design (looks) comes under presentation then they are great too. If it comes under design then fair enough because it would get dragged down with the UI and other design choices.
But if UI design comes under presentation then that score seems more fair.
I really should watch the review to see what they talk about in what category.


Zomba13 said:
I still think that is too low. The presentation (sound and graphics) are really good. It has some great music (Faction leve, the 'walk free' song don't know where it's heard in full though, Thanalan) and looks amazing. If monster and character design (looks) comes under presentation then they are great too. If it comes under design then fair enough because it would get dragged down with the UI and other design choices.
But if UI design comes under presentation then that score seems more fair.
I really should watch the review to see what they talk about in what category.
Your queries were answered three posts after you initially asked them 2 pages back. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=23761430&postcount=530
Zomba13 said:
I still think that is too low. The presentation (sound and graphics) are really good. It has some great music (Faction leve, the 'walk free' song don't know where it's heard in full though, Thanalan) and looks amazing. If monster and character design (looks) comes under presentation then they are great too. If it comes under design then fair enough because it would get dragged down with the UI and other design choices.
But if UI design comes under presentation then that score seems more fair.
I really should watch the review to see what they talk about in what category.

That sounds low to me as well, but it sorta depends on where they're coming from. For example, the animations of characters in combat is pretty poor, and the game, while it looks great at the highest settings, looks like utter shit at low or medium settings (and Limsa and the surrounding area are poor looking on any settings).

It still should be of at LEAST an 8.5 than a 7 though.
This thread is hilarious. Its like, if the wicked witch of the west, came down from her castle, and instead of killing all the little people, tried to have a debate with them on why its okay to have a deadly black dragon killing everyone.


_tetsuo_ said:
Ya, that's not true.
WAR, AoC, LotRO, Aion, and even impressions of SWTOR state otherwise. It's not a bad thing really. They should be like WoW, and then add a unique experience on top of it.

If an MMO does not use WoW as the grounds for developing an MMO, it will be a hard sell. And that's exactly what is happening with FFXIV.


Pinko Marx said:
This thread is hilarious. Its like, if the wicked witch of the west, came down from her castle, and instead of killing all the little people, tried to have a debate with them on why its okay to have a deadly black dragon killing everyone.

query: is this wicked witch hot


Unlimited Capacity
JWong said:
WAR, AoC, LotRO, Aion, and even impressions of SWTOR state otherwise. It's not a bad thing really. They should be like WoW, and then add a unique experience on top of it.

If an MMO does not use WoW as the grounds for developing an MMO, it will be a hard sell. And that's exactly what is happening with FFXIV.

You just named 5 MMO's...


Londa said:
when a game clearly has nothing wrong with its graphic areas and get a 5 in that area. Its clear to me they are doing it for controversy.

I dunno, maybe it's for the performance of the engine? The game performs like shit. This is undeniable. Thus, it gets a low score.

The engine is missing common things like real time shadows in the environment, something MMORPGs have had for a couple years now.


Londa said:
Wow Design and Presentation is under 8 points. They are clearly bias and just want to join in on the negative reaction this game has been getting, so they can get more views.

The design is precisely why people are hating the game, and the poor presentation outside of the visuals is why that's also being dogged on.

The game has spelling errors, and if I recall one of them even involves the misspelling of the word "Chocobo".


Subconscious Brolonging
JWong said:
WAR, AoC, LotRO, Aion, and even impressions of SWTOR state otherwise. It's not a bad thing really. They should be like WoW, and then add a unique experience on top of it.

If an MMO does not use WoW as the grounds for developing an MMO, it will be a hard sell. And that's exactly what is happening with FFXIV.

AoC is about as much like WoW as FFXIV is.


Unconfirmed Member
Londa said:
Wow Design and Presentation is under 8 points. They are clearly bias and just want to join in on the negative reaction this game has been getting, so they can get more views.
The design of the game is a disaster right now (in fact, design is where the vast majority of the game's issues are right now, and where the vast majority of attention is going to have to be paid in the patches and updates that will hopefully fix the game up over the next couple of years), and presentation is hampered by laggy UIs, unhelpful menus, blatantly reused environment assets, and uninformative and obtuse text, some of which seems like it hasn't been proofread. It also happens to be gorgeous, and if they could work out some of the kinks, the presentation COULD be quite great. So...those scores seem more or less right in line with what they should be.

Basically getting a 7 for presentation is an acknowledgment of the potential that exists there, while noting that its current flaws prevent it from reaching that level.


_tetsuo_ said:
You just named 5 MMO's...
What? You want me to name more? DDO? Star Trek Online? Vindictus? Free Realms?

All of these MMOs prior to WoW use all or some of the same feature set.
- Quest based leveling and pathing
- Ease of socializing and player interaction
- Quick gratification and rewards (including combat)
- Unique content environment
Spire said:
AoC is about as much like WoW as FFXIV is.
Based off feature sets, absolutely not.


This thread is too funny. :lol

I think something Square should try to get out of the way ASAP is like a giant list of what community concerns they will be addressing and when they want to aim to implement them. That way we can figure out WHEN to come back to the game, or how long we need to keep bending over and grabbing our ankles for.

Most of us don't want to pay for a beta for more than a half a year. I have some patience since I don't play the game everyday non stop...I'd like to but the game is boring as fudge if you haven't waited for the 36 hour lift. Even during my leve times I start to get bored quickly. I don't have ADD issues either as I could play FFXI for hours on end. When I was younger and had xmas break in high school I played almost 3 days straight of FFXI.(Yeah take that Koreans...and I lived too!)

The game has SO MUCH to fix. When a game is released not finished, by this long of a stretch, then it deserves to get raped in reviews, raped in overall sales, and mauled to death by the internet masses who bought/played it/are FF fans who thought of taking the dip.


If SE was a smart dev they'd listen to reviews and feedback and get together and fix everything. Maybe start by adding the obvious missing things like mail and an AH.
FFXI was amazing (imo). I admit I wasn't there at JP launch due to being in the UK and having to wait aaaaaaages for the game to come out over here but once I got into it it was so good. I just want SE to fix this game so it can be as good and hopefully better. I mean FFXI was horrible at launch (JP) and it eventually became great, they can do it again right? And seeing as they've done it before they should be able to turn this around quicker right?


Subconscious Brolonging
JWong said:
What? You want me to name more? DDO? Star Trek Online? Vindictus? Free Realms?

All of these MMOs prior to WoW use all or some of the same feature set.
- Quest based leveling and pathing
- Ease of socializing and player interaction
- Quick gratification and rewards (including combat)
- Unique content environment

Based off feature sets, absolutely not.

FFXIV tries for every one of those feature sets. I know they renamed quests "leves" but let's not pretend they're anything else. FFXIV wants to be WoW but it doesn't know how.

And FFXIV's combat is a far more like WoW's than AoC's is, and they both depart from WoW in a number of ways (although FFXIV seems to only because of the features that haven't been implemented yet, whereas AoC actually tried something new).

Oh, and DDO is absolutely nothing like WoW. Neither is Vindictus or Free Realms. Are you just naming MMO's? Most of those have far less in common with WoW than FFXIV does.


zlatko said:
I think something Square should try to get out of the way ASAP is like a giant list of what community concerns they will be addressing and when they want to aim to implement them. That way we can figure out WHEN to come back to the game, or how long we need to keep bending over and grabbing our ankles for.

From a Dengeki interview about 2 weeks ago:

Dengeki: For our last question, we’d like to ask you to secretly divulge any information you may be able to… (He laughs)

Tanaka: We can’t give you any specifics, but we have XIV planned up all the way to next winter, and we’ll be making an announcement about how it’s going to go down pretty soon. It’s going to be a pretty full year!

In the mean time, from yesterday:

* The previously announced improvements to the market system are currently in the final preparation stages and will be ready by the version update next week. Please keep an eye out for future announcements regarding this matter.


Zomba13 said:
If SE was a smart dev they'd listen to reviews and feedback and get together and fix everything. Maybe start by adding the obvious missing things like mail and an AH.
FFXI was amazing (imo). I admit I wasn't there at JP launch due to being in the UK and having to wait aaaaaaages for the game to come out over here but once I got into it it was so good. I just want SE to fix this game so it can be as good and hopefully better. I mean FFXI was horrible at launch (JP) and it eventually became great, they can do it again right? And seeing as they've done it before they should be able to turn this around quicker right?
:lol We can only hope.
what gets me is i would think they would spend alot of money on user interface research since that's the main thing the player interacts with. Is this a Japanese thing to create a barrier to fun?


Lost all credibility.
Technosteve said:
what gets me is i would think they would spend alot of money on user interface research since that's the main thing the player interacts with. Is this a Japanese thing to create a barrier to fun?
I feel like they don't understand PC interfaces enough and are focused too much on making it playable on a console.


Unlimited Capacity
JWong said:
What? You want me to name more? DDO? Star Trek Online? Vindictus? Free Realms?

All of these MMOs prior to WoW use all or some of the same feature set.
- Quest based leveling and pathing
- Ease of socializing and player interaction
- Quick gratification and rewards (including combat)
- Unique content environment

What? Vindictus and DDO play nothing like WoW. The fact that they have quest, easily useable social features and unique content doesn't make them WoW clones. It makes them competent games in their genre.


sykoex said:
I feel like they don't understand PC interfaces enough and are focused to much on making it playable on a console.
The problem with that is even with a console controller the interface still isn't any good. In fact it's easier to do things with the keyboard during combat. I don't really accept the reasoning some have that the UI is possibly the way it is because the game is also going to be on the PS3. It's just a horrible design all around.
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