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Final Fantasy XIV Reviews - GameSpot 4/10, GameTrailers 4.2/10, GameSpy 2/5, IGN 5.5

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Gravijah said:
If someone wants to generate hits, wouldn't they like... give it a good review? Since everyone else is giving it shit reviews? Who's gonna click on a random bad score when there's 50 others?

People like to watch train wrecks. That is why Michelle Jackson, Britney Spears, Linsey Lohan, and other train wreck celebrities lives have always been in the spot light.

No one is going to get as many hits with a positive take on a game, as someone bashing it at every possible moment.


Moobabe said:
I'm slow? What mentally? At typing? At responding to you? I can assure it's probably the latter - I DO expect cut scenes in a final fantasy game - I didn't say I had a problem with them in this game - I don't like them as a method of communication more generally.

I'll rephrase - I think there is a place for them in games - however only when done right and, due to their frequency - I think they lose their impact. I don't know if you can "prove" the relevance of cut scenes because of sales, I don't know how you would ever link the two. Half Life doesn't have cut scenes and I think they do ok.

And I'm NOT complaining about them in FF games. I never made that complaint - Londa was complaining because that was one of the complaints in the 13 part "criticism" of the game.
I think it depends on the needs of the game. They are very out of place in certain games, and you still have to consider pacing or you wear the player out. Xenosaga was egregious lol.


Londa said:
People like to watch train wrecks. That is why Michelle Jackson, Britney Spears, Linsey Lohan, and other train wreck celebrities lives have always been in the spot light.

No one is going to get as many hits with a positive take on a game, as someone bashing it at every possible moment.

Except it's not one person giving it a bad score. It's tons of people. That means if someone really wanted to get hits, they'd go against the grain. Stand out amongst a sea of the same.


Torquill said:
I think it depends on the needs of the game. They are very out of place in certain games, and you still have to consider pacing or you wear the player out. Xenosaga was egregious lol.

Exactly - for instance in the recent L4D campaign - despite the lack of cut scene in any of the other campaigns I think it would have benefited from one right at the end. I don't think anyone has it nailed yet in terms of delivering story in videogames - but you're right - too much is definitely a bad thing.


Alex said:
It'll be the same thing with a few tweaks and standardized additions, like maybe they'll actually have MAIL in place by then! Do people really need to build up another phase of "It's just beta guys! It's just beta! They're just holding back ALL of the content because it's beta!" again?

They're not going to reinvent the wheel no matter how much hope your harbor. Their game world isn't going to go from copy/pasted and hilariously empty to filled with life, story and content (that, in addition, isn't randomly generated and miserable) in the course of six months from a developer with a very penny pinching live budget.

Honestly, there's just so very little to this game, it's so dreadfully simple, busted and empty, I'd say it has some of the least potential of any current or upcoming MMO to actually be something. There's a lot more interesting things going on in the genre, now and upcoming, than sitting around, hoping that a development team that learned nothing from 8 years of prior MMO design suddenly gets awesome in six months. Talk about desperation.

What does an MMO with life actually mean? These areas are no different for the areas in FFXI, big ass zones with shit to kill for exp. Isn't this how every MMO is? What is an MMO with "life" look like? I'm asking this because I Ive never seen one. Content and story will come with updates and expansions, as it did with FFXI. I do agree the development team hasn't learned shit from their prior MMO.
It's pretty obvious to me that the western gaming media has collectively gotten together to rip FFXIV a new one, to propagate their belief that WoW is superior because it's made by an American company. It's sad you sheeple can't see through that fact.


JudgeN said:
What does an MMO with life actually mean? These areas are no different for the areas in FFXI, big ass zones with shit to kill for exp. Isn't this how every MMO is? What is an MMO with "life" look like? I'm asking this because I Ive never seen one. Content and story will come with updates and expansions, as it did with FFXI.
Vast stretches of the zones are just static environment. No monsters, charactea, or interactable elements. It's like you loaded the level in an editor and are just walking around.
funkmastergeneral said:
It's pretty obvious to me that the western gaming media has collectively gotten together to rip FFXIV a new one, to propagate their belief that WoW is superior because it's made by an American company. It's sad you sheeple can't see through that fact.



Unlimited Capacity
funkmastergeneral said:
It's pretty obvious to me that the western gaming media has collectively gotten together to rip FFXIV a new one, to propagate their belief that WoW is superior because it's made by an American company. It's sad you sheeple can't see through that fact.

It is all so clear to me now.


Londa said:
Have you played Final Fantasy games?
Yeah, and they're not as bad because they feature primary characters and drive the story either through plot progression or character development. Wanna try again? :lol

Edit: They're also spaced out better so that you have fun stuff to do in between.


Takuan said:
Yeah, and they're not as bad because they feature primary characters and drive the story either through plot progression or character development. Wanna try again? :lol

There are CS's in all the games. I don't see why there is a complaint with FFXIV? so what if it isn't all voice acted. There are parts where there is voice acting.


Neo Member
Torquill said:
Ec tunnel = Rolanberry

did Sol bazaar launch with search? I can't remember.

Did anyone do an AH before ffxi?
My memory is a bit fuzzy but I dont remember SoL bazaar ever without search, it combined with the nexus zone right next door for easier travel was the tipping point for moving to centralized trading.
As an avid trader I made a lot more money working the bazaar, and I didn't need to spend tons of time online to sell things any longer. Myself and other players embraced less hassle with buying/selling/trading gear and started to expect such convenience in future games as a given.
For a game that touts itself as casual, the lack of an AH is a rather poor design choice given this game wishes to court players from other games that have an easily accessible auction house. I would argue an AH is a necessary component to an mmo from now on as much as fast travel and partying for mutual benefit is.


I'm going to agree with Londa here. Cutscenes are a staple of FF games. They pretty much have always been there. It's silly to complain about them, imo.

It may seem odd in an MMO, but this game is more FF than MMO. The lack of VA is a real bummer though.


Torquill said:
Vast stretches of the zones are just static environment. No monsters, charactea, or interactable elements. It's like you loaded the level in an editor and are just walking around.

This isn't how I'd describe FFXIV at all, again the game has a ton of shit to fix. But I don't feel like I'm running in a map editor when I'm playing it. Nor did I feel that way about FFXI and I feel these 2 games are very similar when it comes to world design.


Moobabe said:
Did you even read what he put?

I was replying to the earlier comment where he said there was no voice acting in some of the CS's

Everything he said is in the CS's in FFXIV. They focus on the main characters while developing your character more.

Wow I'm feeling stalked here.


Probably because you defend even the indefensible and make stupid statements like reviewers not being paid for a good review or sites having some bizarre vendetta or agenda against S-E or this game.

Tends to make you stand out.

Londa said:
Lots of times reviews are bias and its clear gamespot didn't get any money from SE to make this review.
Still cracks me up to no end. :lol


Londa said:
No one is going to get as many hits with a positive take on a game, as someone bashing it at every possible moment.

The problem is that undeserved bad takes on video games tend to get shredded, even when the game in question isn't all that popular. Using the Yogscast as a jumping-off point, take fishing. Fishing, as portrayed in the Yogscast, is a poorly designed system with an absolutely shit tutorial (Although it does explain the arguments about "nothing is explained"/"EVERYTHING HAS A TUTORIAL", because fishing has a tutorial. It just sucks at best, and at worst is actively misleading.) I've yet to see somebody come in with a real defense of how much that tutorial mission sucked.

Now skip over to fishing in Nier, which the guy at Joystiq panned because he couldn't read a minimap. Nier has a small hardcore fanbase, but doesn't have a huge following. Still, it's inevitable any time that comes up the response in general will be "there's a goddamned X on the minimap that HE WASN'T GOING TO", because the Joystiq review was itself factually flawed.

The defense for FFXIV is, largely, "ZOMG WOW BIAS!" and "Haters gonna hate!" and "FFXI had problems too, and everyone knows you can't take previous MMO lessons learned into the next MMO, so nobody should be surprised FFXIV is lacking an auction house." Not, "No, see, they're missing blindingly obvious clues as to how things work", just excuses.

The Yogscast review makes FFXIV look bad because the game itself supports/encourages all their negative views of it--Horrible fishing tutorial, totally stupid world map, and underwhelming main quest line being the big ones. Even the guy who initially gives a dissertation on how FF games devolve into long strings of cutscenes seems shocked by how completely cutscene-heavy and gameplay-free the second set of storyline quests would be.


iammeiam said:
The problem is that undeserved bad takes on video games tend to get shredded, even when the game in question isn't all that popular. Using the Yogscast as a jumping-off point, take fishing. Fishing, as portrayed in the Yogscast, is a poorly designed system with an absolutely shit tutorial (Although it does explain the arguments about "nothing is explained"/"EVERYTHING HAS A TUTORIAL", because fishing has a tutorial. It just sucks at best, and at worst is actively misleading.) I've yet to see somebody come in with a real defense of how much that tutorial mission sucked.

Now skip over to fishing in Nier, which the guy at Joystiq panned because he couldn't read a minimap. Nier has a small hardcore fanbase, but doesn't have a huge following. Still, it's inevitable any time that comes up the response in general will be "there's a goddamned X on the minimap that HE WASN'T GOING TO", because the Joystiq review was itself factually flawed.

The defense for FFXIV is, largely, "ZOMG WOW BIAS!" and "Haters gonna hate!" and "FFXI had problems too, and everyone knows you can't take previous MMO lessons learned into the next MMO, so nobody should be surprised FFXIV is lacking an auction house." Not, "No, see, they're missing blindingly obvious clues as to how things work", just excuses.

The Yogscast review makes FFXIV look bad because the game itself supports/encourages all their negative views of it--Horrible fishing tutorial, totally stupid world map, and underwhelming main quest line being the big ones. Even the guy who initially gives a dissertation on how FF games devolve into long strings of cutscenes seems shocked by how completely cutscene-heavy and gameplay-free the second set of storyline quests would be.

IMO, Yohscast make themselves look bad.

I haven't tried the fishing tutorial, or even fishing.

World Map, can you explain why it is stupid? Stupid can mean anything tbh.

I didn't feel underwhelmed by the main quest. It is just very spaced out and you have to rank up to continue them. What I think really needs to be added are normal quests. Like in FFXI. I remember how everyone did the Warp scroll quest because it was such a wanted item. I want things like that to return.

lol@ them being shocked at Cutscene-heavy a Final Fantasy game is. FFXI has a ton of CS in every mission you do. It was very CS heavy and people would complain to party members to stop reading the CS's so they can go on to the fight.


Londa said:
There are CS's in all the games. I don't see why there is a complaint with FFXIV? so what if it isn't all voice acted. There are parts where there is voice acting.
The voice acted ones are more engaging because they're more cinematic in direction and the VA adds personality to otherwise insignificant NPCs. The majority, however, are are just generic models emoting and walls of text, and the effect of this is even worse after having spent 10-15 completely uneventful minutes on a fetch quest. It's all simply BORING, and again, the cutscenes in other games are typically better spaced out and more entertaining. I don't see why you can't understand this, and it's completely obtuse of you to excuse it with "all games have cutscenes, I don't get why it's such a problem for mine".

The only reason you tolerate the game's faults is because it carries the FF license - which is fine, you like what you like - but your relentless defense of what you'd otherwise agree is a complete abomination of a game is why you're a laughingstock here.


Takuan said:
The voice acted ones are more engaging because they're more cinematic in direction and the VA adds personality to otherwise insignificant NPCs. The majority, however, are are just generic models emoting and walls of text, and the effect of this is even worse after having spent 10-15 completely uneventful minutes on a fetch quest. It's all simply BORING, and again, the cutscenes in other games are typically better spaced out and more entertaining. I don't see why you can't understand this, and it's completely obtuse of you to excuse it with "all games have cutscenes, I don't get why it's such a problem for mine".

The only reason you tolerate the game's faults is because it carries the FF license - which is fine, you like what you like - but your relentless defense of what you'd otherwise agree is a complete abomination of a game is why you're a laughingstock here.

FFXI didn't have voice acting at all. FFXIV having voice acting is something new. I didn't play FFXIII. Did that have all voice acting? IF not then I can say, other Final Fantasy games did not have all voice acted CS's. So FFXIV not having all voice acting shouldn't be a shocker to anyone.

You can not talk to every user here on this forums as to how they feel about a user. Not everyone even knows me. Thanks for being the voice of the forums while failing at it. I know for a fact that there are people that agree with me. So honestly you need to stop talking for everyone here.


Londa said:
FFXI didn't have voice acting at all. FFXIV having voice acting is something new. I didn't play FFXIII. Did that have all voice acting? IF not then I can say, other Final Fantasy games did not have all voice acted CS's. So FFXIV not having all voice acting shouldn't be a shocker to anyone.

You can not talk to every user here on this forums as to how they feel about a user. Not everyone even knows me. Thanks for being the voice of the forums while failing at it. I know for a fact that there are people that agree with me. So honestly you need to stop talking for everyone here.

Yeah, FFXIII does have VA in most, if not all, cut scenes if I remember correctly. I think that having VA does make cut scenes more compelling - it isn't necessary by any means - but without VA I think it comes down to direction and length. No one wants to watch static characters and read a lot of text.

Also I don't think you're a joke, or a laughing stock - but it'd be nice to have a reasonable discussion with people who do really like the game. I don't think accusing reviewers of bias or moneyhats will help the situation for either side.


Londa said:
FFXI didn't have voice acting at all. FFXIV having voice acting is something new. I didn't play FFXIII. Did that have all voice acting? IF not then I can say, other Final Fantasy games did not have all voice acted CS's. So FFXIV not having all voice acting shouldn't be a shocker to anyone.

You can not talk to every user here on this forums as to how they feel about a user. Not everyone even knows me. Thanks for being the voice of the forums while failing at it. I know for a fact that there are people that agree with me. So honestly you need to stop talking for everyone here.
I've already explained at length the reasons why the Yogscast folk are warranted in their mockery of the amount of cutscenes in FFXIV. Now you've shifted gears and have decided to defend the fact that not all FFXIVs cutscenes are voice-acted.

I've gotten a good idea from the feedback in this thread as well as your nature of posting that the people who actually take you seriously are in the minority; yours is not an objective opinion, and the irony of you calling out negative reviewers for bias is comical. Also, there's a good chance the only reason you have supporters at all is because you might be a female.

I'm able to understand that there exists a particular group of people that enjoys playing FFXIV. What I find amusing is how sensitive they are to completely valid criticism, and feel compelled to rabidly defend "their game". Why don't you get that other people are much less forgiving of certain flaws than you are?
Takuan said:
I've already explained at length the reasons why the Yogscast folk are warranted in their mockery of the amount of cutscenes in FFXIV. Now you've shifted gears and have decided to defend the fact that not all FFXIVs cutscenes are voice-acted.

I've gotten a good idea from the feedback in this thread as well as your nature of posting that the people who actually take you seriously are in the minority; yours is not an objective opinion, and the irony of you calling out negative reviewers for bias is comical. Also, there's a good chance the only reason you have supporters at all is because you might be a female.

I'm able to understand that there exists a particular group of people that enjoys playing FFXIV. What I find amusing is how sensitive they are to completely valid criticism, and feel compelled to rabidly defend "their game". Why don't you get that other people are much less tolerant of certain flaws that you are, and that doesn't make them biased?

Another member of the conspiracy against FFXIV has reared his ugly head. Just who's paying you? Blizzard?


Moobabe said:
Yeah, FFXIII does have VA in most, if not all, cut scenes if I remember correctly. I think that having VA does make cut scenes more compelling - it isn't necessary by any means - but without VA I think it comes down to direction and length. No one wants to watch static characters and read a lot of text.

Also I don't think you're a joke, or a laughing stock - but it'd be nice to have a reasonable discussion with people who do really like the game. I don't think accusing reviewers of bias or moneyhats will help the situation for either side.

you only post to reply to me. how does it feel to stalk someone who you think is a joke? Quite a loser move.

You said it has most not all voice acting. So my comment still stands.

Not directed @ you:
wow at the fact that you think someone would agree with me because I'm female.


Londa said:
IMO, Yohscast make themselves look bad.

I haven't tried the fishing tutorial, or even fishing.

Honestly, I'd suggest either trying it out in-game or watching that section of the Yogscast, because it's pretty bad and worse when you consider fishing is supposed to be an option for main profession.

World Map, can you explain why it is stupid? Stupid can mean anything tbh.

It just seems like a pain in the ass to use, from what I've seen--the map you get when you get a quest doesn't really line up with the 'normal' map, which leads to "I need to go here on map B, but map B doesn't tell me where I am. Map A tells me where I am, but fucked if I can figure out where on map B that corresponds to." Plus things like moving the map are just sort of counterintuitive, etc. The map seems more designed to look pretty than to be an actual map.

lol@ them being shocked at Cutscene-heavy a Final Fantasy game is. FFXI has a ton of CS in every mission you do. It was very CS heavy and people would complain to party members to stop reading the CS's so they can go on to the fight.

At the end of the main initial quest in the Yogscast, they wind up going to Wikipedia to confirm that that really is the end of the main quest for them. They find out it is, then one of them reads through the walkthrough for this story quest. Out of 16 steps, 11 include "for a cutscene". Every single step is either "talk to [X]" or "go to [x]". Then you get a ton of money. And it doesn't even build to a fight or anything you're supposedly building towards. It's just like a short, vaguely interactive, movie.


Londa said:
you only post to reply to me. how does it feel to stalk someone who you think is a joke? Quite a loser move.

You said it has most not all voice acting. So my comment still stands.
We're all suckers in the most elaborate troll ever to scour GAF. We've been had, guys. This cannot be for real.
Why does anyone expect all cutscenes to be voiceacted? That hasn't been the case with any FF to date.

Anywayz, I'll be trying this on my PS3 when it rolls out regardless of reviews. Always wanted to try the series out.


Londa said:
you only post to reply to me. how does it feel to stalk someone who you think is a joke? Quite a loser move.

You said it has most not all voice acting. So my comment still stands.

Stalk? Don't flatter yourself - it seems as though everyone in this thread is, one way or another, responding to you. I think I wanted to believe that you couldn't quite be as crazy as everyone made out you were - even giving you the benefit of the doubt by calling you out and trying to engage with you in some kind of normal discussion - then I realised that you couldn't read -

Hold on a second - let me quote myself....

Moobabe said:
Also I don't think you're a joke, or a laughing stock

Now let me quote you again -

Londa said:
you only post to reply to me. how does it feel to stalk someone who you think is a joke? Quite a loser move.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I really don't give a shit about a cutscene being voice acted or not. What I see from the Yogscast review, however, was that there were a lot of cutscenes that serve no purpose except to point you out to your next destination -stuff that could easily be included in the quest description, or at the very least handled through the text box, as with all other NPC chat. It's distracting, as well as a waste of time.


I think the idea of the first 2 quests is to famiarize you with the city. I think they went overboard. That is exactly the type of thing the normal quests were good for.


Moobabe said:
Stalk? Don't flatter yourself - it seems as though everyone in this thread is, one way or another, responding to you. I think I wanted to believe that you couldn't quite be as crazy as everyone made out you were - even giving you the benefit of the doubt by calling you out and trying to engage with you in some kind of normal discussion - then I realised that you couldn't read -
:lol I'm pretty sure he/she misinterpreted your post as an attack and wound up reinforcing the notion that he/she is crazy. You couldn't have been more congenial in tone, either. :lol

I think it's time to lock 'er up, mods. There is absolutely no worthwhile discussion to be had in here anymore. I'm sure someone will post a new thread when/if the game improves in the future.


Dark Stalkers said:
Jolteon is cooler.

QFT. If you were going to have one electric pokemon - this would be it.

Takuan said:
:lol I'm pretty sure he/she misinterpreted your post as an attack and wound up reinforcing the notion that he/she is crazy. You couldn't have been more congenial in tone, either. :lol

Thanks - I thought I was being pretty nice too :S
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