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Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood |OT| Y'all Need to Calm Down


XIV is the only MMO I've played where the community can't make abbreviations to save their lives. I've been playing fairly consistently since launch and even now I pause for a bit when someone mentions T12 for example and think "what the hell is that and what are you talking about". Final Coil 3, Coil 3-3, FCoB 3. Anything that even vaguely resembles what's in Duty Finder. It's okay to just call things what they are.

I'm calling the new raid Delta 1-4 till the day I die.

I better not see you in PvP!


Everyone was Needing on everything when I finished V4 just a few minutes ago.

Everyone will Need on what they roll on, yes, but often times people will only choose to roll on specific items. IE, I'm going to pass on everything but the pants item in 3 and 4 this week, but when I roll on them I'm going to pick Need.

You're basically only ever going to win with a Greed roll if you're rolling on something the entire rest of the group has passed on. This should get a little easier in a couple of weeks after people get their first gear pieces out of the way--and, if we're at all lucky, we see crafted gear in the Savage patch--but basically the rule for the normal mode raids and 24-mans is Need if you want the item, but know that winning it prevents you from rolling on more stuff from that floor until reset.


Anyone else playing with a DS4 on PC not able to cycle through things by clicking the touchpad anymore?


The default option is just blank for me now.


Anyone else playing with a DS4 on PC not able to cycle through things by clicking the touchpad anymore?


The default option is just blank for me now.
If you have ds4windows installed (which you should) you can set this option manually


Another stupid question. I own a mount through the collectors edition that I bought, but I haven't hit that point in the main story yet where I can ride a mount.

I am reading I need to basically farm "credits" of some sort to get a mount. Is that to buy the default chocobo mount or the right to use a mount?
Noob question:
So Final Fantasy XIV starter edition for PS4 is on sale right now, and I'm currently playing the free trial. I'm really liking it (so addicting!), but PSN won't let me buy the full game that is on sale right now?

How would things work when I hit the cap with the free trial?
What do?


People in this game have the most warped notions of balance of any MMO I've ever played.

The Sch on the forums are hilarious

Scholars have been screaming about this useless ability since 3.0 and they have done exactly zip about it. Unfortunately I think we are stuck with it as is, for whatever reason the Dev's don't seem to think there is an issue with it and pass over it every single patch with no adjustments. I think they nerfed our fairy so bad in 4.0 because they want us to use dissipation. They probably think, well if we make the fairy so weak that they don't really notice when they're gone perhaps they'll see the value in killing them off for 30 seconds and getting a little buff to healing potency with 3 aether stacks. Which is bollocks. I do like your idea, not only should the fairy return to the field but the buff to our healing magic should be more like 50% and when our fairy returns to the filed, all aether stacks should be refreshed again.
freaking lol


Another stupid question. I own a mount through the collectors edition that I bought, but I haven't hit that point in the main story yet where I can ride a mount.

I am reading I need to basically farm "credits" of some sort to get a mount. Is that to buy the default chocobo mount or the right to use a mount?
Both. The chocobo licence lets you ride any other mount you have.


Noob question:
So Final Fantasy XIV starter edition for PS4 is on sale right now, and I'm currently playing the free trial. I'm really liking it (so addicting!), but PSN won't let me buy the full game that is on sale right now?

How would things work when I hit the cap with the free trial?
What do?

You just stop gaining EXP once you're capped. You can continue to play and you can level other jobs, but the EXP cap is the main limitation.


This game's balance issues are nothing compared to how many games are.

But it's Final Fantasy, so hyperbole is a given lol

Pretty much, to be fair to other games XIV doesn't have near the moving parts of something like WoW (talents, legendaries, three specs per class, set bonuses, etc) but at the end of the day it is still pretty unique how close numbers and tuning are, even at the worst.

As someone who never actually bought into the White Mage drama, it was my first 70 and I still think it is a better healer than AST, no issue. Balance + AoE is exceptional but it is still pure RNG and you feel so less in control of actual healing, mana management and even personal DPS on WHM compared to AST.

I dunno, you just have to take communities with a grain of salt sometimes. I've been actively told by people that shit I was playing in old school WoW wasn't viable while parsing great on bleeding edge content they were nowhere near. Now that people just bandwagon memes half the time its even worse.

Don't get me wrong, AST is in a good spot but I'd eat a Balance + AoE nerf just to rebalance the rest of the cards functionality and get another panic button or some smoother personal mana management

Either way, still maining WHM.


with the pvp nerf , you guys think it's still viable even tho it's a 1/3 chance of winning for regular xp or just forget about it and roll with POTD ?


Another stupid question. I own a mount through the collectors edition that I bought, but I haven't hit that point in the main story yet where I can ride a mount.

I am reading I need to basically farm "credits" of some sort to get a mount. Is that to buy the default chocobo mount or the right to use a mount?

once you unlock the default chocobo you can ride any other mount you own
it's msq level 20 i think? shouldn't take long


So I beat the Stormblood MSQ today thanks to GAF FC (great peoples) since getting a party for the last trial on df has become a community issue where people drop if there's new players.

Anyhow, if you've been around here for a while and remember the old long rant reviews I'd do on bad ps2 rpgs, here's my review of the MSQ. Warning, if you love Stormblood, prepare to be triggered:

Stormblood is two good games, and one horribly bad story

About 75% through the Stormblood main story, it becomes pretty clear that Stormblood is essentially two 25 hour mini-expansions rolled into one. While on paper the idea of of starting in Al Mhigo/Gyr and having to retreat to Kugane/Othard and then coming back strong with a big army & weaker enemy makes sense, the FFXIV writing team has consistently shown they are absolutely awful at threading multiple plotlines together and are for the most part unable to do so. Just like with Heavensward where the 2.55 end Uldah political cliffhanger ending is almost non-existent in HW and resolved in a brief uneventful manner, Doma and Gyr are barely connected at all, to the point where it feels like two separate teams could've made two separate expansions that were just tied together in the last few months before release. So I think it's kinda pointless talking about Stormblood as a whole, but rather each half as a unique entity.

Doma is Final Fantasy's strength, Gry Abania is its weakness

Looking back on Heavensward, one thing that made it great is that it was a very fantasy tale that felt like the best of FF. It took you across a magical sea of clouds, dragon & moogle floating islands, ancient magical marshlands filled with goblins and little frog wizard dudes. It had cool Ant people and owls, you fought a giant flying while on a tethered island! And Knights of the Round king arthur as the final boss. And Dragons! Boy did it have those. It was pure unfiltered fantasy which was a stark contrast to the more realistic day to day toils of the Eorzea cities vs. primals & the EVIL EMPIRE. While most of ARR was drab and uneventful, with generic stereotypes of good guys vs EVIL EMPIRE, HW had a more interesting cast and characters that tried to be a cut above.

Now that's not to say Heavensward was top-tier writing. It had its own issues with evil pope and some stereotypical stuff, but considering we're talking about SE and rpgs, it was a good well paced story that made sense with likeable and interesting characters. It's been hard to get that for a decade+ in FF. I liked it.

Going into Stormblood I was expecting something similar to HW but maybe not quite as good because it's hard to pull all that off consistently especially if you are Square.

To me, Doma is exactly what I was expecting. Doma is an adventure across magical seas, with underwater palaces & princesses, ninja turtles, catfish people and wolf people tribes, samurai and ninjas, a giant great plain! with its own interesting conflict of the Xaella~~ people and their tribes, a fun cast of new characters like HW with pirates! samurai! and even sleezy yakuza-like businessmen. While I wasn't huge on Kugane because it felt like weaboo city with everyone dressing up in their asian garb running around fake-Japan city, the rest of it was a good adventure and it even had some nice character scenes like Gosetsu's scene in the desert with the corpse (probably best scene in the game imo). Since characters like Gosetsu were actually developed, you cared about them and for example Gosetsu's death was the best death scene in the FFXIV series so far (so kinda unneeded to bring him back, but w/e).

By the end of Doma's tale, looking back at the adventure from Kugane to Nadaam to bringing down Doma Palace, it felt like a grand fantasy adventure tale, like Heavensward but a little more varied and less focused; prettier graphics and dungeons but weaker cast.

On the other hand, Gyr Abania/Ala Mhigo is about as far from fantasy as you can get in FF. With rocky empty areas and people just trying to get by and constantly skirmaging against the empire, the Gyr expansion feels like a left over continuation of the weaker parts of ARR. Instead of being a new fun cast, it's the same faces, the same Scions, fighting the same boring empire in 3 uninteresting areas that all kinda look the same. Unlike Doma which brings new mechanics with underwater worlds and spearfishing, Gyr is just more of the same and even the beast tribe is about as boring as you can get and barely feels like part of the plot (more like a little 4.x side story filler with their trial), "we just took the bridge! Oh wait there's these snake people and in still frame cutscenes with no effort we see a quick filler story of how they summoned their god, can you go fight it before proceeding to the next area so we have another trial and a little more gametime in this half?" flashbacks to ARR's Titan stuff; at least it's short.

While my expectations of HW but not quite as good were met with Doma, from a plot perspective, I'd say Gyr Abania is a complete disappointment and worse than ARR's plot even. In fact I'd say it's one of the worst stories in Final Fantasy and rpgs in general.

Now before you go "hey there, it's simple and whatever, but it's not that bad", lemme break down all the reasons why I feel Gyr Abania's plot sucks and feels like the team didn't even wanna do it but felt it was leftover 2.0 junk as the only place left unvisted in Eorzea and they had to speed through it to get it done with, but then they felt if they at least gave a shorter 5.0 adventure of Doma for half of it, it'd kinda make up for it:

Lyse is one of the worst protagonists in rpg history

Lyse, the white blonde savior of the brown people of Ala Mhigo, does nothing the entire game besides knock down Forlond once.

Like, think about that and let it sit in. Considering she is the title figure of the logo and the opening CG and becomes the leader of her people, I kept waiting for the moment when she would do something for the liberation. Even in the end the last thing she does is run at Zenos and reach for him and not stop him. She does not accomplish anything.

At least Hien thinks up the plan to flood Doma castle and take back his people. Hien comes up with the idea to win Nadaam and gather an army, etc...

They had plenty of opportunities to have Lyse take the stage in Gyr and become a leader that could liberate her people. When the bridge needed taking and the flag needed changing as the key element to win the bridge, Lyse could've been standing up their accomplished, instead they give it to M'Naago. During the final battles, Lyse could've done something to save the MC like back in ARR when they were captured and she jumps in and kicks butt and saves everyone. Lyse could've come up with some plans, or even her hot-headed martial arts talents could've come in handy as she doesn't sit back but rages out and wins and accomplishes something when everyone else would've just held back and waited. You know who does that? Alphise, or Gotetsu turning himself in. All these other characters have moments to shine, but for some baffling reason, the main leader character of the game never gets to do anything.

Quite literally, she becomes a leader by putting on a red dress and looking pretty and then standing and singing.

It's ridiculous, she never grows at all from the beginning to the end. She's the same whiny, naive, always sad looking privileged girl the entire way.

I almost feel like her entire portion as a leader was written because they didn't know how to write her character (or Papylmo) unlike the rest of the Scions, so they wanted to write her out of the story and giving her this arc and making her a leader was a way to ignore her and leave her out of the future plot while also taking care of the last area in Eorzea so they can finally move on with the story with characters they like and want to write in places they like and want to write about.

I mean given her lack of doing anything for her people, if you weren't focused on having a pretty white girl in a dress as your title character, wouldn't it have made much more sense for Rauhban to be the protaginist of the Gyr Abania expansion? I mean he's a developed, likeable and intelligent character, its his homeland and he has backstory there, and he's a leader aka leader of the flames. He's kinda...a perfect fit for the leader of the resistance? But nope, let's have Lyse do it because...no reasons.

And then Zenos is a terrible antagonist

Halfway through I was digging Zenos as a villian. Sure he's just PURE EVIL who wants a challenging opponent for the thrill of it so he causes misery and destruction everywhere in hopes people will rise up and give him a challenge because he's near invincible and is bored, but eh, that decent enough for an rpg villian sometimes.

But then I get to the end and expect some awesome stuff to happen when the resistance and MC finally get to his doorstep that he's invited them to for the "hunt", and what happens? You fight him in a fairly simple and easy dungeon fight where he goes from invincible that he was in the 2 solo fights and every cutscene and story ever of anyone fighting him (due to his MAGIC INFUSION POWERS), to 4 players in a dungeon beating him no problem at all...what?

Then he merges into Shinryuu and you fight Shinyuu/Zenos and beat him and he's happy he had a good fight and kills himself. Oh and you beat all this stuff no problem as well despite that you couldn't even beat him pre-Shinryuu the two times you fought him and lore-wise he was like near invincible superman.

Basically he was a total let down in the end and they couldn't even follow through his ultimate invincible dude backstory (speaking of backstory Yotsuyuu's was pretty weak too).

Like to beat magic-infused Forlond, you had to use an aether overflow trick thing. But then you just beat invincible Zenos whose way stronger and you couldn't beat before just by...fighting him w/friends? IDK

So yeah, Gyr...

Yup, so you have a short expansion story in Gyr of basically:

1. Empire guys are evil and have oppressed us
2. Let's go shout at local rebels and do some chores so they join us
3. Oh no Zenos killed us all (but most of us didn't die), let's go to Doma
4. Ok, we're back from Doma, let's try again, we brought back Yugiri but she's going to chill in Revenant's Toll and not do anything here
5. Yay, Conrad's plan and M'Naago's execution won us the bridge
6. Oh no Snakes are upset, let's go kill their god
7. Ok, push forward to the next base, oh shit we fucked up and a tower fell, Lyse now you're the leader because you wear a nice dress
8. Oh hey the cannon stopped, let's push forward.
9. Made it to the capital now, let's fight Zenos.
10. That was easy, we won, liberation yay, let's all sing and never think about this expansion or area again as we leave the continent.
11. Ps. while singing, let's show all the Heavensward and ARR characters we totally forgot to use because once we move past a plot we are unable to re-use the characters meaningful again. GRRM we are not.
12. Pss. When people said they wanted to see Estenien back, I think they meant actually as part of a plot and not just 3 disconnected scenes of 1) looking down a tunnel, 2) jumping down and killing a cable far away with no recognition and 3) stabbing some dead eyes. But it's ok FFXIV, I realize your writers are incapable of handling multiple interconnected plotlines seamlessly.


At the end of the day, Doma was fun. It has its own flaws, but it's an adventure, each area is unique and brings something new to FFXIV and the dungeons are fantastic. Gyr Abania, if you completely ignore the story is fine. The dungeons are good enough and the areas while being kinda ugly and similar have some nice spots to them. There's some nice sidequests throughout because FFXIV team is great at individual short stories. The beast tribe still kinda sucks though and is a big step down from ninja turtles and flying owls, moogles or hivemind ants.

So Stormblood's a good game. but it's unfortunate though that the Ala Mhigo liberation storyline & characters are terrible and a waste of half a plot. Who knows, maybe the 4.X MSQ will redeem it somehow and Lyse will actually do something useful? Or maybe they'll just move on and be glad they're done with that area and can focus on more interesting things.

/my two cents


Pretty much, to be fair to other games XIV doesn't have near the moving parts of something like WoW (talents, legendaries, three specs per class, set bonuses, etc) but at the end of the day it is still pretty unique how close numbers and tuning are, even at the worst.

As someone who never actually bought into the White Mage drama, it was my first 70 and I still think it is a better healer than AST, no issue. Balance + AoE is exceptional but it is still pure RNG and you feel so less in control of actual healing, mana management and even personal DPS on WHM compared to AST.

I dunno, you just have to take communities with a grain of salt sometimes. I've been actively told by people that shit I was playing in old school WoW wasn't viable while parsing great on bleeding edge content they were nowhere near. Now that people just bandwagon memes half the time its even worse.

Don't get me wrong, AST is in a good spot but I'd eat a Balance + AoE nerf just to rebalance the rest of the cards functionality and get another panic button or some smoother personal mana management

Either way, still maining WHM.

Man, WHM is fiiiiiineeeeeeeeeee right now. Started leveling it after my BRD.

Cleric got removed, so no more stance dancing issues. Stone's MP cost has been drastically reduced across the board, so they DPS basically for free now. And Cure got buffed across the board.

I always enjoyed doing dungeons on WHM, but now more than ever I feel great using them. If your tank is decently geared/actually uses CDs then you're essentially a 3rd DPS.
Man, WHM is fiiiiiineeeeeeeeeee right now. Started leveling it after my BRD.

Cleric got removed, so no more stance dancing issues. Stone's MP cost has been drastically reduced across the board, so they DPS basically for free now. And Cure got buffed across the board.

I always enjoyed doing dungeons on WHM, but now more than ever I feel great using them. If your tank is decently geared/actually uses CDs then you're essentially a 3rd DPS.
Yeah, WHM is fine overall. I really want Lilies and Confession to not be awful though.


Stormblood spoilers.

Lyse, the white blonde savior of the brown people of Ala Mhigo, does nothing the entire game besides knock down Forlond once.

You know I didn't even think about this that much during the game but that's really gross.

She's white, blonde, and looks like a model. There are no characters in the entire game who look anything like her and Yda. Ala Mhigo is depicted as a nation of hardy brown people. Her father is a revolutionary leader who obviously managed to make all these people follow him, so presumably they could relate to him. He had to be one of them. His daughters look nothing like anyone in the entire nation, there is no one even in their home village who look anything like them.

The fact that she does nothing in the game and everyone hands her undeserved adoration and respect is weird, but the fact that the entire storyline is written like this when she's basically the Aryan Princess of a dark skinned nation which was conquered in the first place by an Aryan looking empire.... is really fucked up!

I looooooooooooved Stormblood but wtf is this. :(


so RDM level 65 quest spoiler:

Solo instance inside the Gubal LIbrary. The last boss is literally the last boss of Gubal NM complete with void things and the platforms around the arena which our NPC companion actually did half of them while I did the other half.

Probably one of my favourite quests just for that now.


Stormblood spoilers.

You know I didn't even think about this that much during the game but that's really gross.

She's white, blonde, and looks like a model. There are no characters in the entire game who look anything like her and Yda. Ala Mhigo is depicted as a nation of hardy brown people. Her father is a revolutionary leader who obviously managed to make all these people follow him, so presumably they could relate to him. He had to be one of them. His daughters look nothing like anyone in the entire nation, there is no one even in their home village who look anything like them.

The fact that she does nothing in the game and everyone hands her undeserved adoration and respect is weird, but the fact that the entire storyline is written like this when she's basically the Aryan Princess of a dark skinned nation which was conquered in the first place by an Aryan looking empire.... is really fucked up!

I looooooooooooved Stormblood but wtf is this. :(

It's almost like they thought Dany in Game of Thrones was popular so why not just copy that! (At least Dany has dragons :p)


Lyse, the white blonde savior of the brown people of Ala Mhigo

That was in my head the entire time. When she was rejected in the Peaks at the beginning, I hoped they would touch more on the "you do not belong" part, but they left it at her not belonging geographically, for she grew up outside Gyr Abania.

I like Lyse as a companion and a Scion, but for her to become their leader just because the old dude said so; not a single person who fought decades more than Lyse for their country contested her leadership except for that one villager, and that took like 30 minutes until he accepted her.


Oh, I thought this was a DS4Windows issue. Gamepad acts like a mouse for me.

Same for me but by default, clicking the touchpad cycles though the UI like your chat log and quests. It just stopped working for me earlier today and I couldn't figure out why.

It's fixed now somehow but not sure why.
I don't hate Lyse as a character, but yeah, there is just no actual justification for why she's
suddenly this beloved liberator in red figure that marketing material has her as (heck, isn't Stormblood actually called The Crimson Liberator in Japan or something?). It doesn't take much for any fresh pair of eyes to recognise her as an impulsive and overly hot-headed pugilistic individual - qualities of which are not befitting that of a leader managing such a crucial long operation across battlefields to reclaim their homeland. Sure, Conrad for some inexplicable reason hands the reins over to someone who is also somehow the daughter of a man who was ethnically nothing like her, but why does everyone else appear to silently accept her as a leadership figure all of a sudden? What claim has she to this position when M'naago or the like were there from the very beginning and she displayed an unbroken spirit at the start just after Zenos mowed down Rhalgr's Reach? Lyse certainly needed an extra arc in between Conrad's death and the actual act of symbolically putting on the dress.

And meanwhile, I am quite thoroughly enjoying the new Deltascape fights, though for some reason I miss the presence of a gatekeeper like Faust. I'll be quickly sick of them soon though, and I will continue to malign this system of needing seven weeks' worth of clears and a stack of tomes just to acquire one decent poverty weapon.


Not quite at the halfway point of SB yet (or maybe I am, I dunno), but for me Lyse...

Really seemed to have lost it after Papalymo died. She just doesn't have the same pep she did when she was pretending to be Yda... On the other hand her meh-factor is kind of a counter-weight to the awesome super sassy Alisaie
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