But she's not awful at all. I'm not even sure what you are getting at.
There's clearly a chain of retcons going on there, asI definitely thought thatstruck me as a bit racist. If I had to guess, it's probably more a consequence ofLyse, savior of the brown people, being a pretty white blonde ladythan deliberate racism.the entire Yda/Lyse thing and their connection to Ala Mhigo being, perhaps not technically a retcon, but clearly written long, long after the character was originally designed
Ok so level 67 cutscene spoiler for RDM job quest:
Lilith, one of the four fiends. AWESOME
Loving the RDM quest line
Carrying like god damn champs
once you unlock the default chocobo you can ride any other mount you own
it's msq level 20 i think? shouldn't take long
In the past week I have seen:
- A PLD solo the boss in Ala Mhigo effortlessly until the final swords phase where he gave up because there wasn't any DPS for it. I think he just did it to show us how easy the fight is.
- A PLD solo the boss of Temple of the Fist from 50% to victory.
- Two PLDs solo the last... third (?) of Omega 1.0.
It's really ridiculous how well rounded the job is. They can self-heal, eat tons of damage, and actually do enough DPS to finish fights.
You need 200 company seals to complete the company quest to get mounts. You will start to earn them with the first Grand Company quests, just make sure you save 200 of them for when you reach the Chocobo quest.So I don't need company seals?
New player here. Wanted to ask about the PS4/Mac/PC cross play features. I get it's the same characters on the same servers, but since you need to pay for both steam and ps4 separately, can you make a trial on Steam's version and then play that character on PS4? And what is the deal with the non-Steam PC version?
Out static tanks have been doing the Shirkle Jerk to get miles ahead of our god damn samurai. It's worked well so far.Shirk is so amazing
OT refusing to take aggro when I have several vuln stacks? GUESS WHAT MOTHERFUCKER
How do I get the free trial if I was in the beta? It says I am not eligible but I didn't get the same benefit of unlimited play time and being able to go to level 35 >_>
I don't hate Lyse as a character, but yeah, there is just no actual justification for why she'ssuddenly this beloved liberator in red figure that marketing material has her as (heck, isn't Stormblood actually called The Crimson Liberator in Japan or something?). It doesn't take much for any fresh pair of eyes to recognise her as an impulsive and overly hot-headed pugilistic individual - qualities of which are not befitting that of a leader managing such a crucial long operation across battlefields to reclaim their homeland. Sure, Conrad for some inexplicable reason hands the reins over to someone who is also somehow the daughter of a man who was ethnically nothing like her, but why does everyone else appear to silently accept her as a leadership figure all of a sudden? What claim has she to this position when M'naago or the like were there from the very beginning and she displayed an unbroken spirit at the start just after Zenos mowed down Rhalgr's Reach? Lyse certainly needed an extra arc in between Conrad's death and the actual act of symbolically putting on the dress.
It would have all worked much better contextually if Lyse was the long lost, last surviving princess of the last non-crazy king of Ala Mhigo or something.
Isn't that what happened?
What skill is he using to stay alive?
Out static tanks have been doing the Shirkle Jerk to get miles ahead of our god damn samurai. It's worked well so far.
It would have all worked much better contextually if Lyse was the long lost, last surviving princess of the last non-crazy king of Ala Mhigo or something.
Well, I guess one could argue that her dad being one of the leaders of the resistance was as close to royal as one could get with Ala Mhigo's history, but they weren't actual royals like, say, Hien and Kaien were.
In the past week I have seen:
- A PLD solo the boss in Ala Mhigo effortlessly until the final swords phase where he gave up because there wasn't any DPS for it. I think he just did it to show us how easy the fight is.
- A PLD solo the boss of Temple of the Fist from 50% to victory.
- Two PLDs solo the last... third (?) of Omega 1.0.
It's really ridiculous how well rounded the job is. They can self-heal, eat tons of damage, and actually do enough DPS to finish fights.
Holy fuck. It's time to nerf Paladins or buff raid bosses. I wish I was able to record this, but I don't have anything set up to. Okay, it's my my first run of the brand new raid, Deltascape V2.0. Almost all of the group, save 2 people, die from boss mechanics with 35% health left on the boss. There is a paladin and samurai left. They proceed to two man this boss straight down to 1%. It takes awhile, but this Paladin is keeping himself up for a good 10 minutes. He eventually goes OOM for a brief sec and dies. I firmly believe you could two man this boss with a Paladin tank. You could possibly even solo him with a Paladin if you had the patience and optimal gear. It was ridiculous to watch.
You could nerf paladins, I guess. Honestly though, I have always thought that bosses don't hit tanks hard enough. Maybe it's my WoW background, but I've thought this since ARR. They design raids with "tank buster" mechanics, which take maybe half their health, but then the boss doesn't really put them in any immediate danger of dying. I often find myself zoning out on bosses while DPSing, then having plenty of time to top off the tank. I don't know, after watching people effectively two man a brand new raid boss, it's safe to say balance is off somewhere.
Edit: Just saw the video posted earlier here of the trio of people taking him down with of course, a paladin tank. I hope someone up at Square sees this hah.
Here are my thoughts after getting railed during the final trial.
I don't dislike Lyse, but I thought she was better when she was Yda. She is a bit whiny and doesn't seem mature enough to handle the post given to her. Just thinks everything should go her way.
She looks really bad when comparing to Hien, who is awesome. So is Yuguri. And Fordola is the best villain in FFXIV so far.
I like how some NPCs would actually do something when approached, rather than just standing still.