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Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood |OT| Y'all Need to Calm Down


So far I care about Omega's story far more than Alexander's. Goblins are just... Boring. Plus the Xaela was... Meh.

The courel kitten was the best part of that arc, and some of the music.

Omega, tho...

So. Much. Nostalgia. FFV is a game that isn't going anyway any time soon and I like it. The music... Omg. The bosses... Omg. Castrophe had some really amazing mechanics, though it will definitely wreck havoc on players who aren't spatially aware. I had no idea how the mechanics of the boss worked until someone in the party said think of it in 3D and then it clicked.

Also, Nero is the little NPC that could. Forever being a thorn in CId's side and injecting himself into anything Allagan.


Oh shit thanks I would have had no idea about this otherwise. I can give out a spare butler code if anyone would like it, just shoot me a pm and I'll get back to whoever wants it after work.

Finally I can take Sprint off my hotbar.
Heyo! I'll take that spare code if you still have it for grabs.

Trying to farm Susano EX is like smashing my face into a glass wall. I've seen 1-2% wipes many times now. It's by all measures an easy fight...but it's punishing.
Are we to the point where we can definitively state that the story in HW > SB so we can point and laugh at the skip potioneers?

You might as well go and point and laugh at a brick wall as it'll probably have the same impact as pointing and laughing at people who willingly pay to skip story content.


Some thoughts on Gosetsu and the Stormblood ending -
I appreciate that we finally got a Roegadyn main-story character after we lost Moenbryda so quickly (no, Merlwyb doesn't count). At first I was a bit upset he also ended up dying in like 2 patches like Moenbryda did, but I actually ended up appreciating his character growth and development.

Then, of course, it turns out he is alive and the sacrifice wasn't really a sacrifice. I'm not sure why the story team always ends up bringing every character back that seemingly dies. At this point I wouldn't be surprised to see Papalymo and Haurchefant in 4.1.


I liked Fordola because her story tied up one of the last loose ends from 1.0's Futures Perfect (very last quest of the game), ie
what happened to the Ala Mhigan children that were captured and "brainwashed" by the Empire
. Now we just need to resolve Niellefresne's story (I have a feeling we'll end up hearing about this during 4.x if my theory ends up being true) and we're pretty much done with 1.0.

I liked her story because it's always interesting to see the perspective of an unrepentant collaborator. There's a special place in hell reserved for collaborators.
Some thoughts on Gosetsu and the Stormblood ending -
I appreciate that we finally got a Roegadyn main-story character after we lost Moenbryda so quickly (no, Merlwyb doesn't count). At first I was a bit upset he also ended up dying in like 2 patches like Moenbryda did, but I actually ended up appreciating his character growth and development.

Then, of course, it turns out he is alive and the sacrifice wasn't really a sacrifice. I'm not sure why the story team always ends up bringing every character back that seemingly dies. At this point I wouldn't be surprised to see Papalymo and Haurchefant in 4.1.

If they bring my boy Haurchefant back, I'm so done with this game, lol.
Ok so when is this story going to really get interesting? It's so overwhelming ATM to be perfectly honest and I keep hearing about how good the story is and I still don't know what's going on? I get that I'm at the very beginning, but yeah Grandia, heroes saved us but we can't remember their faces, and I'm some remarkable adventuring just being sent around to help everyone.

My wife and I loved the leveling up in the beginning but with so many walls of text and side missions it's becoming a chore to play. I really do want to see what this story is about before I cancel my sub tho.

Any suggestions? Should I just be strictly following ONLY main quest?
I just hit 50 and have been doing some of the dungeons that opened up.

I take it that most of the lvl 50 gear/uniques/quests are pretty outdated at this point? Is there any reason to do them aside from fun/glamour?

Also, anyone know the cheapest place to pick up stormblood?


Thinking about the story overall, the antagonists they try to make you sympathize with, they kind of end up doing a poor job.

Surprisingly I had more sympathy for
Grynewaht, out of all the villains in the story. He was a simple dumb brute who was simply delt a bad hand. All he really cares about is a promotion in the ranks and defeating you as a "stalker rival" because you are getting in the way of that goal.

Outside of that scope, as a person we see that he has something sort of compassion as he defends Yotsuyu after the confrontation with Zenos, he has resraint and hesitation when given orders of violence depending on the situation, as he only seemed really thrilled to attack WoL because the character was seen as his main obstacle. In the end his failings and bumblings earn him a hypertune that dehumanizes him altogether and turns him into a killing machine fuelued with his hatred for WoL. No more running away, he is forced to fight to the death. In a way he was a foreshadow to what Zenos actually was in the grand scheme of things, just a tool and experment for the empire.

I half expected him to defect to the Eorzeans, as it could pass for him being mostly insignificant to the main story would have taken it more seriously than allowing Yotsuyu to survive, that girl was messed up regardless of the tragic back story, getting off on the suffering of her kin, its not like she even claimed it was some kind of deranged revenge, it was simply for the thrill, no way in hell she should have survived. Hopefully that island scene is just an attempt at an ironic joke and we never see her again.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Did Omega yesterday and so far I don't know what to think about it. The bosses are cool, but the story itself is
just a tournament arc from every manga ever. I liked how Midgardsormr is back, though. The underlying lore about Omega is also interesting, and the tease about Omega looking to kill someone.

Some thoughts on Gosetsu and the Stormblood ending -
I appreciate that we finally got a Roegadyn main-story character after we lost Moenbryda so quickly (no, Merlwyb doesn't count). At first I was a bit upset he also ended up dying in like 2 patches like Moenbryda did, but I actually ended up appreciating his character growth and development.

Then, of course, it turns out he is alive and the sacrifice wasn't really a sacrifice. I'm not sure why the story team always ends up bringing every character back that seemingly dies. At this point I wouldn't be surprised to see Papalymo and Haurchefant in 4.1.
I do really like Gosetsu. Is he really a roe though? He doesn't have the facial features or skin tone of one, though he certainly has the size. I had just assumed he was an incredibly large Hyur.

How he was handled at the end was just weird.
His "death" scene rubbed me the wrong way because he had just been shot three times by Yotsuyu and Hien still bothers to give a long heartfelt speech while the poor guy holds up a roof for a few minutes longer than he needs to. What happened to shortening all that to a few words and then running the fuck out of there so that the guy doesn't have to hold that damn roof for so long?

His survival at the end is also a copout, but I wonder what they'll do with that later. I also have no clue why Yotsuyu was spared when she really shouldn't have been. Besides the whole roof thing, Hien straight up cut her down. But nope, evil girl character with good fashion sense, so I guess she lives for whatever reason.


Ok so when is this story going to really get interesting? It's so overwhelming ATM to be perfectly honest and I keep hearing about how good the story is and I still don't know what's going on? I get that I'm at the very beginning, but yeah Grandia, heroes saved us but we can't remember their faces, and I'm some remarkable adventuring just being sent around to help everyone.

My wife and I loved the leveling up in the beginning but with so many walls of text and side missions it's becoming a chore to play. I really do want to see what this story is about before I cancel my sub tho.

Any suggestions? Should I just be strictly following ONLY main quest?

Yes, ignore the side quests unless they have a plus on them. They are bottom-of-the-barrel type quests and you will likely burn yourself out. Just stick to MSQ.


Man, you know this is a problem when people are having an easier time with Omega than the Main Story Quest finale.
Really? I honestly felt that V4/O4/whatever was harder than the final trial.
It's a final boss. It should be somewhat difficult.
Yes, this.

Every trial should be on it's/final steps difficulty level TBH. I do trials to be challenged and have fun not beat garuda for tomes in 30 seconds.
Really? I honestly felt that V4/O4/whatever was harder than the final trial.

Yes, this.

Every trial should be on it's/final steps difficulty level TBH. I do trials to be challenged and have fun not beat garuda for tomes in 30 seconds.

V4 was easy

V3 though...

(I really liked the Omega fights as a whole, even outside of the whole "OMG FFV NOSTALGIA!" -- They're everything that Alexander should've been (and almost was with Midas))
Man, you know this is a problem when people are having an easier time with Omega than the Main Story Quest finale.

It was bound to be this way, this is the normal version of Omega so it was never going to be a huge challenge. I don't think the final trial is a harder fight than this Omega tier either , at most I'd put it on par with V4.


Stuff people are motivated to run over and over will almost always end up being 'easier' than one-and-done stuff. MSQ Finale isn't inherently super hard, but given that a lot of people will clear it and then do their best to never ever go back, people dropped into it in trial are likely not gonna remember it that well and it will be semi-struggle. Vs Delta where everyone spams it for gear and is more likely to remember how the fights work.


WAR has been doing shit like this for more than 3 years and it was OK? I remeber WAR solo last 40% on multiple bosses. Now when it's our time to shine it's suddenly a problem.

As a healer, I really think it's a problem with the raid boss damage as a whole. Square's take on raid damage is very forgiving. All ability designs basically hit for maybe 50% health on people, then the raid boss chills for 10-15 seconds giving you plenty of time to top anyone off. Hence, paladins can regen enough mana in that downtime between "tank buster" abilities to have enough to heal themselves back up. Same thing with raid wide damage. They put in abilities that take 90% of health, then the boss kinda afk's for 20 seconds. Sometimes it feels like Square is just giving me something to do with no sense of urgency. Almost all emergency healing type situations in the game are people standing in AoE. Bottom line is, no one should be able to solo a raid boss from 40% to 0%.
WAR has been doing shit like this for more than 3 years and it was OK? I remeber WAR solo last 40% on multiple bosses. Now when it's our time to shine it's suddenly a problem.
It wasn't considered ok though? Personally I don't really care but they removed that from WAR for a reason so it feels like an oversight that PLD gets so much self heal now.


V4 was easy

V3 though...
I feel like V3 is hard only if you frequently fail mechanics. If everything is going smoothly then it goes really smoothly.

V4 on the other hand is a bit more forgiving with its mechanics but it has way more unavoidable room-wide damage attacks, especially in its second phase, and the damage overall from both that and failed mechanics really starts to pile up. I ran it about 10 times yesterday and every time came extremely close to wiping around the
second decisive battle.


As a healer, I really think it's a problem with the raid boss damage as a whole. Square's take on raid damage is very forgiving. All ability designs basically hit for maybe 50% health on people, then the raid boss chills for 10-15 seconds giving you plenty of time to top anyone off. Hence, paladins can regen enough mana in that downtime between "tank buster" abilities to have enough to heal themselves back up. Same thing with raid wide damage. They put in abilities that take 90% of health, then the boss kinda afk's for 20 seconds. Sometimes it feels like Square is just giving me something to do with no sense of urgency. Almost all emergency healing type situations in the game are people standing in AoE. Bottom line is, no one should be able to solo a raid boss from 40% to 0%.
I've been saying this to whoever was listening for the better part of the last 3 or so years I've spent as a healer main.

They need to reconsider their "all-or-nothing" damage patterns approach if they keep giving the healers tools to better deal with damage intake, or the "there's nothing to heal" complaints are only going to get louder and louder.

That being said, this particular fight is a pure gimmick fight so I'm not surprised. I imagine it would be difficult to clear with your average DF bad group if there was heavier damage on top of the punishment you get for failing mechanics? I've only done it twice and never with a full DF party.


If you're having the 90002 disconnects, try using a VPN. It's what i've been using to stay logged in. They're apparently booting everyone from outside the US on us servers due to some DDOS attack
Oh? That's why then, kinda fucked up.

I'm on PS4 though and not willing to go after a VPN like that. At least I know I shouldn't keep trying now.


Guys there's little point complaining about this when we know Savage is coming.

Then we can go back to complaining about how incompetent our teammates are


Man, the SMN Ex training dummies are... bizarre.

Like, I am not sure it's "meta" but it seems designed around doing crap like blowing DWT in 2 seconds just to make a mad dash to Bahamut despite how it fucks up all of your cooldown timings. I couldn't even get either dummy down when fully extending Dreadwyrm each time, but got it when doing shit like blowing all three Aetherflow stacks in 3 seconds just to get Bahamut's ass out at least twice in 3 minutes regardless of how I would have nothing for the next 40 or so seconds. I am honestly unsure if we're supposed to be blowing DWT early from now on or what.

Optimal play on this class is definitely going to be something else, as it seems to excel when really, really knowing the fight down to a GCD within boss jumps and what not. It doesn't make learning the fights all that fun at all, since if you fuck up, you fuck up big time.


Really? I honestly felt that V4/O4/whatever was harder than the final trial.

Yes, this.

Every trial should be on it's/final steps difficulty level TBH. I do trials to be challenged and have fun not beat garuda for tomes in 30 seconds.

Agreed 100%, just an observation. Went into Omega blind day 1. had some wipes, but cleared it without too much trouble. Got Menagerie, with people who had cleared Omega earlier, nothing but wipes.


So I got an 18-digit O2 code from a friend.. where am I supposed to put that? The Mogstation item code wants a 20-digit code.


With DPS queues and shortage of time I only managed to get through the O1 and O2. Both fun fights and managed to clear them without much hassle. I normally don't like gimicky fights but the
multi-story AOEs in O2
were pretty cool.


FWIW, the SSS dummies have always encouraged catered play and holding things you normally wouldn't because you know there's a hard three minute limit and if you're only gettting two uses of a CD in that window, holding it for synergy with some other stuff can be viable.

Also the tuning between jobs has always been wacky.

Guys there's little point complaining about this when we know Savage is coming.

Then we can go back to complaining about how incompetent our teammates are

> Discussion about the relative difficulty of optional 'normal' raids compared to mandatory MSQ fight, and whether or not they reflect balance problems

> "Guys wait for Savage."

The actual normal mode encounters, their tuning, and what things like the low-man kills on day one actually say about job balance are all pretty worthwhile discussions without the Savage component.


I love how the Samurai trainer butchers all Eorzean names. Sweet revenge for the players butchering all SAM skill names!
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