First time was learning mechanics, sure. Second time was a lot of people still messing up on mechanics and dying and hitting enrage timer at like 10%, ok, no worries. Third time everyone had all the game/frog mechanics down, the AoEs and everything should've been fine but apparently half the party did not understand the stack arrows symbol which I don't understand how that's possible this far into the game. Everytime I would run up to help the person with the arrow and there'd be like 3-4 people mostly DPS in the stack and we would all die and sit until someone revived us. This kept happening and all the DPS dying every other stack and being out of commission killed the DPS and we hit enrage at 5% even though we pretty much nailed every other mechanic. Then everyone abandoned and that was a waste of an hour :|
Like I'd get it if the other patterns were killing everyone, but to continually die because half the party doesn't stack is frustrating. Like if running into the stack of 3-4 people is just going to one-shot me, I might as well not join in and let them die while I stay alive doing DPS. But at the same time I don't wanna be that guy that kills everyone because he doesn't join the stack so I keep joining in