I have been loving my time with this game, but some of the design decisions leave me wondering: What the fuck?
I just found out you can't send /tell's to anyone or even open your friend's list while in a Duty Finder. What possible motive could there be for this? I heard that you're transported to another server when you're in the dungeon. Is this a technology limitation?
Also, it seems there isn't really a 'competetive' raiding scene for end-game, is this correct? I have been loving tanking the new content and I'm wondering if I'll be joining random GAF groups or PF'ing til the end of time, or if there are usually plenty of static groups for hardcore raiding.
I'm probably sounding like a broken record at this point, and I apologize for that, but the absence of any way to determine how DPS / Healing / Tanking is doing throughout the course of a fight is troubling, as someone who raided and analyzed logs to better raid lead. For those of you in a static group for hardcore raiding (Savage I guess?), how did you pick your DPS / Heals / Tanks? Did you just invite friends and assume they knew what they were doing based on deaths / not dying / attempts? Genuinely curious as raiding with a good, consistent group is the only thing that appeals to me.
I probably should have figured this out before shelling out $$, in retrospect.