I'm perfectly ok with how it's setup and I like that the game gets most "gamers" to bail and come back in a year or two.
Because in my experiences in the last 6 months, the people who stick around a year after an expansion launch are a great community, very friendly and helpful to new players with a strong sense of community. I started playing in November 2016 and almost every player interaction I had was great. Since SB launched 3 weeks ago, I've had a lot of bad player interactions and various things to make me really dislike the community. If it had been like this back in November I would've quit.
Right now the community feels filled with people who only care about NOW NOW FAST FAST BEST DPS BEST TANK BEST GEAR IXION FOX LADY, which results in things like 50 pfs only being like the same 4-6 events grinding with "you better be perfect or we'll kick you" attitude, people not being able to get into Lochs because everyone just sits and camps Ixion, and groups you get in anything else just doing their dailies to get to 70 so most of them don't give a fuck it's your first time trying to enjoy something, it's just about speed speed speed win. Challenge is an obstacle that slows things down for them. Fuck having a fun, good challenging time to enjoy the content your currently in, it's all just a grind to get to something fun at the end for them.
Then you have how the queues for a lot of the old content are now completely dead. All 6 24-man raids, Diadem, good luck. 3 months ago Crystal Tower was still like 4 years old, but you could get a group any day with a 20 min or so queue. The players sticking around long after launch seem to do all kinds of content regularly because...they're actually playing for fun, not just to do the latest raid/ex over and over to get the best gear possible.
I'm actually thinking about bailing on FF14 at this point now that I'm done with MSQ/Omega normal and coming back a month after Omega Savage in hopes that most of the players who jumped back on for SB have left the game by that point so I can have fun with a good nice community again. Like if I was on a team and someone was using a parser, even if I was doing great dps numbers I'd quit that team because I don't want to play with people who take the game that serious.
Then again, maybe I'm in the minority. I don't care about glamour or best gear or anything and the most fun part of the game for me is wipes. Because if you're not wiping it's boring. Min ilvl runs are way more fun for me than unsynced runs. Sure dungeon trash is zzz no matter what (which is why I'd rather have fewer dungeons and more trials/raids), but steamrolling bosses is about the most boring thing there is unless you're dying to see the following story. The more challenge the better. Wiping and then actually talking to your teammates and working through the challenge is the most satisfying thing out there.
/rant over, just bitter about the current community.
//doesn't apply to GAF FC who've been very friendly and helpful for me & duckroll going through older content for the first time.