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Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood |OT| Y'all Need to Calm Down

This just made me realize how to get more damage on primals lol


Ten Chi Jin is SO WEIRD when you first try it. I think I got rabbits the first 2-3 times I used it, then you forget all you know about muscle memory and learn to not rush it and it becomes second nature.

So, so happy with how ninja turned out this expansion.

I guess you have to learn a single target and AOE mudra set? Like Fuma > Raiton > Suiton and Fuma > Katon > Doton seem to be the best for each.

Ninja seems to have got it good once again this xpac.

this was actually 1.0 battle sytem afaik

Yeah, it was the worst possible implementation of the concept though. As far as MMOs go Blade and Soul has the best implementation of that concept.

It does sort of appear in PvP though now that I think about it.

Ninja has Mug on a 3 second cooldown there and it costs around 150 TP and gives you 30 Ninki on hit. That's a PvP version though so that skill as is wouldn't really work just cutting and pasting it into the current PvE skillset.


I originally wasn't feeling RDM at all. It just felt kind of boring to be cycling through the same skills over and over again. Then, something...changed. I don't know. I really like how mobile they are and the flexibility of their kit. Now with Vercure, it's like...Yes, yes. YEEEEESS!

Got put into Tam Tara for leveling roulette.

I forgot how this game is complete garbage at low levels.

They should just let you use all your skills since none of this stuff is challenging in the slightest.

Just tedious to get through.

Samurai and I (RDM) got thrown into Braflox. Took about all of one battle before we both looked at each other with a kind of pained understanding.

"No Gekko?" ← DISPROVED AS FALSE (so I don't know what he was talking about)
"Nope. No Acceleration?"

"Healer disconnects"

Finally hit 70 on my SCH/SMN!

That means along with my AST I have three classes max'd out so I won't be touching any other class for leveling until I have a large stock of rested EXP stored up. Once I do I guess I'll eventually level PLD next.

Or maybe WHM so that I can return to my full class of healers ready.

How do you like SCH / SMN at 70? SCH was my first class, but I abandoned it at 42 because I didn't have Swiftcast and didn't want to raise BM to get it. (Well, that and CS dancing mishaps).

I've got AST sitting at 42 right now too, and it's pretty fun. ^^

How does SUM play? Is it fun or just Broil / Ruin x 1000?
I originally wasn't feeling RDM at all. It just felt kind of boring to be cycling through the same skills over and over again. Then, something...changed. I don't know. I really like how mobile they are and the flexibility of their kit. Now with Vercure, it's like...Yes, yes. YEEEEESS!

Samurai and I (RDM) got thrown into Braflox. Took about all of one battle before we both looked at each other with a kind of pained understanding.

"No Gekko?"
"Nope. No Acceleration?"

"Healer disconnects"

you get gekko at 30...


Stop being a scrub. Bebpo can play both at the same time! He was playing arcade mode while we were queuing LOL.

This is some Newtype BS D=

I'm making headway though! Currently on the Dotharl quests... Honestly of the various cultures in FFXIV, theirs I find is one of the most fascinating narrative wise.


Have you tried that WTFast thing?

Never used it before but it might help.

No luck with WTFast, or another VPN I already have, or Mudfish.

I get sections where I have full packet loss and nothing happens, and then I get 90k's a lot.

I don't think I can play this game. I'm kinda angry that I lost money on buying Stormblood and then a subscription.


Was doing Susano EX single tank earlier, found it mildly amusing to block that sword with an astrometer. I'm sure it looks even more awkward using a book.



At the lv.67 MSQ now. Feel I made good progress tonight.
Really, really enjoying Stormblood.

Also Hien is friggin awesome.


No luck with WTFast, or another VPN I already have, or Mudfish.

I get sections where I have full packet loss and nothing happens, and then I get 90k's a lot.

I don't think I can play this game. I'm kinda angry that I lost money on buying Stormblood and then a subscription.

Shot in the dark here, but I was having a problem like that and it turned out my wireless connection was to blame. I'd never had major issues with other games, but FFXIV is apparently very bad at dealing with client-side packet loss. I was constantly getting massive lag spikes, after a few seconds of which I would either disconnect or everything would sort of play in fast-forward in my client until I was back up to speed. It was weird.

The solution for me was to upgrade my wireless connection to 5ghz instead of 2.4ghz. Everything's been smooth since then.


Wheeling Thrust looks so cool. Less shooting dumb dragon ghosts at things and more wacky acrobatic shenanigans, please.


Back in HW it was normal to chain WT into Geirskogul, that stuff was very much PogChamp

Haven't leveled Dragoon yet, but they are SO simple at 60 now. I miss Geirskogul having no cooldown and the Blood of the Dragon management aspect of it.

Hopefully they get more interesting at 70.


Alright, I've hit 50 and finished the 2.0 MSQ. It now looks like I have more than a hundred MSQs before I can even touch Heavensward. The consensus seems to be that most of these quests are pretty terrible. Would I be missing anything to buy the ARR MSQ completion item off of the Mog Station and just watching a Youtube catch-up video, or is it worth it to spend however many hours it takes to go through it normally?


Alright, I've hit 50 and finished the 2.0 MSQ. It now looks like I have more than a hundred MSQs before I can even touch Heavensward. The consensus seems to be that most of these quests are pretty terrible. Would I be missing anything to buy the ARR MSQ completion item off of the Mog Station and just watching a Youtube catch-up video, or is it worth it to spend however many hours it takes to go through it normally?

2.1 and 2.2 are offensively bad, and then it picks up after that. I'd say just stick with it.
I got 70 NIN and finished the storyline.

So, we're totally getting that fourth mudra in 5.0, right?

Now that I've leveled both NIN and MNK to 70, I can say for sure that Ninja made out like a bandit this expansion, and Monk... Well... Didn't do so well.

I did Susano EX earlier. We didn't win, but just the transitions. Like, the first time he leaves the arena to do the sword, it's longer than 16 seconds and blocking the sword does no damage, which means I can't use Riddle of Earth to keep Greased Lightning up.

Why couldn't they have just given us a "GL3 automatically" button on a 90 second cooldown? It's just so stupid. They insist on these immunity phases and boss transitions, but Monks are the only melee job that have to go through SO much work to get to max damage, and we can lose it really easily.

I feel like the biggest idiot, I went to the final msq trial without wearing my job quest armor. I don't think I'm alone in that either our dps was terrible. The worst part is it's entirely our faults, and I feel stupid as a trump.

Haven't leveled Dragoon yet, but they are SO simple at 60 now. I miss Geirskogul having no cooldown and the Blood of the Dragon management aspect of it.

Hopefully they get more interesting at 70.

70 really feels like it has the same core but a better climax to the build up. I think you'll be happy with the changes when you get there.
I got 70 NIN and finished the storyline.

So, we're totally getting that fourth mudra in 5.0, right?

Now that I've leveled both NIN and MNK to 70, I can say for sure that Ninja made out like a bandit this expansion, and Monk... Well... Didn't do so well.

I did Susano EX earlier. We didn't win, but just the transitions. Like, the first time he leaves the arena to do the sword, it's longer than 16 seconds and blocking the sword does no damage, which means I can't use Riddle of Earth to keep Greased Lightning up.

Why couldn't they have just given us a "GL3 automatically" button on a 90 second cooldown? It's just so stupid. They insist on these immunity phases and boss transitions, but Monks are the only melee job that have to go through SO much work to get to max damage, and we can lose it really easily.


yeah, monks especially get screwed during long ass transitions.

tenchijin is the 4th mudra


I got 70 NIN and finished the storyline.

So, we're totally getting that fourth mudra in 5.0, right?

Now that I've leveled both NIN and MNK to 70, I can say for sure that Ninja made out like a bandit this expansion, and Monk... Well... Didn't do so well.

I did Susano EX earlier. We didn't win, but just the transitions. Like, the first time he leaves the arena to do the sword, it's longer than 16 seconds and blocking the sword does no damage, which means I can't use Riddle of Earth to keep Greased Lightning up.

Why couldn't they have just given us a "GL3 automatically" button on a 90 second cooldown? It's just so stupid. They insist on these immunity phases and boss transitions, but Monks are the only melee job that have to go through SO much work to get to max damage, and we can lose it really easily.


I found a specific way to deal with that phase, namely using brotherhood at the start and having your GL timer at 11 sec or longer after the first sword, then you never lose your GL again during the fight unless you die or get stoned lol.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Riddle of Earth doesn't trigger off of the sword splash damage? That's a surprise, because it triggers SAM's Third Eye.


Riddle of Earth doesn't trigger off of the sword splash damage? That's a surprise, because it triggers SAM's Third Eye.

It does. But Riddle of Earth during the sword phase isn't that useful. You can keep GL3 just fine with Form Shift. The transition into the sword phase is the problem. It's like 20 seconds long and there's no way to keep GL3 there.

I have no idea why they made Riddle of Earth only proc on hit. For one, that kinda goes against what you're supposed to be doing as DPS to begin with. Why would you purposely want to get hit by something? They should have just made it so it refreshes the GL3 timer on activation. That makes a lot more sense. Doesn't need to give us an instant GL3 (we already have Perfect Balance for that situation) but it would make it a lot less situational.
It does. But Riddle of Earth during the sword phase isn't that useful. You can keep GL3 just fine with Form Shift. The transition into the sword phase is the problem. It's like 20 seconds long and there's no way to keep GL3 there.

I have no idea why they made Riddle of Earth only proc on hit. For one, that kinda goes against what you're supposed to be doing as DPS to begin with. Why would you purposely want to get hit by something? They should have just made it so it refreshes the GL3 timer on activation. That makes a lot more sense. Doesn't need to give us an instant GL3 (we already have Perfect Balance for that situation) but it would make it a lot less situational.

I agree.

I feel like Monk was kinda last on the to do list and ended up kinda rushed. I haven't played DRG since 50, but from what I've heard from friends, they all seem to be enjoying their changes in general, and I'm pretty sure Samurai love there 25k+ crits, so...

I'm not giving up on Monk, but I'm glad I leveled Ninja so I could at least have more fun while playing. I don't dislike the Greased Lightning mechanic thematically, but boss transitions make the job super frustrating.

That said, I'm done leveling combat roles for at least a few months. >_>


I guess you have to learn a single target and AOE mudra set? Like Fuma > Raiton > Suiton and Fuma > Katon > Doton seem to be the best for each.

Ninja seems to have got it good once again this xpac.
Yes, basically you just do Ten (ninjutsu) Chi (Ninjutsu) Jin (Ninjutsu) for Fuma Raiton Suiton or Jin (Ninjutsu) Ten (Ninjutsu) Chi (Ninjutsu) for Fuma Katon Doton. The rest of the combinations are fairly worthless.

Worth mentioning that the AOE rotation isn't bad for single target if the boss is going to stay in Doton (it's 60 more potency). Ideally, after your opener, you still want to use Ten Chi Jin to setup Trick Attack though, but there's a bit of flexibility for optimization.


Alright, I've hit 50 and finished the 2.0 MSQ. It now looks like I have more than a hundred MSQs before I can even touch Heavensward. The consensus seems to be that most of these quests are pretty terrible. Would I be missing anything to buy the ARR MSQ completion item off of the Mog Station and just watching a Youtube catch-up video, or is it worth it to spend however many hours it takes to go through it normally?

I'm at the same point, currently lvl 52 and working my way through the story quests towards unlocking Ishgard. I am pretty much just mainlining the quests and ignoring everything else. They are pretty tedious.
I don't know why they made Ten Chi Jin so clunky though, it should just fire ninjutsus on the mudras, instead of requiring additional inputs for each mudras. It's annoying enough you can't move during it, the time it takes makes it pretty messy to use on certain fights if you don't time it at the right time. It's probably worse with high ping too.

It's symptomatic of a lot of their "improvements" which ended up being clunky or poorly designed. Still ninja feels great to play at 70 and is definitely my favorite melee class, lots of stuff to do, high paced and still nice utility/damage output.


Also I was cracking up while doing the raid quests towards the end of the ARR main story line. I'd watch a cut scene and then immediately get another one as the rest of the party would have cleared al lthe trash mobs and a boss in the time It took me to watch one scene.

Had to do the raids twice just to see all the cut scenes, they were so fast that I'd get the intro for one boss and then the intro for the next hehe.


Also I was cracking up while doing the raid quests towards the end of the ARR main story line. I'd watch a cut scene and then immediately get another one as the rest of the party would have cleared al lthe trash mobs and a boss in the time It took me to watch one scene.

Had to do the raids twice just to see all the cut scenes, they were so fast that I'd get the intro for one boss and then the intro for the next hehe.

Praetorium? They stopped doing that so much after that dungeon luckily, was such a stupid design


So my GF and I had no luck clearing Royal Menagerie last night... Our opinion is that it's a trial that is easy yet hard if someone over the course of their 70 levels haven't learn mechanics...

We will try again later to see if we have better luck, how did this trial go for all of you?

On another note this last quests of SB are fucking epic, great moments, great fights awesome atmosphere, it's like every main quest as a purpose and makes sense as opposed to some earlier Main Scenario quests that were fluff and crap.


Hagakure + Shinten spam is better when you have 3 Sen.

Yeah read the post the person linked. Interesting stuff. Can't say reading it will stop me using Midare's though. But I already weave in a boat tonne of shintens anyway. Them and my DOT and the lv 70 move (can't remember the name) buffed are my priority to build.

I'm literally always 3rd, often 2nd and pulling from the OT in Lakshmi ex though, even with using diversion whenever it's up. So i don't think my dps output is a problem, and not using Midare's is just lame. They're so cool.
Yeah read the post the person linked. Interesting stuff. Can't say reading it will stop me using Midare's though. But I already weave in a boat tonne of shintens anyway. Them and my DOT and the lv 70 move (can't remember the name) buffed are my priority to build.

I'm literally always 3rd, often 2nd and pulling from the OT in Lakshmi ex though, even with using diversion whenever it's up. So i don't think my dps output is a problem, and not using Midare's is just lame. They're so cool.

Well, you want to use Hagakure as soon is up, so not always lines up with 3 sen. So plenty of times to use midare, anyway.


Right now I'm doing Level 30 Quests, I'm
on my way to deal with the Kobolds
. Can someone tell me how far I am into the ARR story and how much more I have to do before reaching Heavensward?


Whats the deal with Rings and stuff? I'm getting some as quest rewards at my level (42) that are considerably worse than the ones my character started with. Am I missing some important stat that actually means they're better and I'm stupid?


A lv 42 ring ring should be better than a lv1 ring. While accessories don't have attack/defense the secondary stats they give (crit determination direct hit) are better on higher level ones. While the lv1 ring might have more secondary stats, the lv 42 one gives more of the stats you need for your class.
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