Stone Ocean
Scob and Fcob clear rates dropped off a cliff compared fo Coil because of that.And yet even with T9 clear being a requirement people raided Final Coil. *shrug* With the way they seem to want to tune Savage content now it doesn't seem like that onerous a requirement.
I mean, single player rpg's sometimes have special endings you get for grinding out content. What's wrong with throwing a bone like that to the people who put on the grind to clear savage? You would still get the good story ending for normal.
I'm not arguing against extra story content, but gating Savage raids behind beating the tier before is something they stopped doing for a reason. It's stupid and only serves to constrict the raiding community even further. If Creator was gated behind people being able to beat A8S 95% of the people that got through it wouldn't have even stepped on A9S. It also makes getting into Savage raiding much harder because if you weren't playing during the tier you'll have a really hard time trying to get a clear off obsolete raids. I say this as someone who tried to get into raiding for the first time during Scob but guess what I couldn't beat Twintania because the only people still running T5 at the time were no bonus farm parties.