I'm not minimizing it, because that's the opposite of how these two secondaries scale.--You need to stack Crit to start getting meaningful benefits, and the breakpoints listed are the current estimates of how much Crit you need to stack to make it worth melding any. Crit will get more valuable as the expansion continues, but currently at the start it is the least valuable. Crit got an actual flat nerf in SB; it's down to 40% damage boost from the 45% it was at in HW, so you have to stack a bunch of Crit before you get back to where 0 additional Crit was in HW. They've kicked the 'worth it' can for Crit down the road.
DHit is linear. Stacking it doesn't do anything meaningful, and adding 40 DHit at 3,000 DHit is the exact same 1% DHit chance adding 40 DHit at 0 DHit is. It will get worse over the course of the expansion as Crit crosses thresholds and its gains overtake, but the entire point is that right now when secondary budgets are at their most limited, DHit is more valuable. As we progress down the road, if secondary inflation is high, Crit will eventually overtake it. But currently it's literally impossible to stack enough Crit to overtake DHit's linear scaling.