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Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood |OT| Y'all Need to Calm Down


They need a 51-59 roulette with an EXP bonus or something.

Yeah that would be good. I don't think I will ever do levelling roulette again 'cause forget doing Sastasha or Toto Rak in this day and age. I would if it would was just HW/SB dungeons but that would defeat their goal with that roulette I think.

Shy Fingers

Yeah that would be good. I don't think I will ever do levelling roulette again 'cause forget doing Sastasha or Toto Rak in this day and age. I would if it would was just HW/SB dungeons but that would defeat their goal with that roulette I think.

Can always queue up as adventurerer in need for that grade vi materia!


Dungeons tend to overtake PotD in the back half of the 50s if you can get non-DPS queues; buddy system and queue carry swapping is still the least painful way to get DPS leveled up if you're planning to level a tank or healer at some point anyway, plus it means you're guaranteed at least one non-potato DPS in the group. People do seem to have gotten no better at The Aery and actually worse at Vault--nobody even tries to stun Black Nebula anymore, even if they're pulling in extra packs--but everything nerfed so it works out.

Queue times aside, dungeon experience for the HW dungeons isn't in an awful place. It could probably use a slight bump to Vault, just because the entire dungeon is annoying, but Gubal is still sub two and a half runs for the level.


Whaaaa? Shirk is amazing! No reason not to have it in fights with tank swaps...or if that PuG healer is getting a little lippy >_>

Yeah, I have it, I just haven't been in a situation where a Provoke / having my hard-enmity hitter ready wasn't enough. I like that second option, though, hadn't thought of that, lol.
Dungeons tend to overtake PotD in the back half of the 50s if you can get non-DPS queues; buddy system and queue carry swapping is still the least painful way to get DPS leveled up if you're planning to level a tank or healer at some point anyway, plus it means you're guaranteed at least one non-potato DPS in the group. People do seem to have gotten no better at The Aery and actually worse at Vault--nobody even tries to stun Black Nebula anymore, even if they're pulling in extra packs--but everything nerfed so it works out.

Queue times aside, dungeon experience for the HW dungeons isn't in an awful place. It could probably use a slight bump to Vault, just because the entire dungeon is annoying, but Gubal is still sub two and a half runs for the level.

Dungeons might beat potd if you get good groups, but the people I've been getting in leveling roulette and stuff makes me think it'd be a lot slower.

PotD can't really be super slow, it can be slower if you play a class that's not so great but otherwise goes pretty fast even with meh players, although once in a while you get the really bad group. HW dungeons is a mixed bag, they're all very easy but you get a lot of RDM/SAMs in the free white 50 armor+weapon and some people with just missing pieces and stuff from boosted potions.

They should boost xp in these dungeons though definitely. Give at least some good options other than PotD, and it's not like people will do them over the 61dungeon once they get there even if it's boosted cause the xp scales are way different past 60.


Neo Member
For PS4 players: the latest PS4 system update fixes the "redownload the whole game" bug.

Which is fortunate as I had it last night and it wrote a couple of hours off. Now I just need to decide whether to stick with my WHM or switch to AST.


All the buzz finally convinced me to pick up a copy of this. I'm only about 15 now on my lancer, but when do things pick up? The beginning is reaaaallllly slow.
Are there still attacks going on or is my internet just being shit?

I dunno but I was thinking it was me because the game doesn't want me to raise a tank, but the past few nights I've had some ugly lag. Been looking at my router pretty hard, though, because I did some settings/firmware changes to it around the same time. But, then, my wife doesn't seem to be having issues, so it's hard to tell.

Guess Who

All the buzz finally convinced me to pick up a copy of this. I'm only about 15 now on my lancer, but when do things pick up? The beginning is reaaaallllly slow.

If you're at 15, you're right about at the point where you can access all three city-states and start doing dungeons.


If you're at 15, you're right about at the point where you can access all three city-states and start doing dungeons.

Yeah, I believe I unlocked those yesterday along with leves and a couple other things right before I called it a night. Does the story pick up around then too?


Bad thing about this 2x EXP buff is that my Job level is so far above my MSQ that I never get to use any of my cool new skills in my latest dungeons for a long time because they're 15+ levels higher :(


Which is fortunate as I had it last night and it wrote a couple of hours off. Now I just need to decide whether to stick with my WHM or switch to AST.
Both are fine. Myself and a few others here main AST now. I was SCH since 2.0. The whole WHM IS DEAD thing has blown over and it's a pretty damn good class. Practically infinite MP, solid damage, pure healing with little utility or mitigation. They need a few tweaks and fixes here and there, the most notable being some heavy changes to Confession Stacks / Plenary Indulgence. The 4.0 WHM gauge feels useless to many, you could honestly turn it off and never notice a difference. Hopefully the 4.05 balance patch fixes things.

AST brings a lot of utility with being able to swap Sects so you're not screwed if you get any other healer, boosting damage and defense, renewing resources, speeding up attacks or shortening cooldosns. It kinda depends on if you want just raw healing power or utility and heals. WHM is simpler in terms of what you're managing, AST has more things to pay attention to such as cards, timers, buffs, etc. You could go either way and be welcome in any group.

I say do both so you have options.


Dungeons might beat potd if you get good groups, but the people I've been getting in leveling roulette and stuff makes me think it'd be a lot slower.

It hasnt been that bad if you go the buddy system route, since it means either the tank or healer is a known quantity, as is one of the DPS. I took my (pretty badly geared) alt from WHM 56-60 over the past couple of days queueing up with a SAM and our average run was still about 20 minutes. Even with the influx of badly geared RDM players who were obviously fresh from PotD (Zone in to vault, "Oh, I'm a little under geared for this. Oh well.", they are still in the starter RDM i115. ofc.)

You get the standard tanks that don't really think about their pulls (PULL EVERYTHING before the first Aery boss, then randomly get timid about pulling Broodlings while also failing to move them out of big dragon waking range/randomly rotating the second Vault boss to point at the healer/whatever), the occasional AFK DPS, but I don't think we had any truly dire runs and half the party working to smooth out the run helps a lot.

I could see making a case for flipping back to PotD for even levels, when chain bonus makes dungeons less valuable, but by the time you hit Gubal even a bad dungeon run should be noticeably ahead.
I'm not minimizing it, because that's the opposite of how these two secondaries scale.--You need to stack Crit to start getting meaningful benefits, and the breakpoints listed are the current estimates of how much Crit you need to stack to make it worth melding any. Crit will get more valuable as the expansion continues, but currently at the start it is the least valuable. Crit got an actual flat nerf in SB; it's down to 40% damage boost from the 45% it was at in HW, so you have to stack a bunch of Crit before you get back to where 0 additional Crit was in HW. They've kicked the 'worth it' can for Crit down the road.

DHit is linear. Stacking it doesn't do anything meaningful, and adding 40 DHit at 3,000 DHit is the exact same 1% DHit chance adding 40 DHit at 0 DHit is. It will get worse over the course of the expansion as Crit crosses thresholds and its gains overtake, but the entire point is that right now when secondary budgets are at their most limited, DHit is more valuable. As we progress down the road, if secondary inflation is high, Crit will eventually overtake it. But currently it's literally impossible to stack enough Crit to overtake DHit's linear scaling.
I re-read the data and comments and I misread parts of it. While DHit is linear, you still need to get a large enough minimum for its percentage to be far ahead of crit. For example, if crit were to have a higher proc rate with your gear set, you have to consider melding crit (ninja gear is a applicable example).

While I'll likely end up with a combination of DHit/Crit/Tenacity, I'm excited for when the modifiers come out for each class.


Thing about dungeons is you actually get to play your job. In PotD everything dies in a few second except the bosses so you never really get to play the job you are learning fully. That plus gear means dungeons will always be preferable to me.

Then there's PVP which I have been doing for the mount as well but is becoming a bit soul-destroying. Like, how can I be on the losing team EVERY SINGLE TIME?? I can't be that bad surely to bring the whole alliance down EVERY TIME. I am still gathering data but it seems like on Odin, Mael do win a lot so I might make a switch and not queue freelancer. Sorry, Raubahn...


In a game where you can have separate first and last names, the possibilities for great names are endless.

But everyone picks random japanese names.



In a game where you can have separate first and last names, the possibilities for great names are endless.

But everyone picks random japanese names.


You see sooo many people with either Sasuke or Uchiha in their name...

My name is pretty awful as well to be fair, wish could change it
My character's name is a super lore friendly Xaela name

That is because I just fucking hit the random name generator because coming up with good names and last names are a pain in the ass. So here I am, a Migo'te member of the Qestir clan.


Kind of. ARR has a pretty slow ramp-up. It starts to pick up at around 16ish when you start your first dungeons (which are pretty, but fairly boring), and then the plot gets going at 20ish.

It stays at around that pace until around 40ish, when it picks up more until you finish the vanilla 2.0 content, then gets a little slow again until 2.4, where the story really start going hard because it's leading into Heavensward. Then once you hit Heavensward it's almost all excellent stuff (except for one infamously bad area) all the way through to the end of Stormblood.

Awesome, thanks. It's not bad because the combat and such are still pretty fun, but it's good to hear the plot picks up soon.


I re-read the data and comments and I misread parts of it. While DHit is linear, you still need to get a large enough minimum for its percentage to be far ahead of crit. For example, if crit were to have a higher proc rate with your gear set, you have to consider melding crit (ninja gear is a applicable example).

While I'll likely end up with a combination of DHit/Crit/Tenacity, I'm excited for when the modifiers come out for each class.

The NIN set comes close, but I'm not sure even that example hits the breakpoint, and it's sort of misleading in general because they went to a gear level where nobody has any choices, and picked the job with the most native crit. In practice we'll have gear choices at-level, and the most relevant thing to come out of this is that the HW prevailing instinct of 'whatever has crit on it' isn't the clear winner. Unless everybody ends up with both raid and tome gear having crit on them, it should end up being possible to gear around crit and thus not be forced into melding crit.

There's still no Dhit minimum--it's linear and expressly receives absolutely no benefit from any other Dhit you already have. Adding 40 Dhit to a 0 Dhit build is the exact same overall damage gain as adding 40 Dhit to a 3000 Dhit build. It's how much crit you have is the deciding factor in the breakpoint, irrespective of how much dhit you have--adding 40 crit to a 4,000 crit build is substantially more valuable than 40 on a 0 crit build and thus crit has to be considered in relationship to how much you already have. But that's not ever going to be a concern for DHit.
In a game where you can have separate first and last names, the possibilities for great names are endless.

But everyone picks random japanese names.


And yet, I went with something, ended up changing it to what you see here because when I created the original name I was pretty sure that for whatever reason it was already taken.

Then I stopped caring.

But yes, I see a LOT of Naruto/Bleach/One Piece "inspired" names. At least with this system we're generally not subjected to xXSSJ5TidusExtremeXx or whatever.


Now it looks like I'm getting timeouts right at the beginning of my tracert to the servers. It's just weird that it doesn't happen for any other game, and it didn't affect me a few months ago.

Might have to just give up on being able to play it, which sucks. I'll try messing around with the router when I have access to it (it's in my downstairs' neighbor's place).


Glassfille Bernstein!

I'm thinking, kind of, of getting back into the game. Except I don't remember where I left off. Some snowy place at around level 38 or something. I never even finished the base game. It feels kind of intimidating having to go back to it and basically having to learn how to play all over again.
So fellow healers... What should I be using for materia nowadays? It might depend on the job but I will have 2 healers at 70 soon (AST and SCH) so I can't really have multiple sets of the same gear. I might also level my white mage up later too.

So what should I be focusing on? Do people will put VIT in accessories as healers? How about for other pieces?



So fellow healers... What should I be using for materia nowadays? It might depend on the job but I will have 2 healers at 70 soon (AST and SCH) so I can't really have multiple sets of the same gear. I might also level my white mage up later too.

So what should I be focusing on? Do people will put VIT in accessories as healers? How about for other pieces?

We did VIT for A4S / A8S I believe.
That kind of tuning will likely never happen again.

If you're going AST / SCH, crit will work well for both. You can fill in Spellspeed or Piety if needed on pieces that are maxed on crit. I haven't touched DHIT yet.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
So usually with my main Job the Bard I try to get the latest Gear Pieces but thinking on it now isn't a better choice to keep mostly Ala Mhigan Gear over the Omega Gear?

My reasoning is that shouldn't a Bard want as much as Critical Hit as possible to try to get more procs more often? Because it seems to me like the Best Gear Set for a Bard as far as stacking Critical Hit is:

Susano's Greatbow
Antiquated Storyteller's Chapeau
Ala Mhigan Coat of Aiming
Genta Kote of Aiming
Ala Mhigan Belt of Aiming
Ala Mhigan Skirt of Aiming
Antiquated Storyteller's Boots

Genta Earrings of Aiming
Genta Necklace of Aiming
Lakshmi's Bracelet of Aiming
Ala Mhigan Ring of Aiming
Imperial Jade Armillae of Aiming (HQ)

Or I'm looking at this wrong and it's better to go for the Higher iLv Gear that gives Direct Hit instead and just meld in Critical Hit points into the Armor pieces through the Savage Aim Materia VI?

I would like some input regarding this matter because I got 3 more Jobs asking for Gear and I really got to make sure my Omega Tokens aren't wasted.


Whats selling well gathering wise in SB right now? Any class is fine, prefer non-unspoiled because I've had enough of it for a while.


Free trial not working for me. Trying to click the "sign up now" banner here and nothing happens: http://freetrial.finalfantasyxiv.com/gb/

I then registered a new account here https://secure.square-enix.com/account/app/svc/mogstation/ and I can't login into the game launcher because it complains that the "service account is not registered" even though I followed the steps....I also have a "Confirmation Code" sent to my email but nowhere does it say where to use it. It's not the long "registration code" either.


Guess Who

So usually with my main Job the Bard I try to get the latest Gear Pieces but thinking on it now isn't a better choice to keep mostly Ala Mhigan Gear over the Omega Gear?

My reasoning is that shouldn't a Bard want as much as Critical Hit as possible to try to get more procs more often? Because it seems to me like the Best Gear Set for a Bard as far as stacking Critical Hit is:

Susano's Greatbow
Antiquated Storyteller's Chapeau
Ala Mhigan Coat of Aiming
Genta Kote of Aiming
Ala Mhigan Belt of Aiming
Ala Mhigan Skirt of Aiming
Antiquated Storyteller's Boots

Genta Earrings of Aiming
Genta Necklace of Aiming
Lakshmi's Bracelet of Aiming
Ala Mhigan Ring of Aiming
Imperial Jade Armillae of Aiming (HQ)

Or I'm looking at this wrong and it's better to go for the Higher iLv Gear that gives Direct Hit instead and just meld in Critical Hit points into the Armor pieces through the Savage Aim Materia VI?

I would like some input regarding this matter because I got 3 more Jobs asking for Gear and I really got to make sure my Omega Tokens aren't wasted.

Main stat vastly outweighs all substats. You'd need hella substats to make up for the loss of going from ilvl 320 dexterity levels to 310 (and especially 300/290)


It's also worth noting we're literally a week out from getting the new tome set, which will be higher iLevel and have other secondaries, and potentially another crafted set, as well as the raid set.

There's no point in trying to BiS out of current gear unless you're going to hardcore push prog the second Omega drops, and if you're doing that you've probably also got crafters at the ready to craft full sets of everything at server-up.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
Main stat vastly outweighs all substats. You'd need hella substats to make up for the loss of going from ilvl 320 dexterity levels to 310 (and especially 300/290)
Oh right I completely forgot about Dexterity while thinking about this! I guess I will aim for the latest gear with the new tomes next week and just meld in for Critical Hit.

On that note considering that I haven't tried this since 2.2 for a Crafting Set is it still possible to over meld more Materia into a Gear Piece past the initial two open Materia Slots? If yes does it still require the appropriate Crafter to do it? Because I don't see the option with those Materia Melders NPCs.


Oh right I completely forgot about Dexterity while thinking about this! I guess I will aim for the latest gear with the new tomes next week and just meld in for Critical Hit.

On that note considering that I haven't tried this since 2.2 for a Crafting Set is it still possible to over meld more Materia into a Gear Piece past the initial two open Materia Slots? If yes does it still require the appropriate Crafter to do it? Because I don't see the option with those Materia Melders NPCs.
not on blue gear. on the crafted gear coming next week it will be
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